A/N: My first vignette in English. A big thank-you to my beta Nahiely!


You're sleeping, little one, and I'm watching you. You are a beautiful child, so pure, so innocent. One day your blond curls will break hearts; the heart of your father included. You look like your mother, and I'm glad because you should not be like Daddy.

Tonight I killed a little girl. She had big, shining eyes like you, but she was a Mudblood. Her blood was the same colour as yours when you fell down and bruised your knee yesterday. This is the way things have to be, little one. They would destroy our ways. It's not that I think killing is good, but it has to be done, for your future, baby.
I want you to have a future. When you grow up, you'll live in a world where no scary men with white masks will be feared, and there won't be any more massive killings of Mudbloods.
You won't remember this. You will be happy, go to school, find a boy, and marry. You will live in a safer future. When you're grown up, this will be over, you won't have to learn of this. The winners write history, little one, and Daddy will do everything to make sure you won't be affected by these horrible things that happen.

You're watching me, Daddy. You're worn out and lost in thought. I don't understand why you suddenly look so old.
You tell me about a little girl like me. What does Mudblood mean, Daddy? Are they dangerous? Do you know them? Did they really say they'll destroy our ways? Do I have to fear them, Daddy? Will you be with me?
This girl, couldn't she have been my friend? You could have brought her Daddy, and gone to a pub or something, and we two could have played. Wouldn't that have been nice?
Daddy, what does killing mean? Who are the scary men with white masks on their faces? You will protect me from them, won't you? What does future mean? Do I have a future? Daddy?
Do you know what I don't understand? You say Mudbloods are evil and that they want to destroy us. Tell me, Daddy, what do Mudbloods think of us? Do they believe that we are evil too? Is everyone evil? Daddy? Why are people so evil, Daddy?