Queen of sadism (Maddie): Hello and welcome to the third chapter of my fanfiction the boy from America! And first off, I would like to thank Kitty Elric-san and Kireirakuen-san for the reviews (I would have sent you an email with a shonen-ai pic attached but I accidentally hid the folder and can't remember how to retrieve it so as soon as I do I will email it to you)

Kat: Maddie, Maddie, Maddie; my wee little baka…I thought I told you how to unhide your folders a million times!

Maddie: Yes but I am technologically stupid! You know that! Even ask Sanzo-sensei!

Sanzo: Tch. Fuck yeah, it's true! She had about 20 pics of me on her phone and deleted them all trying to save them! And then she tripped and dropped her phone so now you can't see the screen!

Kat: -stares at Sanzo- I never thought I'd see the day when Genjyo Sanzo-sama sounded upset over having pictures of him getting deleted. –Sweat drops- But anyways, that reminds me; Maddie, isn't there something important you have to say?

Maddie: Oh yeah! I LOVE SANZO-SENSEI!

Kat: -anime sweat drop- Everyone knows that…what else is important?

Maddie: What is more important then Sensei? Oh are you talking about this: ALL FLAMES WILL BE USED TO BURN PEOPLE I HATE!

Kat: Well yes that too, but…no, baka, besides that. The disclaimer!

Maddie: Awwwwww do I have to?

Kat and Sanzo: Yes.

–Pouts– Fine I do not own DNAngel or Sanzo-sensei but I am married to sensei! (Don't even ask)


( ) means that Daisuke is thinking Dark

(( )) means that Dark is thinking to Daisuke

Italics mean that some one is thinking to themselves.


Is Daisuke cheating on Dark?

(Hey Dark, why do you think I'm being called down?) Daisuke asked the kaitou.

((Maybe you're getting an award or something, I don't know. Now let me sleep!)) Dark mumbled.

(Wait! Dark!…Dark?…DARK!) Daisuke shouted.

((Zzzzzzzz…)) The sound of Dark's snores echoed across his mind before fading away.

Ohhh great, I lost him. Oh well, I guess he needs his sleep so we can get tonight's target. Not that it's going to be that hard. I mean, I could rob them even without my training!

Daisuke soon came to the door that read, "Principal Kyo Yuki." (1)

"Um, excuse me, but…you can't go in there."

Daisuke turned around to find Risa sitting at the desk next to Mr. Yuki's door

"Why, hello Harada-chan." Daisuke said; he was a bit shaken up. "What are you doing here?"

"I need the money, so I work here during my free period," Risa replied. "And will you please stop calling me 'Harada-chan?' I'm your fiancée's sister! Call me 'Risa.'"

"Sorry Risa," Daisuke said, a little embarrassed. "Do you know when I can see Mr. Yuki?"

"He will be able to see you in a few minutes," Risa said as she started typing something on her computer. "You can sit over there while you wait."

Daisuke went over and sat in the chair feeling a little bored.

((Needs the money, my ASS! She lives in a fucking mansion! Why the hell would she need to work for the money?))

(Wha – DARK! I thought you were sleeping?)

((I was,until I heard Risa's annoyingly nasally voice,)) the kaitou muttered.

(Why do you hate Risa so much?) Daisuke asked in exasperation.

((Because she's related to that slut Riku.))

(Riku is not a slut!)

((Oh sure, you stick up for your fiancée when I insult her; but when someone does that to me, your boyfriend, you just sit there and do nothing about it.))

(That's because no one can know that I have anything to do with you, or else we'll be arrested! (2) And besides, my engagement to Riku was arranged before I was even born.)

((Well, can't you get out of it?)) Dark whined, mentally clinging to his boyfriend's arm.

(No, the Haradas won't let me get out of it unless one of us is dead.)

There was a suddenly eerie silence before Dark spoke up again. ((Hmmm…))

(Don't even think about it Dark.)

((What? One quick blow to the head and it would all be over.))


((Ok fine I swear I won't kill Riku, but what will happen when they find out you're gay?))

(We'll cross that bridge when we get to it.)

((I still hate her.))

(WILL YOU STOP OBSESSING ABOUT IT? You don't see me obsessing about your ex Krad, now do you?)

((You know that I haven't even seen Krad in over forty years, but I have to see that bitch nearly every single day.))


((So every time I look at her, it reminds me of how I can't have all of your heart,)) Dark pouted sadly. Daisuke mentally embraced him.

(Awwwwww, Dark, you know that I love you more than anything! My heart belongs to you, and only you. I am crazy about you; no one else can do what you do to me.)

Kat: stares and Maddie who is lying lifeless on the floor Oi. What happened to her?

Sanzo: I think she died from all of that fluff she put in that ending. The poor thing just couldn't handle all of that fluff; maybe if she got more reviews she might be able to get over it.

Kat: Tch. Yeah right, Buddha-boy, 'died from the fluff' MY ASS. I've drowned her with more fluff than that, and it still didn't kill her…not that I was trying… But back to the point: she's a big girl, she can handle it. –pokes Maddie's head- Come on, girlie, up you go.

(1) Yes I know that is not creative.

(2) Obviously for stealing, not for being gay!