Author's Note: And here comes the third crack Renji x Yourichi fic. I honestly have no idea where I get these ideas from.

They had attacked without warning again. If the shinigami weren't so attuned to sensing spirit pressure, surely the surprise attack would've worked. However, the shinigami split off and decided to head off the attacks in their own ways, separating the enemy arrancar.

Renji had been somewhat fortunate, he reckoned. He had managed to defeat his opponent without having to go above 20 of his full power. However, in doing so, he had sustained considerable injuries. His right lung felt punctured and the corresponding arm was limp. He'd long sheathed Zabimaru and was making his way back to Urahara's place where others would inevitably meet up. He knew the other fights were over, and could sense everyone's spirit pressure so he was in no hurry to get there.

"Yo!" He turned around instinctively, his left hand clutching Zabimaru. Naturally, he didn't manage to sense Yourichi.

She didn't look any worse from her fight. There was a small scratch on her face which hadn't been treated yet. Renji had already relaxed and allowed himself to slide down against a wall.

"What are you doing here? I was just making my way back anyways." She smirked.

"Of all those who fought, you look the worst off." His eye twitched. He thought he had done well, considering his enemy's spirit pressure.

"Don't move, I'll treat your wounds." Now he took his turn to smirk.

"Why is it you're treating my wounds? Does that mean I'm not the worst off, since it's you and not Inoue treating my wounds?" Yourichi was taken off guard by his sharp mindedness.

"No, you are the worst off." She curtly responded, reiterating her former statement. She removed a bandage and some ointment. "This'll sting for a bit." Indeed it did, but as she treated him, Renji studied her unusually serious face. And then it hit him, like the current pain on the right hand side of his body.

"You're jealous, aren't you?" Once again, the cat-like legendary fighter was caught off guard.

"Jealous? Of what?" she feigned innocence all too obviously.

"You're jealous of Inoue."

"Of course not! Why would I be jealous of her?" Renji sneered.

"You're right. Even though she is really pretty, innocent and has very sizeable assets"- before he could continue any further, she cut him off with a short kiss to the lips.

"If you keep saying that, no sex for you tonight."

He frowned and conceded. She had him whipped. As she continued to treat his injuries, he noticed that it became gentler and tenderer, after an initial period of harshness. Much like the sex they had that night.

Author's Note: So…the end of another.