Disclaimer: I do not own OTH, although if I did, the whole last half of the second season, never would have happened and I would be rich, however, I do not sadly, so please don't sue.

Okay so I was reading A Walk To Remember, and then watching the movie and I got a crazy idea to make a Naley fanfic with the premise of AWTR, it's not going to follow the movie or the book exactly, but it will have the same general idea. And yes I know I have a ton of fanfic to finish, I just had this idea and really wanted to get started on it and besides I love both Naley and AWTR, so what better way than to combine them and make them one.


If you ever passed by Tree Hill, North Carolina, you probably would never know it was a town. It was a bit on the small side, it was one of those places where everyone knew each other, they knew the secrets, they knew everything and I do mean everything about each other. You might notice the charming Karen's Cafe, it was the first place visitors heard of and it was the first place they went for food, Karen's Cafe, had the best coffee in town and one of the nicest owners. Then there was Tric, which was the club in town, famous bands had performed there from Fall Out Boy to Jack's Mannequin to All American Rejects, bands that were still famous even today. And if you wondered around some more, you would see the Rivercourt, the famous Rivercourt where basketball stars Lucas Scott and Nathan Scott spent their time practicing, and then there was the high school, where basketball coach Whitey Durham, won his first championship and where he won his last one when Lucas and Nathan were seniors in high school, he was mentor, tutor and friend to all, though he was strict at times, but inside he was just a big giant teddy bear and where famous fashion designer Brooke Davis Scott went too school and where famous artist Peyton James got her start.

And lastly, you will arrive at iron gates, that was the cemetery, when you walk in you will see dozens of tombstones and trees, but walk towards the center, you will see a concrete angel sitting there, she was beautiful, she had wings, a small smile on her face, her hair flowing down and her hands cupped together, as if she was waiting for heaven to just lift her home again, besides her was a man, he was sitting, but his eyes were on something in the tallest tree, if you followed his gaze upward, you would see what his eyes were on, a heart and inside carved the initials N.S and H.J., and underneath were the words Always and Forever, you had to look really closely to see it, it was barely there after 50 years, but it was there.

And this is the story of Always and Forever. A love so powerful it would span a lifetime and beyond. Forever was quite a long time actually but in the reality of things, when you were that deeply in love, you never would feel it, it would just feel like a day to you.

And this is the story I'll be telling you, a story about true love that defined all obstacles, but in the end, it was a love so powerful that it could survive anything life threw at them. If you glanced at the base of the statues there were bronze plates. The first said

"Haley James Scott- Beautiful and Loving Wife, Sweet Mother, Great Sister, Great Singer, The Best Daughter and Best Friend to All, a beautiful, honest, sweet spirit that has brought light into everyone she has been in contact with, she will remain in our hearts forever. 1989-2053."

and the second said

"Nathan Anthony Scott- Handsome and Caring Husband, Loving Father, Great Brother, Great Basket-Ball Star and the Best Son, a strong man who was inside as gentle as a lamb, he could touch and brighten any lonely soul. 1990-2054."

And this was their tribute as I sat down in the shade of the beautiful tree and took out a journal and a pen and looking directly at the statues and thinking back to the two people they represented and the love that I so desperately wanted to get across. If you were to ask anyone over the age of 55 that live in this small town, they might be able to tell you the story that happened almost 45 years earlier. They would tell you of the greatest love story to ever hit Tree Hill, which claimed two unsuspecting people and basically the town when it happened. It just shows you how great two lives could hold on such a small town. It shows that there really could be a modern day Romeo and Juliet, but it would lack the tragic ending that people come across when they see it in movies, books or in television.

And as I sat in the shade of the tree, looking at the statues, I realized their story could finally be told, that I would be the one to write the greatest love story and that when I finished, you would laugh and most importantly cry, but realize that love does exist and this story will touch your heart, just like it touched mine so many years ago.

Okay so that's the prologue, It's not really that long, but it's kind of an intro to the first chapter. I'm going for around 20 chapters, maybe a little more, but it will be around 20. So please leave feedback.