AN: I'm sorry it's been forever since I last updated this story. I'm going to make up for that by finishing it now. It won't be all written out, but I'm going to give you in rough paragraphs what happened for the this story arch and the short story arch after this. Please enjoy


Rin and Sesshomaru meet Inuyasha and his gang at a sight on the mountain. After quick introductions, Rin an object of curiosity, they begin planning their attack on the mountain. Of course this cannot go smoothly, not with the two brothers there. Sango, Miroku, and Kagome attempt to mediate on behalf of Inuyasha, but not no avail. Inuyasha's temper is, as always, rampant.

Sesshomaru is frustrated, wanting nothing to do with his half breed brother, but knowing that he cannot leave this kind of evil on his lands. Being the more mature individual, he tells his brother that he will fight him after this incident is taken care of. A bargain is struck, and the two groups begin to exchange information on the ooze demon. After determining that the priestess must be protected at all costs, the group hopes to use Kagome as a disguise to lure the demon away from the temple and into battle with the two demon brothers. Both Sango and Miroku are to stay at the temple for extra protection. Sesshomaru tells of Rin's ability to protect herself, and Rin is tasked with protecting the priestess at all costs.

The groups travel towards the village, where the come upon the barrier around the village. Sesshomaru puts his hand out, to test the barrier. There is a crack, and Sesshomaru looks down to see that his fingers have been blackened.

"You must be careful with this barrier," a female voice says. "It will kill all demons if they try to enter it."

The group looks up to see two women, one a priestess (noted by her white and red clothing), and one a massively pregnant woman. There are pleasantries exchanged, and some of the plan is told through the barrier. The priestess agrees to the plan, hoping to save her sister. But there is no exceptions. No demon can step foot into the village while the barrier is in place. It is the great power passed on from their ancestors.

With this, Kagome, Rin, Sango, and Miroku leave the party and travel with the woman. Making it to temple, the group explains the plan in more detail, and Rin is provided with a weapon to carry at any time. The women explain that the attack could happen at any time, especially with the birth of the next generation so close. There is a possibility that during labor and birth that the barrier may be down, as the power is transfered to the next generation. That would be the ideal time for the ooze demon to attack.

"Especially since he has the power to break the entire cycle."

The group is confused at this statement.

"If he kills me before I give birth," the pregnant woman says, "The they cycle is broken, and all power that we had from our ancestor will be lost. And then the ooze demon will have full power to destroy everything."

This gives the group something to think about as they prepare for battle.

Chapter ends


The following day feels hot and muggy. The air is so thick in the temple that it could be cut with a knife. Although that could simply be from the tension. The human heroes find themselves bored, and restless. Waiting for battle was nothing that Sango or Miroku was used to, with trouble always finding them so quickly. But they try to pass their time as best as they can, telling Rin stories of their travels and their dealings with demons, including Lord Sesshomaru.

On the outside, the brothers are also restless. They stand at opposite sides of the village, knowing that they can't stand each other but can easily get to one another if something goes wrong. They have been standing all night. Inuyasha and Sesshomaru both notice that there are an increasing number of crows and other dark birds that seem to be congregating in the trees. Inuyasha is the one to notice that there is an increasing amount of the beautiful, but dangerous flower that is the symbol of the demon. He knows that things are about to change.

Without warning, the pregnant twin gives a shout, and a wetness permeates her clothing. She has begun the labor process. As the humans scramble to make the woman comfortable, the sound of many crows reaches their ears. All of the dark birds had left their perches the moment the woman began going into labor. The moment the barrier dispelled itself.

The earth rumbles with great force as an evil presence begins to make itself known. Inuyasha and Sesshomaru are suddenly next to the humans in the temple.

"Something is coming" Inuyasha says, grabbing Kagome who is already in the priestess clothing. "We need to begin."

Rin helps the priestess move her sister deeper into the temple, into a more sacred part of the temple, hoping to obscure the aura of the sisters in the purity of the temple. This is all part of the plan.

As Inuyasha moves the disguised Kagome out of the temple, with Sesshomaru with him, a huge monster made of ooze comes out of the ground. It is big, powerful, and disgusting. Sango and Miroku station themselves on either opening of the temple, preparing to defend it with their lives.

Sesshomaru uses his claws to slash at the beasts arm, but the arm simply grows back and Sesshomaru is left with a green miasma coming from his arm. With crows circling above, the brothers attempt to lead the demon away from the temple. And it seems to be successful.

However, what they don't notice, masked in the aura of the larger form, is a humanoid shaped ooze, with red flowers growing at his feet. This is the demon, and he is not fooled.

Chapter end


Rin is just making the women comfortable, when she hears a bang outside the room. She grabs her bow and arrow, knowing that she is the last hope for these women. What comes to her nose is the most foul smell that she has ever smelt. It makes her feel woozy and nauseous. Before she can pass out, an aura comes around the room with a faint blue light. Rin looks back to see the priestess sitting lotus style, chanting. She is purifying the air and keeping Rin awake.

However, that doesn't stop the demon from opening the door. He stands before them, menacing and disgusting. The demon goes into the villain monologue, telling how he dispatched of Sango and Miroku easily. And how he will dispose of them as well. He smashes his arm into the barrier, the ooze hissing. The priestess flinches from the increased effort to maintain it, and the pregnant one screams.

Rin had almost forgotten. She looks over and sees that the pregnant one is her back, her face red and sweating. She appears to be progressing through the stages of labor quickly, but not quickly enough. Rin wishes that she could go and help her, but there is nothing she can do. She keeps her arrow trained on the demon.

With the brothers, the large monster has followed them out of the village and the range of the barrier. The brothers continue to fight it, keeping Kagome out of her reach. Kagome uses her sacred arrows to assist, which begins to turn the fight into their favor, and it seems like they may be able to beat this. Or so they think.

What they do not know is that this large monster is only a distraction. He is there to give the other demon time to get through the much weaker defenses. And he will get through.

The demon continues to taunt as he bangs on the barrier. It is beginning to weaken, even Rin knows that. The priestess is concentrating with all her might to maintain the barrier. But she knows this is futile. After what feels like days, but is only about an hour, the demon bangs again on the barrier. There is a small crack, and a huge groan from the pregnant twin. Rin, who was taught from the pressure of this all, releases her arrow, which acts as a conduit for the aura, glowing blue, and sinking deep into the arm of the demon. It sizzles and hardens and the arm breaks off, falling like wood to the temple floor.

With a curse, the demon backs away. The moans and shouts of the pregnant woman doesn't stop. Just as he raises his arm (it grew back from the ooze) again, a great groan is heard from here, and then a small cry. Rin turns around to see a baby; red, slimey, and screaming, on the floor between the woman's legs. One twin is born.

With a shout, the demon begins trying to break down the aura in earnest, abandoning his taunting behavior. Rin, having noticed that her arrows are not impeded by the force field, continues to fire as fast as she can, missing many arrows. Just as she reaches her last one, the forcefield shatters, and the demon moves forward. Without thinking, she notches her last arrow, and a power that she'd never felt before rushes through her veins. She is impervious to the screaming of the pregnant woman, the cries of the baby, or the fact that the priestess is almost unconscious from lack of energy. The only thing she can focus on is the demon (moving as in slow motion), and the arrow she will release.

She doesn't know, but her eyes blaze green, and her teeth and fingernails sharpen and grow. She doesn't know that she's tapping into her demon heritage. And neither does anyone else. All she knows is that she's about to release this arrow that has begun to blaze orange. And she does, pinning the demon through the chest to the wall, away from the women.

It gives just enough time for the second child to be born, coming forth in a rush of life blood. Just as the baby begins crying, a blast of blue light comes from the pregnant woman. It is her life force turning into sacred energy. It rushes into the bodies of the two twins, and with a bang, light fills the room, blinding Rin.

She can feel a great pain, as though her body is being ripped apart at it's smallest parts. Then the world goes black and she feels no more.

Chapter end


Just as Rin shot her arrow, Kagome knew something was wrong. They were fighting the wrong battle. And as blue light illuminated the sky, and the demon monster crumpled before them, she was certain. As the trio rushed back to the village, the noticed that the barrier was back, stronger than ever.

"They've done it!"

"Something is wrong," Sesshomaru said. He had a dark feeling in his heat. During the battle, just before the light, he had felt Rin's energy. It was like nothing he'd ever felt before. It was primal, powerful, and demonic. And then as suddenly as it appeared, it was gone. And now he couldn't feel her at all, no matter how hard he tried.

Kagome ran hurriedly towards the temple, leaving the two demons outside the barrier. What she found was Rin, laying in the middle of the temple. Dead. But she did see the two babes, wrapped in cloth in the priestess' eyes. She was wailing at the lose of her sister, but she held those babes tight.

She also found a tree, (which had been the demon) growing in the middle of the temple. All she could do was scoop Rin into her arms, and out of the temple. Thankfully Sango and Miroku were conscious at this point, and met her. Carrying the dead body of Rin, they made their way towards the barrier.

"She's dead," they said, as they brought the body out, laying it on the ground by the two brother's feet.

Without saying a word, Sesshomaru took out his sword, and saw that there was still a chance. He quickly destroyed the demons taking Rin's mortal soul, and waited.

She stirred, moaned, and opened her eyes. They immediately feel on Sesshomaru, and a smile lit her face. A shiver went through Sesshomaru, like nothing he'd ever felt.

Rin was back to life, and Sesshomaru knew one thing for sure. Rin is pregnant.

Chapter end

Story arch end


Without a word, Sesshomaru and Rin had left the company of the others. Rin was slightly sad, as she hadn't had a chance to say goodbye to the two women. She didn't even get a chance to have a good look at the babies. She didn't even have a chance to say a proper goodbye to the group. They stood there, shocked while Rin smiled a quick goodbye and ran after Lord Sesshomaru. She would have protested, had Sesshomaru not moved so quickly.

The walked for what seemed like three weeks. During this time, Rin missed her cycle, but thought nothing of it. At the end of the fourth week, Sesshomaru and Rin made their way to a town. They made their way down the town, which was odd for Sesshomaru. He almost never interacted with other humans, especially those not surrounding his mansion.

Finding the local leader, Sesshomaru left Rin to bathe and change while he talked. Sesshomaru talked with the leader, and convinced him to allow Rin to stay in the village, and left while she was bathing. He was not going to have a half breed in his home, or his life.

But Rin knew he was gone. She could feel him as he traveled farther and farther, sobbing into the water of the tub.

Chapter end


Many miraculous things happened during Rin's time at the village. She had only been at the village for a month when she discovered she was pregnant. She had been vomiting into the bushes when a woman asked her how far along she'd been. It had seemed like a silly question at the time. But she quickly understood.

"I have no idea," she'd said sheepishly.

"Come see me when you feel up to it. I'll help you with your pregnancy."

Rin eventually saw this medicine woman, but was also pushed into a wave of depression. Her Lord had abandoned her because she was pregnant. He had abandoned his own blood. And she along with him (for she was sure it was a boy). Eventually, she was able to overcome. This baby was everything she had of her Lord, and she wanted it so bad.

Immigrants had also come from other parts of the country. With them came an unexpected surprise. It was her Mother.

Chapter end


Rin was ecstatic to see her mother again, as was her Mother. It was a wonderful reunion, where they talked about everything they could, except who the father was of Rin's baby, and why her family had left in the first place. It turned out that her Mother, Lin, was the last survivor, her father and brother perishing on the journey. Rin was sad, but she eventually moved on.

Throughout her pregnancy, Rin would sometimes feel the presences of her Lord. It made her slightly happy to know that he looked in on her. To know, that although she'd never see him again, he still was concerned for her.

Eventually, many months later, after a long conversation, Rin told her mother about everything with her lord. Lin had asked to know if she'd been marked, and Rin had moved down her collar to show a slight purple crescent moon. (It looked almost like a bruise/scar).

This is when her other showed her own mate mark, and she told her daughter who her father was, how they'd come together, and that she had demon blood in her.

Rin was floored, but was able to pull herself together enough to understand the power she'd been able to pull from herself in the temple.

She was part demon.

Chapter end


One last round of immigrants came into the village, and Haruki was among them. Her friend had perished in war, and that made Rin sad, but she knew to be wary of Haruki. There was something about him that made him very upset.

This was also about the time when she felt her Lord visiting. Tonight she was determined to meet him. She escaped out of the village and found him on a ridge. They converse and eventually argue about her and the baby.

"I don't want you, either of you."

"Then why did you mark me?" She asked. "My neck and my legs."

"You are not the only one. I have marked many females."

"I don't believe you."

Sesshomaru said nothing.

Rin runs away in tears and Sesshomaru walks away from the village, vowing in his head to never return. Ever.

Running back to the village, Rin is overtaken by a man wearing dark clothing. It doesn't take long for Rin to realize that it's Haruki, and he has nefarious thoughts on his mind. There is a struggle, and Rin fights and Haruki begins to put his hands on her. Like in her dream, he feels up her legs and touches the scars on her thighs. In disgust, he wipes her from him and pushes down her collar, seeing the mark.

There is a struggle, and an argument. He demands to know if her bastard child is a demon spawn. And eventually she snaps that it is.

"He is greater than you'll ever be. I will never want you!" During this, she's pleading in her head for Sesshomaru, and for the life of her baby. This is when he pulls a knife, and Rin, knowing that there isn't much to do, runs.

She is running as fast as she can, but at her advanced state of pregnancy, she can only move so quickly. He's gaining. She knows he's gaining. She has to hide, but before she can, she feels a pain in her back and she falls onto the forest floor. He threw a knife at her, and comes to her side.

She can feel the power like before coming to her. It seems to only come to her when she's about to die. But Haruki was prepared. He figured that the old half demon was her father and had brought along a demon repelling charm from a priestess. Slipping it around her neck, the power that began to pool in Rin is extinguished, and blood begins to pool around her.

Haruki takes the knife from Rin's back, and turns her over.

"I will cut this filth from your body."

Rin has only time to whisper her Lords name when she feels the knife cut into her skin, and watches as Haruki loses his head before her world goes black.

Chapter end


Sesshomaru had made it back in time to kill him, but he couldn't save her. He took out his sword, but no demons appeared. He slashed and slashed, but nothing happened. He was beginning to become frantic.

In his head, fore he would never say this allowed, he began to beg for her life, all the while slashing at the air with the life giving sword. Wasn't there anything he could do? He should have never left her alone. He should have accepted her and his pup as his. He was the reason she would die.

"I'm sorry Rin."

Just as these words were said, a blue light came. It was the eerie light of a lost soul. He had seen them enough with Kikyo. The one soul materialized into the form of an older half demon male. Looking down at Rin on the ground, he whispered "My daughter," and dropped down onto her body, filling it with a glow.

What happened next astounded him. Instead of a human girl sitting up, a demon girl was put in her place. She was still partially human, but she still had the aspect of a demon. Her father must have imported the last of his soul into Rin, turning her into a half demon, Sesshomaru mused.

Rin stood, but she had a sad look. Talking with Sesshomaru, she told him what had happened, and that her father had come to her. He told her that he could save her, but not the life of her child. Her face scrunched, and she wept then. She was surprised when an arm went around her shoulders, but didn't complain as her face went into the puffy softness on Sesshomaru's shoulder.

Sesshomaru stood there as she calmed down and eventually told her how he felt, and how he was very remorseful. He explained the feelings of his heart, although haltingly and with few words, and decided to make her the queen of his land.

"Would you have done it if I were still human."

"I would have given it all up, just to have you alive."

They go back to the village, say goodbye to her mother, and head back to Sesshomaru's land.

Chapter end


Sesshomaru and Rin go on a ride, on the two horses black and white. They have a lovely outing, enjoying the beautiful fall colors of their land. After a smutty scene, there is talk of another pup coming into the family.

"Your sons should have a sister finally." She said. "Someone to teach them how to behave."

With a kiss to the forehead, Sesshomaru told her everything she needed to know. Even though there were no words. His love, his devotion, his heart.

She was more lovely than any song, and more precious than any diamond.

He would never stop loving her.

And she felt the same way about him

The End

AN: I'm sorry this isn't longer or had more words to it. I had many more chapters planned, but this is as much as I could give you without creating more holes. At the moment, I felt it was best to finish up what was missing from the story and give closure to some of the things I just left hanging. Please enjoy, and hopefully this was an acceptable ending. xoxo