Disclaimer: I don't own Kingdom Hearts.

Notes: Written for LJ's "30kisses" comm for Theme 30: Kiss. And that's all she wrote.
An Hour Before Dusk

Axel had known even from the very beginning that what he was doing was wrong. It was all a part of his desperate scheme, slowly gaining liberty from the rest of the Organization. It was half out of amusement and half out of necessity that he treated Zexion the way he did. In the case of Marluxia or Larxene Axel could easily take care of them when the time came by way of sheer force if he had to, but Zexion had the potential to present a problem-- his intellect warranted a higher strategy.

Thus the power of seduction. Even if the love was fake the sex was still physical, and that was all Axel needed. Just so long as when he set his plan into motion he had the Organization's tactician on his side, covering his tracks, Axel was practically guaranteed success without even trying. Not only would he succeed, but their master manipulator, the shadow of Ienzo, would be his own personal trophy. A testament to his victory over them all.

But even after the passion and the imagination and the lies Axel knew that what he was doing was wrong-- it wasn't until Zexion kissed him first that he realized he regretted it.

Note: And thus it ends. Though, next will be 20 Riku/Sora one-shots. Only I percieve those to be of better quality than these. As far as me writting more Axel/Zexion, I may. I just may. Motivate me.