Rating: K+
Summary: I can't play tennis anymore, So I quit...Why? That's simple, there is nothing left for me. Ryoma stopped playing tennis. why? Some angst and death(no regulars). Will Ryoma get his will to play tennis back?
Pairings: don't know yet...most likely TezXRyo
Listening: Hilary Duff - Someone's watching over me

When There is nothing left for you

'I don't want any of this anymore, I don't want to play tennis. I don't want it anymore. What for use has it, to play tennis. I can't defeat him, the one I wanted to defeat is disapeared. Nothing can change that. So why should I still play tennis. There is nothing left for me.' Thought Ryoma while he was running. He was running away from something. But what? The tears in his eyes showed deep cutting pain in his heart.

After a while he started to walk instead of running. The tears were still running down his face. The people around him looked at him questioning. 'Everything is so wrong, this wasn't the way it should have ended. I should have defeated you first. Because then I could have my own life. But you had to ruin everything by dying.'
Suddenly Ryoma stopped walking, he already reached the beach. 'Why did I come here, this is a please where you can think.' Ryoma walked on to the beach and sat down in the sand.

Afternoon practice at Seigaku highschool ended. Tezuka sat with his hands in his hair. 'Why did Ryoma quit tennis. He said there was nothing left for him. Why?'


"I can't play tennis anymore, so I quit." Ryoma said, he didn't wore his cap. He did this so that his sempais would know he was serious.
"What!" yelled the Regulars.
"You're not serious, right?" Momoshiro asked.
"Are you feeling alright, Echizen?" Oishi asked.
Most people didn't know what to say. What do you say when someone announces something like this. Even Inui dropped his notbook.
"Why, Echizen?" asked Tezuka.
"That's simple, there is nothing left for me." Ryoma said ice cold.
"Can you explain why there is nothing left for you?" this time is was Fuji who asked something, he had his eyes open.
Ryoma looked in his eyes and said: "There is nothing to explain, it is like it is." Fuji got cold shivers running up his spine when Ryoma said it.
"I have something where I have to be, I'm sorry, but I can't change my decision." The last part was directed to Tezuka.
Tezuka saw the sas look in Ryoma's eyes, just like Fuji did.


"Why did Ochibi leave us, Oishi? asked Kikumaru sobbing. "I dont know Eiji." said Oishi while he was trying to comfort Kikumaru. Kikumaru started to cry again: "Ochibi is mean, he did't have to leave us." "Maybe in a couple of days he can explain this to us." said Oishi more for his own peace of mind than for Kikumaru. "I hope so." Kikumaru answered.

"Have you heard it?" someone asked
"What should I have heard, Tomoko?" Sakuno asked.
"You haven't heard yet? Ryoma-sama has left the tennisclub." Tomoko told her best friend.
"What, why, when, are you for real?" Sakuno almost screamed.
"Yes nobody knows exactly why he has left the club." Tomoko told her. Sakuno's face was blank like if someone had sucked out all the color.
'Oh Ryoma, I hope you are alright.'

Authors note: Yes I know this all is really vague, but there will be a second chapter and maybe even a third. This will likely become an Ryoma Tezuka fic, but I don't know for sure yet. So please read and review