DISCLAIMER: I'm just a penniless college sophomore to own anything this wonderful.


Hello! Though I love how Gakuen Alice a.k.a Alice Academy is all friendly and colorful, this fic is quite disturbed so please be warned. This fic came to my disturbed mind instantly when I watched the 'I Miss Grandpa' episode. I just had to write it down to rid myself of the haunting idea.

Since there are barely 20 fanfics in the Gakuen Alice category, I strongly advice people to watch it and see how fun and amusing the anime can be! Believe me, the show is worth watching. The characters are very well created. Actually, what I'm trying to say is, most male characters are scrumptious. My favorite character is the crazy bear, which never ceases to freak me out every time he'll slap Mikan's hand or give the poor girl an uppercut.

Also please excuse whatever wrong info I will write down, if ever you spot any. This is fanFICTION so cut me some slack.

The river of bittersweet memories that kept her drunkenly excited were replaced by agitated butterflies that hatched eagerly from their pupas that somehow amazingly grew in her stomach. They pounced against the walls of her tummy madly, as if wanting to get out through the flesh of her belly, and finally flutter to the man she was waiting far too long to see.

It took all her courage to finally make the decision of coming back to the academy. She somehow thought that he needed to know and feel how she really felt. Since she was fourteen, she couldn't help but hide her feelings for him and act like everything was still okay. She ventured into a relationship, thinking that what she had with him was just an infatuation but… still, the feeling remained. She even knew she loved him now, not as someone superior or respected -but as a woman would love a man. Their memories made her blush like the schoolgirl she was.

The classes in the elementary division were probably over now, Mikan thought, as her head kept glancing back and forth to confirm the time from the wall clock. Looking around and saw that no one was really around, she sneaked her hand inside her purse and took a small round yellow orb and held it across her face. Giving it a firm squeeze, she said, "Check!"

The smiley ball's eyes blinked twice and announced: "Analyzing Mikan Sakura. Currently, there are: no blemishes, no left over food in teeth, no loose strand of hair. Physical appearances ninety-nine point nine percent good! Body system: Warning! Heart is severely palpitating! See doctor quickly!"

Mikan stuffed the ball back inside her bag and rolled her eyes. "Ninety-nine percent good? Gods, Hotaru…"

Mister Smiley Ball was Hotaru's latest invention specially made for Mikan. Mikan actually just asked her best friend how she looked one afternoon and knowing the genius mechanical inventor, Hotaru gave her the ball that assessed a person's condition inside and out. Surely, the ball was accurate but Mikan was smart enough to follow the smiley's advice to see a doctor.

She wasn't dying, she knew it. She was just too nervous to see him.

"Mikan, is that you?" an effeminate but deepened voice she thought she remembered too well asked from behind.

Mikan whiffed her head to the side and grinned with delight. She hopped off the couch and turned to him. "Narumi-sensei…!" Before the man could reply, she flung herself on his arms, wrapping her arms around his neck. "Narumi-sensei… I've missed you!"

Narumi was speechless. Not only was he surprised to see her, but he was too surprised to see her.

He put his hands on her back to accept her friendly hug, tangling his fingers against the long tresses of silky hair. As she pressed her close, for a second he forgot the student she had been and closed his eyes, taking a deep breath of her sweet perfume.

Was this woman Mikan Sakura?

When Mikan left after the graduation -after much deserved studying and work for freedom, she also gave him a fatherly hug. But now Narumi was wondering why her hug now was making his body feel rather jumpy and… He mentally kicked himself before he thought of something very disturbing. But he couldn't shake off the fact that he was highly aware of her fully formed breasts that were pushed against his chest. Before he thought of anything else improper, he drew back from her head and smiled, but unconsciously kept his arms around her. "Well, I've missed you too, little Mikan." He wasn't too sure about 'little' anymore, though, that he wanted to bite his tongue and take the sentence back. But Mikan was an optimist, for it seems that his reply made her very happy. Her eyes brightened and her beautiful smile came into view. Trying hard to tear away from her eyes, he sighed asked, "What brings you to the academy? It is very seldom children want to come back and reminisce about how they have been kept from the world."

Mikan wanted to sense the statement as a joke but the evident disappointment in his face outweighed the humor he so intelligently brought up. She withdrew from his embrace and smiled faintly. "I… just wanted to visit."

"Oh," he replied, making his way to his desk and started to find something nonexistent. He needed to look like he was doing something. Well, he had to do something, at least get his mind off her scent. Off her breasts. He shook his head again. "You are staying in town then?"

Mikan nodded and sat on the sofa. "Yes."

"For how long?"

"Depends," she said, getting up on her feet, purse in hand. She turned for the door. "So, is it okay if I visit here then?"

"Of course, nothing should keep you," he replied formally, almost in a firm voice. As much as he wanted to entertain her and act all good-natured, he was having a difficult time of leading his lustful thoughts astray. His mind getting far too clever to associate many things such as sex with love, shifting his love for student to loving a student as a lover, that lusting for a student was right, Mikan was no longer a student, and he was a real man that needed something to prove that he wasn't gay, Mikan was grown up and so was he.

"Narumi-sensei… is something wrong?"

Heavens, drop the sensei, Mikan! his inner voice exclaimed. Staring at her, he just shook his head and frowned. "Why?"

"You were looking so… never mind," she said, getting hold of the doorknob. "It seems I'm taking too much of your time, sorry. See you again soon, then."

He and his body never felt more distressed as he watched her leave the teacher's lounge. He let out a breath of relief, quite surprised with himself of getting too flabbergasted of a former student's presence. Sitting with relief on the sofa, he sighed and draped an arm over his eyes. Regret filled his nerves. How come he didn't act hospitable? She might have left because of confusion and fright because of his actions. He didn't even ask things about her or who she was seeing.

Who she's seeing doesn't concern me, he corrected himself.

What must she think of me, he thought, as he stood up from the couch. He must at least see her again. He hurried out the front door and opened it. His feet had life on its own, striding hurriedly along the hallways and he was astounded as he saw her talking to a student in a distance. He suddenly had the urge to make his instincts fall in love with him for finding her quickly.

As he stood unseen by the two talkers, he kept his eyes on her smiling face, her new look and new body.

Her always pig-tailed hair was now loose behind her back and she was taller too. She was wearing a sleeveless white dress that reached below her knees. A trickle of sweat slid down his temple as he eyed her bosom. He gulped. Those were pressed against him earlier. For years he always projected of what a beautiful man he was, flaunting it every time he could and this day he flunked his gentleman nature! How could he not compliment her looks? Though she was dressed simple, had she intended it, she failed to look less stunning than she already was.

He noticed that the student she was talking to wasn't too young. He recognized the uniform to belong to the students that belonged to the academy college. He reminded himself that Mikan, though a graduate, was still young as a chick. And very pretty too. She was an eye-catcher, had her own secret and obvious admirers and suitors. Narumi felt his insides burn. His eye twitched as he recognized the student. The silver earrings, the dark hair, the perfect smile, the brown eyes that reminded him too much of Hyuga Natsume -Narumi knew that it was no ordinary student.

It was Kitane Takumi, a student who also had the human pheromone Alice. The young man was attractive too. Though he was known to be one of the rebel students of the academy, he held the grace of a nobleman. As Kitane stood taller than Mikan, Narumi could easily see the way the student stared at the woman.

Then, a foreign force hit Narumi, making its presence known in the pits of his stomach, slowly climbing its way up to his brain and finally making a registration in his emotion hotel. Jealousy whacked him harshly, twisted his heart violently hand in hand with another recent discovery of Possessiveness.

He approached the two and placed an arm around his former student, secretly giving himself a 'good-job' pat on the shoulder for giving in to temptation to feel the soft skin of her arm. He gave the student his usual but now fake smile. "Ah… I've seen you met Mikan Sakura, Takumi-chan."

Mikan blushed unexpectedly as she felt the warm arm wrap about her.

Takumi snorted as he heard the teacher's usual endearments to the students. He then raised a brow as he watched the teacher's arm loop its way around the lady's shoulders. Crossing his arms across his chest, he smirked. "Keep your silly name-calling to yourself, sensei. Besides, don't interrupt me. I'm talking to Mi-chan."

Mi-chan? He too felt the urge to be snobbish. He unconsciously began to run his hand up and down on Mikan's arm, making himself comfortable and the girl otherwise. "You should be getting to class, young man. I have to keep Sakura-san company since I failed to be the gentleman that I am when she went to the lounge."

Takumi squinted at him.

Narumi wanted to feel all safe and calm that the boy was to leave when the student took hold of Mikan's hand and raised it to his lips. He made a 'hmm' of disapproval.

"See you again, babe," he said with a wicked smile, turning to leave.

Narumi watched intently as Mikan blushed, placing the kissed hand against her chest. "The boy fancies you, I see. Are you star struck with him as well?"

Mikan laughed softly and shook her head. "Of course not. I'm just… captivated, I guess. He reminds me so much of-" she stopped and looked away.

Narumi saw the uneasiness in her voice and face. "So much of Natsume?"

Mikan nodded quickly with a blush. "Do you know that I was too tempted to think that it was actually Natsume who was flirting with me?" She laughed again.

"So Takumi-chan was flirting with you then," he said seriously, clutching her arm firmly.

"Don't worry, tou-chan, he can't use his Alice on me," she said playfully, raising her head and giving his cheek a quick peck. "I'm glad you came back out to find me! Aren't you going to ask me to stay a little while for tea?"

It felt like forever when her lips touched his cheek. If it weren't for her tugs on his sleeve, he would've stayed still on the hallway, occupied with thoughts beyond a kiss.

As they walked to the garden, it felt like the old days. She was embracing his arm affectionately, but purely unaware of the perverted thoughts that crossed the teacher's mind. Narumi fought against the fact. It was her fault, he informed himself. She was hugging his arm, fixing it between her breasts for crying out loud! Who was to blame? She was here, acting all innocent and childish, unaware of her actions! She was twenty-one, dang it. She should know that these kind of things make men his age falter with their self-control and stuck up honor code. His breath hitched as he felt her breasts bounce against his arm and he involuntarily trembled inside. Thank heavens the walk is over, he thought as he caught sight of the garden where he usually sat with his students.

They sat like old friends, she asking him how he had been and for the umpteenth time if he was feeling alright. It was difficult to say yes, when it was clear that he was feeling rather aroused than guilty.

"So… are you dating now, little Mikan?" he asked, highly intrigued. He made sure to keep saying 'little' with her name, to make sure she didn't see his real intentions behind the questions, to make sure he was safe behind the border line of being 'the teacher'.

Mikan blushed again, and shook her head. "Not anymore. How about you?"

Not anymore? Does that mean that she had a boyfriend already? "No, I'm always single," he replied quickly, wanting to get her back in the topic as soon as possible. "Who were you seeing then?" The question came out wrong and demanding but he knew it was better that way.

"He was a friend's friend," she replied, her pretty eyes somewhere else. "It lasted for a few months but now, I'm free as a bird."

"I see. So where are you staying?"

"Alice Hotel."

"Why don't you stay in my house then?" he suddenly asked. His eyes widened at her and he wanted to take it back. In his house? Gods… What stupidity has he gotten himself into-

"No thank you," Mikan replied, cutting his thoughts. "I really want to but I don't think it's a good idea."

"Why is that?" he asked. He watched her face hold an unidentified expression. Was she confused just as he was? Or maybe she thought him really perverted or improper for asking that?

"Because," she murmured. "I can't fall deeper in love with you."

Narumi stared at her, very much shocked from what he heard. Fall deeper in love… did that mean? No, his ears must be fooling him. He blinked twice to check if she was really there, if she was really Mikan. She was still there, looking so beautiful. "Mikan… you can't be serious…" He expected her to laugh and say 'I was kidding!' but instead her face was still shadowed, her eyes on her fingers. "Mikan…"

"I'm sorry but… I really came back to say that, Narumi," she said with a blush. "I feel so stupid. I am stupid. I mean, its wrong, right? But… believe me, I've tried to forget about how I love you but it wasn't enough."

He was stunned as the words made sense to him. Had she loved him since she was…? Kami, he thought, this girl was…

"Please don't hate me, tou-chan!"

"I think you better stop calling me that if you feel that way for me."

She nodded quickly, her cheeks rushed with blood. "Sorry. I know I must scare you."

He sighed, unable to think of anything else at the moment. "Don't be sorry, please. I think it is most natural to fall in love. But I suggest you think this over, Mikan. I am too old for you and well, I can't-"

"Stop! I don't want to hear anymore," she whispered hardly, trying to look somewhere else. "I know you don't feel the same way, I didn't expect you to. And please, don't use lame excuses about our ages." She sighed nervously and laughed. "I really want to leave now but I can't. So you can go ahead to your next class."

Narumi shook his head and said nothing.

"Are you angry with me," she said, biting her lower lip.

"Gracious no, Mikan!" he exclaimed. "Never! I'm just confused, that's all. Its funny, because when I saw you earlier, I really couldn't believe it was you. You've grown up so much. But… I don't know where exactly to put you, Mikan. What I'm trying to say is, when I see you, not only do I see a beautiful woman but… there is a fact that surpasses everything else and that is that you were my student, you used to call me 'tou-chan' and… It just doesn't feel right."

"I know…"

"But we could give it a try."

Her eyes widened in surprise. "W-what…?"

"Why, don't you want to try dating your teacher?" he asked with a daring tone in his voice. He leaned closer to the table, placing his hand above her own, making her blush deeper.

"I don't know. I'm here for only two months. I-"

"We could manage."

"What is it that needs our management?"



Narumi nodded and crossed his arms across his chest. "I love you, Mikan, but only as a student."

"This is very confusing."

"I know. How about giving me a kiss?"

He thought she would get turned off by his actions. But instead she looked up bravely into his eyes and leaned closer. Her lips slowly met against his and she kissed him slowly and he was still, trying to figure out the equation he had before him. His former student, Mikan, was kissing him in the garden. There were no people around because the classes were still going on. Instead of teaching, he was here, kissing a former graduate.

Her warm soft lips stopped their movement and she sat back on the chair, cheeks severely flushed. "I'm sorry."

"No, I'm sorry," he whispered, reaching out for her head and pulling her back for another real kiss.

Gentleness was replaced by hunger, he began to move his lips like he never moved them before. He was awed how sweet she tasted, how intoxicating her closeness was. His hand planted firmly against her neck and back, pushing her closer to him. "Come… here…" he said between kisses, motioning her to sit on his lap.

While kissing she obliged, sitting on his long thighs, wrapping her arms around his head. "Oh, Narumi… Aishteru…"

He was lost with her kisses, absorbed in the soft rub of their tongues against each other. Her lips were the sweetest ones he had ever tasted, her body the warmest he had ever felt. His arms firmed around her hips and his hands clutched onto her dress for more. It was his fault now, definitely, for he was the one who asked her to come to him.

"Tou-chan, huh?" she sarcastically hissed in his ear. She kissed him roughly on the lips again, licking him with her tongue. When he moaned, she laughed with delight. "I don't think I want you as my dad anymore, Narumi."

Me neither, he replied in his head. He shut his eyes close and fell into the deep crevasse of temptation. Her hands started to wander around his body, inside his cotton shirt, leaving heated trails of passion. Her long hair started to tickle his shoulders and gently caress his now naked chest, and she started to kiss neck, making a slow path towards his heart.

This woman was Mikan Sakura.

Mikan Sakura, his former student, his almost adopted daughter… and now, the lovely girl was planting wet kisses on his skin, her hands skillfully working its way around his body.

This has to stop! His conscience roared. His eyes opened wide with alarm, the guilt and the vision of his little Mikan as a student jerking him back to reality. His hands grabbed onto her arms, pushing her from him. It was hard enough to push her away from him and see her swollen lips and misty eyes. But he knew that it wasn't right. Narumi sighed disgruntled as he kept her distance from him. "Mikan, I'm sorry. We were too fast, forgive me. Maybe this was a wrong idea…"

Her eyes flared up at him, a frown knitting her brows. "What's wrong? You said we would try. I am more than willing, believe me-"

He interrupted her by raising his hand. When he saw that she bit her lip to silence herself, he started to button up his shirt. Oh boy did she know what she was doing to him! But it was not the right thing to do. Gods, did it feel so right. He sighed again and run his fingers through his hair. "I was trying to see how you would react… I'm sorry if I got carried away."

"Carried away, huh?" she whispered sadly pushing his arms away from her body, getting up on her feet. "I'm sorry. Now I have enough reason to leave. Next time."

Before he could say anything else, she turned her back to him and run away. "Mikan!"

A.N. If you read this,how about a review? a positive one, i hope. call me disturbed and crazy but i admit that i have a thing with these kind of things. my other stories are all cracks, ahahah.. please do leave a comment.. a little encouragement for the Gakuen Alice fandom!