Whispers of a Dream: A Lost Memory

Part One: A Sibling Rivalry

Long ago, in the warring states era of Japan's Muromachi period(sengoku-jidai, approximately 1467-1567 CE), a legendary dog like half demon called Inuyasha attempted to steal the shikon jewel or the jewel of four soul, from the village, but was stopped by the enchanted arrow of the village Priestess Kikyo. Inuyasha fell into a deep sleep, pinned to a tree by Kikyo's arrow, while the mortally wounded Kikyo took the Shikon Jew with her into the fires of her funeral pyre.

Many years later around 50 years and girl with raven black hair name Kagome came though the bone eaters well form the future, traveling through the well using it as a time portal to her own era 500 years in the future and this era a second home to her, she travels with the legendary half-demon Inuyasha to find the Shikon Jewel shards, Along with her for ever loyal friends, Sango, Miroku, Shippo and Kirara. Some may say the young girl resembled the village priestess Kikyo and would even say she was her reincarnation, yet the wise know better, for only someone foolish would see her as the dead Priestess of the village. And so this is where our story begins…………………

"Inuyasha…" called a cheerful voice filled with joy and happiness. A young girl with raven black hair with chocolate brown eyes, dressed in a green, red and white school uniform and wearing a large yellow back pack climbed out of the ancient bone eaters well. Her long black locks swayed gentles in the soft summer breeze, as the emerald green leafs ruffled in the winds. The lovely clearing before her was covered in beautiful yellow flowers, making the pure green grass stand out even more. 'Oh, how she loved it here the air was so pure and clean, there was wonderful plant life all around. It was such a shame that in the future this would all be destroyed.'

Not far form here, a village chattered nosily with laughter and joy as people got ready to celebrate the near coming summer festivals, that would be taking place all over Japan. The small village was the very same village where the shikon jewel had been, but now it was once again a peace and happy village. Children played happily on the streets as the adults walked around busy doing their every day business. At the edge of the village laid the Inuyasha forest, a young teenage looking boy with long silver hair and fluffy doggie ears sat slouched in a tall tree were a crimson red haori and hakama. His eyes were closed, making him look as if he was sleeping, but those who knew better knew he was not, for his adorable doggie ear twitched at every sound that was made, at least the ones that could be heard by him. Instantly with out warning the young teen's eye's snapped open, raveling beautiful amber eyes as he turned to look in the direction of the bone eater's well, he raised his head with his nose in the air, as if to sniff in the scents around him like a dog. Swiftly he leaped into the woods, becoming only a blur of red and white, and pretty soon he arrived in the clearing of the bone eater's well, to see the young girl with raven black hair.

"Inuyasha!" the girl called the girl cheerfully.

"Wow, Kagome you're early for once, that must be a record" replied Inuyasha arrogantly.

"Inuyasha, don't make me say it…!" warned kagome threateningly.

"Alright, alright kagome shish, can't even take a joke" raising his nose in the air childishly.

"Inuyasha, your right"

"Sees what I mean…Wait I'm right?" questioned Inuyasha looking bewailed.

"Yeah, you are…NOT! Sit boy!" yelled kagome as Inuyasha came face down on to the ground creating a very big dent in the ground.

"K-kagome…" whined Inuyasha childishly.

"Humph, that's what you get Inuyasha, it's not my fault it you own." Replied Kagome.

"Hey look, guess were too late" said a childish voice that belonged to a kid with orange hair that was tied up in a little pony tail at the back. He was wearing a light blue haori with white little feathers on them and a navy blue hakama along with a fury vest. Now if you looked closely you would have noticed that the pup was no ordinarily young boy, for he had a short, but very fluffy tail and point elf like ears. The young kitsune demon was standing on the shoulder of a young man dressed in navy and purple, looking closely you could see that he was a monk, but if you had ever seen him act around woman, then you would probably think twice. The monk had black hair that was at the tied up in a small pony tail at the nape of his neck and two golden earring on one of his ears. Beside him stood a lovely young woman with dark brownish black hair that was also put up in a pony tail at he nape of her neck, but it was much longer. She was dressed in a light pink and dark magenta kimono with a green apron over her the other half of her kimono, she carried a huge boomerang like weapon on her back that was easily as tall as her. The weapon was called Hiraikotsu, it was make of demon bones.

"Well, there they go again, can't have a moment alone with out the two of them fighting." Sighed the woman standing beside the monk.

"But, Sango my dear were would we get our amusement from?" Said the monk innocently.

"Miroku!" yelled Sango.

All heads turned towards the source of the voice and all eyes were on Sango. Seeing her best friend Kagome's chocolate brown orbs lighted up with joy and love.

"Sango, oh I missed you so much!" said kagome as she ran to embrace Sango lovingly. Returning the embrace Sango let go so the energetic little kitsune demon could greet his protector and big sister like friend. In lightning speed a fast little fur ball jumped right into Kagome's embrace and hugged her tightly.

"Kagome! Your back I missed you so much. I'm so glad you're here." Cheered Shippo contentedly.

"Hi, Shippo! I missed you too! Oh, wait I got something for you in my bag." Said Kagome as she smiled warmly at the little ball of fur cradled in her arms. Hearing what she said Shippo jumped out of her embrace to the ground so she could get her yellow backpack. Searching though her large back pack kagome look everywhere for her gift to Shippo, a shadow towered over her as Inuyasha lead over to look inside her backpack, blocking out the light making it harder for her to find it. After minutes of searching kagome finally found what she was looking for; it was a large orange and pink lolly pop and a huge box of chocolate covered cookies.

"Ah, here we go those are for you Shippo" said kagome tenderly.

"Arigatou Kagome" Thanked Shippo

Reaching into her backpack again kagome pulled out two can of pop, one was grape while the other was strawberries. Getting up again she walked over to Miroku and Sango and handed them the cans of pop.

"Arigatou kagome" thanked Sango

"Hai, Arigatou" Thanked Miroku as well.

"Hay, where's mine?" whined Inuyasha.

"Humph, Inuyasha sit boy!" said kagome calmly as he landed on ground for the second time this day as the hole in the ground became deeper.

"Stop with the damn sit COMMA……" Inuyasha was cut of by a sudden strong breeze across the clearing as it sent a shiver down everyone's spin. Clouds covered the bright sun as the clearing became darker; Inuyasha raised his head and sniffed the air around him, but then suddenly turned to the direction of the Inuyasha forest. A shadowy figure immerged form the shadows of the tress as he said.

"Surely little brother you aren't going to sink so low and let a human not to mention a woman control you?" mocked the dark figure. He had long silver hair that swayed to his ever movement just like Inuyasha, but the instead of amber eyes, his eyes were more of a golden color. The lone figure was dressed in a pair of white haori and hakamas, which had red hexagons with white flowers in them on his left shoulder and on both hems of his haori while over the opposite shoulder his fluffy furry tail was wrapped around it. Over his clothing he wore spiked armor over his chest and had a yellow sash with blue patterning on them as well as two swords hanged from his left hip. One glowed in an eerie dark red color while the other glowed in a gentle dark blue color. As the sun reappeared again from the clouds, exotic marking were clearly visible, a navy blue crescent moon was on the center of his forehead along with two magenta colored strips on the each side of his cheek.

"Sesshomaru" growled Inuyasha as he unsheathed Tetsusaiga and watched as it glowed red then gold before the once rusty sword changed into a huge sword made of a large inu youkai fang.

"Sesshomaru!" shouted kagome as her eyes widened in surprise and as she reached for her bows and arrows, but found none. "Kosu, why did I leave my bow and arrow at the village?"

"Kirara!" called Sango as the once little kitten with two tail suddenly transformed into a large cat demon with bloody red eyes. Flickers of fire rose from her tails and legs. Reaching over her shoulders Sango grabbed her Hiraikotsu and stood in a fighting stance. Miroku as well got ready to fight as his hands reached for the prayer beads that were over his cursed hands.

"What the hell are you doing here Sesshomaru, if you want the Tetsusaiga, then forget it cause I'm giving it to you, you bastard" yelled Inuyasha as his amber eyes narrowed into

'How pathetic, being controlled by a human wench, what a disgrace.' Though Sesshomaru was he looked around the clearing to see dents created by his fool of a half brother and his pack members looking shocked to see him. He could smell fear laced in their scents as they tried to defend them self against him. The demon slayer had reached for the her boomerang like weapon as he monk go ready to release the hell hole in his hands and lastly the his brother's wench who seemed to be reaching unknowingly for something that was clearly not there. How stupid and annoying humans could be as he rolled his eyes at the human wench mentally, before he turned his attention to his pathetic poor excuse of a brother, no half-brother, who growled at him as he unsheathed Tetsusaiga.

"Humph, half-breed you're being very ignorant assuming that I, Sesshomaru came here for Tetsusaiga, but then you were born ignorant and lived ignorant, so you shall die ignorant" Stated sesshomaru calmly as he unsheathed Tokijin. Its dark red evil glowed and flared out even more now that it was out of it's sheathe.

"Cut the crap and shut up" Yelled Inuyasha as he raised Tetsusaiga and charged at Sesshomaru.

"Pathetic half-breed." Muttered Sesshomaru before charging too, with Tokijin raised. As the too swords clanged together the waves of energy clashed against each other. Waves of blue aura from Tokijin was slowly over powering the golden waves of Tetsusaiga as the too brothers battled for dominance before Inuyasha was sent flying though the clearing. Finding balance Inuyasha finally stopped him self from flying through the air and landed on his feet, but there was a couple of scratches over his face. Seeing an opportunity to attack, Sesshomaru charged at Inuyasha only to appear behind him catching Inuyasha off guard. Swiftly he kicked Inuyasha in the back and sent him flying once again through the air, but this time Inuyasha was not as lucky as he landed on the ground hard.

Sesshomaru watched as Inuyasha charged at him before he too charged at Inuyasha as well. As the swords clanged together, sesshomaru observed as his Tokijin's blue aura slowly over powering the golden aura of Tetsusaiga. Sesshomaru smiled mentally before turn his attention back to the battle before him. Adding a little more of his youki sesshomaru sent Inuyasha flying through the clearing. 'Fool' thought sesshomaru as he watched Inuyasha land on his feet, but was off guard, so he took the opportunity and kicked Inuyasha in the back and sent the fool flying once again though the air and watched as his brother land on the ground with him face in the ground.

'Well look on the bright side kagome, with all those sit commands, he should be used to falls like that…………I hope." Though kagome nervously.

"Feh, Kosu" grumbled Inuyasha as he leaped into the air and swung he blade only to be blocked by Sesshomaru's Tokijin. Once again the blades clashed against each other fighting a battle of wills. Luckily for Inuyasha, using both of his and he was able to push back Sesshomaru. After being pushed back by the force of his half brother's sword sesshomaru flipped in mid air and landed on his feet just the same moment as Inuyasha was about to release his wind scare.

"Wind Scare" yelled Inuyasha as blades of golden lines of energy came out of the blade coming at Sesshomaru at full speed. Sesshomaru merely stood there emotionless with Tokijin raised as he waited for the right moment to strike. Finding it Sesshomaru sent blades of blue youki came from the blade and over powered the wind scare. Not paying attention to the battle thing the attack had killed sesshomaru; Inuyasha was taken by surprise when sesshomaru leaped out of nowhere as he came and swung Tokijin, knocking Tetsusaiga out of Inuyasha's hands as the blade landed on the ground in a flash of golden light it returned once again into a rusty blade. In the blink of an eye sesshomaru had Tokijin at the base of Inuyasha's neck.

He heard Inuyasha grumble under his breath but ignored it as he waited for Inuyasha's attack. As Inuyasha swung Tetsusaiga at him, sesshomaru countered effortlessly with Tokijin. 'Weakling', but unfortunately for sesshomaru he was pushed back by Inuyasha when his mind was at other thoughts. Surprised by what happened sesshomaru cursed mentally as he flipped in the air and landed on his feet to wait for Inuyasha's next attack. Sesshomaru mentally smirked as Inuyasha released the wind scare towards him. 'The foolish hanyou should get some new tricks this is too easy.' As he unlashed blades of blue youki at the winds scare over powering it. 'Idiot' thought sesshomaru as he leaped out of the dust created from the explosion as he knocked Tetsusaiga out of Inuyasha's hand sending to the ground as he place Tokijin at the base of Inuyasha's neck. 'game over, Inuyasha!'

"Looks like I win little brother" mocked Sesshomaru.

"Shut the hell up you bastard!" shouted Inuyasha.

"I suggest half-breed you watch you filthy mouth and refrain form shouting, since your too stupid to look at the position your currently in." growled Sesshomaru threateningly as his golden eyes narrowed into slits.

"I don't fallow orders form Bastards." Growled Inuyasha, but refrained from yelling.

"Unfortunately like you half-breed I sesshomaru have other important business to attend and don't have time to play any of your silly games so this ends here. Now die" as he raised his sword and prepare to strike…………………………


Dumm….dumm….dummm (sound effects) HI! I'm so glad you have read the first chapter of my story, and I hope you like it . I would love to hear your comments so please feel free to e-mail me or leave a review, I would really appreciated it ; ) Any ways I gota go so umm see you all next chapter.


Je ne
