Title: The Life You Never Expected

Author: leytonunit930

Disclaimer: If I owned OTH, I'd make sure that Peyton and Lucas were together.

Summary: Peyton and Lucas finally got married and are living their happily ever after ending, or are they? After eleven months of being married, Peyton suddenly leaves Lucas leaving Lucas and the whole OTH gang stunned. Fourteen years later, Peyton meets up with Lucas and he realizes that she's not alone. (Leyton)

Chapter 1: Reminiscing

"Mom, where's my Beatle's t-shirt, you know the black one that-"

"I don't know Em, check in your closet, and hurry up because I'm gonna be late."

"Mom, I need it-

"Em, I don't know, can't you just wear something else. I'm gonna be late for my meeting and I still have to drop you off at Nana's house. You know how important this meeting is."

"Yea, mom. I'm ready to go."

"Do you have your i-pod, your phone, and your-"

Emily, an exact replica of her mother except for her eyes groaned.

"Yes Mom, I have everything. Come on, you're gonna be late and that's not gonna be my fault is it?"

"Come on; let's go before I have to hear any more of your smart alec comments."


Glancing at her watch again and then looking out her window at the sluggish traffic, Peyton groaned knowing that she would be late to this meeting. Peyton wouldn't get fired if she was late, but today, she would be introduced to a group of money big-shots (in the words of her daughter) who wanted to merge the two companies. If they did merge, Peyton, being vice-president would have to survey the other company and she would most likely be in charge there until they found someone permanent. Beeping her horn, at an ongoing car, she remembered the day her car broke down and she first met him- Lucas Scott.


"Well, Nathan, can't you just leave the gym? Is it that important? Fine, it won't take you more than 10 minutes. Nathan, fine. I'll call Brooke to pick me up since basketball is so important. Thanks a lot Nathan"

"Well, I can definitely tell you, your car isn't going to be working soon. Your engine's messed up. I'm gonna have to take it back to the shop." Lucas said to Peyton.

"Okay. How long is it going to take though to get it fixed?"

"Depends on how bad your engine is. Do you need a ride?"

"No, I've got one."

"Really, I don't see anyone here." Lucas looked at her with a smirk on his face.

"Fine, I really don't have a ride." Peyton finally admitted.

"That's what I thought. I can give you one."

"And what do you want in return?"

"Nothing, how about a decent conversation."


"Like how you're a cheerleader when you seem depressed all the time or how you listen to Dashboard Confessional while everyone else listens to Avril Lavinge."

"I'm guessing the weather is too much of a risky topic." Peyton said, while rolling her eyes.

End Flashback


On the day of her mom's death anniversary, she went to her mom's grave and saw Lucas there.

"What are you doing here?" Peyton said.

"I'm here because I know that you're hurting and I don't want you to feel like you're alone through this... I hate seeing you so upset every year. I love you Peyton and when I see you upset, I want to do everything I possibly can, to see that smile of yours. I know you probably think I'm crazy and I'm rushing things, but the thing is: every day I'm with you, I'm falling more in love with that broody cheerleader I met last year.

End Flashback

Why couldn't their relationship be like that forever? It was so hard to have a constant, living reminder of him: their daughter. She hated him, well she was supposed to. She still loved him, she didn't want to, but she still did. He made her feel wanted and safe. He showed her that she was capable of being loved, that is until he became too obsessed with basketball. He felt that he had to prove that he was the best when it came to that game. He told her that she was his first priority, but she felt that she was being pushed down that list once training started. It was all because of Dan Scott, Lucas's father.

Dan always taunted Lucas that he would never be better than him and how weak Lucas was. Peyton hated, no despised this man. She hated his every fiber, his very soul. He told her that Lucas would have been better off without Peyton. He told her that this was what Lucas wanted, but that Lucas didn't have enough courage and guts to tell Peyton that. He also told Peyton that Lucas didn't want to be a father yet. He knew, that's all Peyton could think about. Lucas knew.

Time and time again, he told her that he loved her and that he didn't want to be like his father. But it was all a lie, a lie he told her, a lie she would never forget. She packed all her stuff, called for a cab, and headed to the airport. She left Dan a note to give to Lucas that explained her anger towards him. He took it and told her that what she was doing was all for the best.

Now, fourteen years later, Peyton lived in New York., working for a magazine as an artist. But the big thing of it all, was that she now had a daughter, the baby she carried when leaving Tree Hill. Emily, her daughter was a reminder of her past, and her future. After getting her first ultrasound and seeing her baby, Peyton put the past behind her and started working at the Magazine Company called The Scene. Finishing her college degree at Tree Hill helped Peyton advance in her career and she was now chief artist of the company.

Earning good pay, Peyton was able to purchase a flat for her and Emily. She contacted Ellie, who was living in New York and was in remission of cancer and they began talking. When Ellie found out that Peyton had a daughter, she bought the flat next door to them and took care of Emily when Peyton went to work. Peyton never wanted this to happen to her or to Emily or even to Luke. She wanted the house with the white fence. She wanted to know why Lucas didn't love her anymore. She wanted Lucas to meet Emily. But most of all, she wanted them all to be a family.

A/N: Thanks to my beta and best friend Christine!