Corad: Another idiotic fic Bijoux and I have up and going lol. This time it's a crossover with Fullmetal Alchemist with inspiration from a few ppl asking us to do an anime crossover. There may be a few spoilers for both the Jak series and FMA series, so just be warned. This fic also contains OCs from Cry of the Wolf. For those who aren't familiar with these OCs, you can read their bios on our profile page for two of them, and see any pics on our homepage for an idea of what they look like. Now, Bijoux and I don't own Jak and Daxter, FullMetal Alchemist or the song Ready Steady Go. Please read and enjoy!

Prologue: Ready, Steady Go…

"Haven City cannot gain peace, without first eliminating their Baron. To obtain, something of equal value must scare him off. That is Haven's first law of equivalent exchange. In that city, we really believe that to be the world's one and only truth."



It was a happy day in the city of Haven, citizens were happily wandering the streets in their daily business, with a great deal of harmony and ease…well…that was before the drums and guitar started up out of nowhere, and people started diving out of the way at the sight of Baron Praxis, dressed in clothes which would have been suitable for a teenage boy…in both style and size…

Next to the loveable Baron was a suit of armour, which was also protesting about why it had to be there. Yes…it was time for a new adventure, and by the looks of things, it had a lot to do with those Fullmetal Alchemist comics and DVD's the Baron had recently shipped into the city.

Sceneries being blown away
seem to whirl in front of me
Even if I get desperate,
I won't overlook my target anymore

The scenario of the Yakow paddocks unraveled as Praxis and…err…'suit of armour'…ran into it. There were Yakows around, going blissfully about their boring lives, when the Baron and his Armor decided to invade their peaceful surroundings. We all know the Baron plus Yakows don't equal anything good, so we'll leave out exactly what happened. Let's just say a few hundred guards were called in to sort out the left over destruction once called the Yakow Paddocks.

The two 'alchemists' continued to run through the city…though…Praxis did have a heart attack along the area where they were singing 'Even if I get desperate…' The suit of Armor stopped running and turned around, seeing the crumpled heap of Baron Praxis lying on the ground. It was a sad, sad sight…

An unreliable map should be burnt
I'll grasp onto the buried truth with my hands

Once the Baron had recovered from his mild heart attack, the two began running again, scenery changing from the "happy, Peaceful" paddocks (shows paddocks on fire with Yakows running wild and guards strewn all over the place dead) to an open area, also known as the port. The "ocean" came into full view as the two ran further away from the paddocks, Praxis struggling to run, let alone breathe. He even forced his Armored friend to stop for a breather, seeing he felt like another heart attack was on its way. It had proved to be a false alarm however, so the two continued running around the city pointlessly, scaring the entire population of citizens in the making.

I came running frantically -hastily-

And in the time space of the last verse, our "heroes" appeared in the public library, Praxis clutching his hand a little too tightly around a cheeseburger he had stolen from a bystander, the sauce exploding out of the bun as a result. His armor friend stood silently behind him, wondering how and why his Baron had a burger, but didn't think much into it when Praxis decided to jump on his head. 'Alphonse' was crushed by Praxward's weight, sending him into the floor also in a crumpled heap. For some reason Keira appeared out of nowhere, and decided to avenge the fallen Alphonse mimic. She ran over to the Baron, a large library book clasped in her hands as she began whacking Praxis over the head, forcing him to collapse onto the ground, again struggling to breath.

Keira decided to leave Praxis and the suit of Armor to their own demise on the library floor after successfully defeating the Baron. Praxis had other plans though, and picked himself up after the coast was clear, and dragged Alphonse out the main doors, more screams from citizens sounding off as they darted into nearby buildings for safety.

The throb of my heartbeats feels deafening enough to burst

Out in a nice, serene field gathered Torn, Ashelin, Kleiver and Sharok, all blissful to what was heading their way down the path. Yes, it was a horrid sight to see Praxis running, his flab wobbling uncontrollably as he headed towards the four innocent people. Kleiver turned around first, his eyes growing wide in fear and began shouting for everyone to run for their lives. So the pursuit began, Torn ahead, followed by Sharok, followed by Ashelin with Kleiver bringing up the rear…or should I say rears? His backside is equivalent to more than one I assume…(Kleiver: Hey!)

Panic had settled in the air, Praxis and Alphonse slowly approaching the running foursome. Kleiver began to feel the burn, literally, and ripped off his shirt to help aid his dehydration. Alphonse made a squeak of fear behind them at the sight of a shirtless Kleiver running 10 miles an hour, his fat bouncing around in a sickening display. Ashelin, also feeling slightly threatened at her father's sudden appearance in some tight fitting clothing and a blonde plaited wig, pulled out her gun, shooting bullets behind her in the hopes to scare Praxis away. But nothing could scare Baron Praxward now. He was on a roll. But, we did see some form of life become terribly scared at something. Sharok, hearing the bullets turned his head around, and saw the shirtless Kleiver a few meters behind him. The impact began to burn his eyes, and soon the ex Krimzon guard was on the ground, screaming and rubbing his eyes. Praxis and the Armor bypassed the fallen Sharok, completely ignoring him as the continued to pursue the remaining three.

What they had done exactly to deserve this, Torn had no clue, but he fumbled around in his pockets for something to aid their escape, and felt a box of matches brush his fingers. He pulled them out, lighting a match and tossing it behind him. Fire had been known to scare the Baron, but Praxis seemed to have had a make over, so maybe such simple things didn't scare him anymore. It would have been a good thing though if the match hadn't had hit Kleiver instead, catching his moustache on fire. Those who heard Kleiver scream would be scarred for life O.o

Your voice is echoing -shouting-

As Kleiver too collapsed in the grassy ground, Praxis began to grow tiresome of chasing Torn Mustang and Ashelin Hawkeye, and seeing Sharok Hues and Kleiver Armstrong were no more, he felt he should go bother a new victim: Scar. When Sig heard the thumping of running footsteps approach the Naughty Ottsel, he knew he should have made a runner. But when the door slid open, and Baron Edward forced his way through, with a suit of armor, something inside just kept him planted on the seat in his booth. Sig's mouth hung open wide, eyes staring blankly as Praxis glared at him for a while, then seeking nothing but utter boredom, the Baron ran back outside screaming something like hunting down the Homunculi.

The suit of armor behind began protesting again as Praxis made him run behind. They were now heading back into the Yakow paddocks, which had fortunately had the fires put out and dead guards removed, but after the two had passed again, it just automatically caught alight and dead guards reappeared everywhere. On his way though, Praxis pulled his armor friend over to three other bystanders, blissfully unaware of the Baron lurking up to them.

One of the bystanders happens to be Erol, glaring daggers at Praxis and his armored friend. However, even we don't know how this works coz up until now, Alphonse has really been Erolphonse, but who cares…it'll work somehow. Next in line is Krew, floating like the tub of lard he is in his chair, whilst trying to float past Erol and make a move to escape. The last person happens to be crossing her arms, death glaring Praxis along with Erol. Yes, Lenna wondered why she too was dragged into this fic, and she wanted to know exactly why she was being accompanied by a maniacal commander and floating tub of lard. But after getting not much entertainment out of any of these people, Praxis made his leave once again, dragging Erolphonse along who was kicking and screaming to give up the idiocy already.

There's no time to be like standing still here

And finally before the guitar is the only thing remaining in this song which will now forever scar your lives, every time you hear and see it on TV, Praxis' stupidity seems to have increased, as he sits in the rain with Erolphonse. Keira comes along with an umbrella for some reason, even though she tried to beat him up before in the library…and we're all happy as the camera goes to look at the sky to see the magical rainbow of forgiveness…

But it's not as magical as it seems, as the song is still going…with the guitar…Praxis and Erolphonse are seen hiding behind a wall in the Palace, Praxis looking slightly guilty over something. Preferably the screaming cook down the hall may answer that question. And then Praxis comes rushing onto another part of the scene, his back facing us, and he is now wearing the blue military uniform, though it looks like it had been put on in a hurry. Praxis turns around, and he is wearing an eye patch over his only eye…and he's put on a black, fake moustache for some reason, which not only is upside down on his face, but it is also going UP his face, instead of ACROSS.


The scenes continue, and Praxis reaches for the light emitting offa McDonalds' sign above him, as Erolphonse is seen looking depressed and overall embarrassed of the Baron. It was going to be another one of those days again…

Corad: Ok, so that's the prologue. If you made it this far, and want more, please review to let us know. Both of us have a vague idea where we could take this, but we need to know if ppl are enjoying it to bother continuing. And don't worry, Praxis isn't staying Edward. Probably from the next chapter onwards, Jak will become a mimic of Ed, with Daxter being forced into Al's suit. Also, sorry if this prologue was a bit jumbled up. We were trying to get it close to the opening theme of FMA. It prooved kinda hard...Again, the more reviews you guys leave, the more likely an update will occur. Toodles!