Disclaimer: I do not own nothing except my OCs, I guess..I don't own Ice Age either.

Chapter 15: Do You Love Me?

If one was to check the time in the keybearer's own world, it would be around 4 to 5 PM. So in other words, it was only a few hours away of being nighttime, by the time the huge herd had made their way to the open earth. Sid took in a deep breath and grinned brightly.

"Finally! Land Ho!" He exclaimed. Kat giggled and watched the sloth head enthusiastically to the fields, her following in suit. Ellie giggled a bit and murmured to herself. "They're so cute…"

Crash and Eddie snickered a bit, sliding down to their sister's tusks, watching the two. Ren was sitting directly on top of Ellie's head, smiling softly, though her mind was confused right now. So many thoughts were going through her head, things that made her very confused.

Meanwhile, Diego snickered and said to Manny. "I didn't BELIEVE I'd see the day the knucklehead actually getting a mate." He commented. Manny snorted slightly and said with a smirk. "Me neither, shocker, isn't it?" He added in, causing the two buddies to laugh a bit. They liked to pick fun at the sloth, but of course, they cared about Sid just like any other member in the herd.

Mile walked along, more silently then the others, and he smiled a bit at Kat and her going off with Sid up ahead. He mentally decided that he'd talk to her later once everyone settled down. Den was frowning, though he calmed down, no longer worried. Except when Mile made a certain comment he got a bit ticked.

"Why do they make these kind of rules, they're so…stupid." Mile said dully. Den rolled his eyes and said, his voice piping up slightly. "Its so nitwits like yourself don't do anything to mess up the flow of these words. Course, your so friendly-like, its hard for you NOT to."

It was Mile's turn to roll his eyes, though it was true. He got so attached to the worlds he went to, he kind of didn't want to leave, and he also wanted to solve all of their problems. But of course, considering there're more key-bearers now, there has to be rules. Sora was the exception because he was one of the first key blade masters, and was the one who had saved the universe more then once with the help of his pals Donald and Goofy.

Mile remembered how he used to idolize Sora and Riku, considering they were like the most legendary fighters and saviors ever known. But now, these new key-bearers don't even have as much freedom as they had, it seemed kind of unfair. But those were…the rules.

Rules…the rules did say not to get into the worlds' problems all that much, if at all, but Mile's group did anyways. A huge example was Sid and Kat. They were happy as could be, yes, but…

"Hmm…Den, you can't really say this is against rights…" Mile commented. The Aardvark glanced at him oddly, then the saber continued. "I mean they aren't getting into the world's problems. I haven't even seen ANY, other then finding a new place to live, and I barely helped with that." He finished.

Den was silent, then grunted saying. "It is interfering. Sid needs a mate and Kat filled herself for that role." He said. He didn't WANT to be mean, he just felt he had to be the tough, stern one of the group, because the others can be hard-headed at times. He then sighed and cracked a tiny smile.

"And as I said, this would only work if she split from the team, and stayed HERE…it seems clear as crystal, what she'll decide on at the end…" Den said softly. He really didn't want to split with Kat, she was a really filling role in the team, and a good friend. He made what he just said sound like he knows she won't stay.

Mile was now silent, making both of them that way. They then paid attention as everyone started walking towards the group's earlier campsite, and the same place Mile had encountered the Nobody. Sid crossed his arms, far ahead with Kat, and asked curiously and a bit nervously. "You don't think that white thingy is still there, do ya?" Kat glanced at him, and giggled, stating with a smirk.


Sid shook his head wildly, wanting to act…'brave' and courageous in front of this sloth he likes oh so much. "No way!" He exclaimed, that being all he said. Kat simply smiled and kissed him on the cheek, making him blush slightly as the old campsite Mile and company were staying was in view.

"Finally, I could use a rest…" Manny muttered as it came into view for him and the others. Ellie giggled and poked him with her trunk, smiling cutely. "Aw come on, the trip wasn't THAT bad." She said. A few seconds after she said that, they gave each other glances, then laughed. They laughed because the knew there were quite a few life-threatening moments, that they were now getting accustomed to.

"Well, it was…exciting, I guess." Manny admitted with a light chuckle, Ellie giggling a bit more in response. It was true, things have gotten exciting with Mile and his friends along. Heck, this was almost making the meltdown pale in comparison.

Sid and Kat sat down on the rocks, smiling as Manny and Ellie passed by, along with the possums, Diego, and then Mile and Den from behind. Kat jumped down when she could, looking at her two fellow teammates with a smile. The two smiled back, though Den's smile was a bit lighter.

"Finally some R&R…" Mile commented. Kat snickered and smirked, crossing her arms. "You honestly can't tell me you've had enough." She said. Den also snickered, as the saber looked away, embarrassed. "Just TIRED, so much dang walking…" He said, then quickly scuttled past Kat before she could counter-attack. Den looked at Kat for a while, until the point she found it a bit…creepy.

"Um, you okay Den?" She asked curiously. The aardvark sighed softly and nodded, making an assuring smile. "Yeah, I'm fine." He said softly. Kat put her hands on her hips and said with a stern look. "No you aren't." She said simply.

Denvis sweated a bit, then groaned, saying again this time a bit louder. "I told you I'm fine." He told her. Kat rolled her eyes and chuckled, though she had a guess on what was wrong. She knew he was being really offish.

"Okay then…" Was all she could say. She didn't want to push it, but she DID know that something was wrong. He wasn't normally like this. She then walked over to Sid, wrapping her arm around his again, making him smile more. He liked being this close to Kat, it made him feel loved and special.

As Kat wrapped her arms around Sid's, she thought about what could be, and what was the most likely reason why Den seemed offish, especially around Sid. She sighed softly, Kat was aware just like the rest of them what consequences were for meddling in various worlds to this magnitude. You date one, you date someone in another world, your practically an important part to both of them then. If a relationship like this was to occur, Kat would HAVE to stay here, she'll officially be 'part of the world'.

'Do I like Sid that much to stay here and lose everything…?' She wondered to herself, a bit sadly. Sid noticed her face, and nuzzled her gently, making her lose track of her thoughts and look at him. "You okay?" He asked softly. Kat glanced at the sloth, and smiled softly, nodding her head.

"Kind of, I just got a lot on my mind." She said honestly. Sid smiled, rather sheepishly, hugging her again as he responded.


Den watched them oddly as they hugged, wondering if he should say anything. He wanted to, he just wasn't sure how. He then went 'what the heck', and started walking over, thinking this has gone on long enough. He cared about his friends a lot, maybe he was doing this because he wanted to continue traveling and being with them…

"Hehe, Crash you're so weird." Came a voice. Den turned his head, and to his surprise, he saw Crash and Eddie jumping down and ending up landing in some mud, some of it splattering on Manny's fur as they laughed. The mammoth grunted and said with a glare at the two.

"Weird isn't the half of it." Was all he could say. Ren giggled some more, jumping down next to them, avoiding the mud as she placed her hands on her hips. Ellie was watching this with amusement.

"You know, if you want to impress girls, maybe you should jump less in the mud, and stay more on the clean side?" She suggested. Crash and Eddie glanced at each other, then back at her, as if she was insane. Then, suddenly, something snapped in Crash's head. He grinned a bit, walking a little closer.

"Do you like guys if they're clean?" He asked. Den immediately went into 'death-glare' mode, although it wasn't seen by anyone as his sister chuckled. She flicked Crash on the forehead, albeit playfully, stating.

"Yes, girls find cleanliness to be a good thing." And with that, she walked off playfully, leaving the two a bit stunned. Then, they started whispering to each other, which perked the Aardvark's interest.

However, he was distracted as Mile spoke up, catching everyone's attention. "So guys, tomorrow we'll start searching for Zeke. After we beat him…" The saber sighed a bit as he remembered how he nearly got trounced. "Me and whoever else is coming will be leaving this world."

Everyone was wide-eyed at this. This was so sudden, out of the blue. They all knew the four were from another world, another dimension even, but…

"Wait, what do you mean 'whoever else', its going to be all of us, is it not?" Den countered with a raise brow, trying to see if Mile was accepting Kat's decision. Diego seemed to growl a bit at this, and even Sid seemed a bit upset. Den was being awfully…well…awful, which in the other worlds, was really strange. He was normally just protective of his sister..

"If anyone wants to stay, they can," Mile replied, ignoring the Aardvark's agitated look as he continued. "After-all, it was suggested someone should stay on the world, just in case something like in Sora's adventures happened again." Obviously he was mentioning when during the legendary team's absence, heartless had started overwhelming a lot of the worlds again, along with Organization XIII who showed their faces here and there.

Denvis however, was not pleased. "They SUGGESTED, not REQUIRED."

"Its their decisions if they want to stay or not!"

"That's it!" Den was at his boiling point now, tackling Mile as they started fighting…or slashing at each other, all at once, rolling around. Manny and Diego both exchanged looks, finding this strange, before they each said.

"They're insane." They said in unison, especially aiming towards Den's constantly changing behavior and thoughts. Kat frowned and winced a bit, then grabbed Sid's arm, whispering to him.

"Let's find somewhere more private." She then started dragging him away, the sloth surprised, but not saying a word as he headed off in another direction with her. None of them noticed, and Ellie was glancing at her mate worriedly as she asked.

"Shouldn't you stop them?"

Manny looked at her, then back at the two fighting quadrupeds, then back at her again. Then, with a slight smirk, he responded. "Well I could, but there's nothing better to see or do."


"Hey Kat, what's up?" Sid asked as she dragged him to a more deserted area of the plains, where there were few rock formation surrounding them, just like at their campsite. The female had a worried look on her face as she looked around, making sure no one was listening in or was around, for that matter.

She decided she wanted to talk to him about their relationship, and what they needed to do…she looked at him bravely, taking a breath, then…

"Sid…we need to talk."

Oh boy, that tone, that look…Sid didn't like it one bit. She seemed…distressed for some reason, he was suddenly feeling worried inside…

"Y-Yes?" He asked, looking at her, trying to look tough. But his feelings were obviously showing, at least to Kat, and she gulped a bit. She didn't want to break up with him, her feelings for him were…

"Well, you see…there were…rules. They said that we couldn't interfere with the natural lives of others, at least, not something as drastic as say, a relationship." She explained. Sid's hand shook a bit. He was thinking he knew…he was just guessing he knew what was going to be said next..

"And, the reason Den is acting so strange, is because he only cares about the team, and us, his friends…I think he just can't stand the thought of one of us leaving.." She continued. Sid bit his lip, nodding his head slowly, understanding what she was saying. He was about to say, 'just say it', when all of a sudden..

"But…he's going to have to because I decided…I'm going to stay here with you." She finished. Her heartbeat was racing, fingers twitching a bit. Sid's eyes had widened at this…what did she just say?

"You're…s-staying…?" Sid stammered, astonished. Kat nodded sheepishly, blushing a bit.

"Yeah…I…haven't said this to you yet Sid but…" She started, inching close to him. Sid watched as she adjusted her head to look at him, their eyes locked on each other for a while.

"I…think I love you…"

Sid nearly fell over, surprised by what she said. His mind was racing, even as her head inched closer to his. She loved him? She was going to stay? Why would she stay here just for 'him'? All of these questions, but not one escaping his lips, as he was only able to say back.

"I love you too Kat.." He replied, wrapping his arms around her. Kat sighed happily at his response, moving up and kissing him. This wasn't like the past kiss, oh no, since there wasn't no rush this time. Sid embraced her, kissing her back, eyes closing as well as hers as they just enjoyed the moment..

'I can't believe she loves me…! I finally got a mate…HA TO YOU MANNY! DIEGO!' Sid was thinking, his lips forming into a grin. The sloth figured that his friends had doubts he would find a mate. Who knew that today was the day. Their thoughts about the conflict between Mile and Den were pushed aside, as the sun started hiding behind the clouds above..

Author's PN:

I realized that through my writing and wanting to do best on each chapter, I've made a few loopholes and mistakes along the path of making my story. I realized I made certain plot ideas and future ideas in the early chapters, yet I didn't read up to them till I went back to check on things. First rule, re-read your work before posting the next chapter. Heh. So I'm sorry for the confusion, i'll go over the loopholes.

First noticed one was on Chapter 5, where he admits to the organazation stating a keybearer should stay in each world. When I make an official Kingdom Hearts fic, this plot I thrown in won't be valid or true, as I realize that will cramp up the story. But I'm pondering if I should go through with this idea for THIS story, I'm not sure.

The second mistake I made was with the first few chapters. I'm sure you people have realized the swift change in personality by Manny. All honestly, when I started this fic I had saw Manny more outgoing by the end of the movie. But then I realize I was being very OOC. I plan to make some edits and changes for the earlier chapters, perhaps lengthen them a bit when I become less lazy.

Another note, if I do, do this. I WILL NOT ADD ANY LOOP-HOLES OR PLOT IDEAS THAT WILL MAKE YOU HAVE TO RE-READ THE ENTIRE STORY...I HOPE! Of course I'd be really happy if you read the whole fic over and over, hey, its what makes an enthusastic and inspired author. But I won't be mean and put stuff in, I will simply re-write so its a bit more IC.

The organazation ordeal I've mentioned is probably confusing a lot of people. First the thing in Chapter 5 then what happened in Chapter 14. I will make a small spoiler note here. The thing is, these can meld, except I realize I haven't played Mile out so he re-called the plot twist in Ch5. I will try to clear some things in Chapter 15 or 16 when I get to them, I promise...well I hope.

Then there's the thing about The space-ship that people may have seen in the movie "Ice Age", MILE ISN'T LINKED to that spaceship. A different space-ship crashed and had caused Mile to go through the caves. Sorry for the confusion.

The last thing is the many grammer errors I probably made or the repeat of words. Honestly, I don't have the GREATEST vocabulary in the world. -laughs- Sure I'm a Californian, but I rarely use those harder to remember words like 'rebuke' and such. I'm trying to extend my thoughts in writing, so please dont' blame me here. XD

Thanks for your time. Also, feel free to tell me any other plot holes you may've seen or errors/confusion. I'll be glad to answer them in the next chapter. After-all, its the readers that tend to motivate the writer the most...and also, I'm sorry this chapter took so long to put up, but I just didn't have inspiration to continue this story. To be honest, I don't have much to start Chapter 16. This chapter itself was a bit rushed...so for now, i'm going to put this fanfic on hold for a bit, and work on other things...I apologize. But if anybody can help with ideas to help me get this story done and such, or to advance it further, go right ahead. I'm all for it! Thanks.