Summary – Hana X Izumo, references to past tense Kotetsu X Izumo. Nothing explicit. The mission where a deceit was invented and a friendship was made.

Rating – T although it probably doesn't even need that high of a rating.

Hana finds herself on a mission with Izumo. She hates how people outside her clan treat her and her dogs, why should this one be any different.

Who are these characters? Izumo is one of the chuunin proctors and also one of the chuunin assigned to help the 5th. He is one of the two that tried to trick everyone into thinking room 201 was room 301 before the beginning of the chuunin exam. Hana is Kiba's older sister. She has 3 dogs who do not have canon names as far as I know. She is a vet but since she is an Inuzuka it is reasonable to assume she is capable of missions as well.

Key to dialog:

"blah blah blah" is speaking

'blah blah blah' is Inuzuka/dog speak


A dog under a divine moon – chapter 3/3

She woke up well rested several hours before dawn. The two dogs with her were still sleeping. She looked around to see where Izumo was and found him curled up on a rub with his arms around Ichi. His face was buried into the dog's fur and his fingers were entwined in long grey fur. Both appeared to be sound asleep. She watched him for a while. He slept like her relatives. She had never seen anyone not of her clan sleep like that. She momentarily found herself thinking about how it was too bad he didn't like girls, he was a lot less annoying than any of her cousins.

She stayed like that for a while, until she started to notice him moving a bit as he woke up, "Izumo-kun, you up?" She asked as he opened his eyes.

"Yeah, I think I managed to get some sleep even." He slowly unwound his fingers from Ichi's fur, rubbing him as he sat up. "Thanks guy."

"I've never seen anyone outside my family sleep like that." She smiled at him as she crawled out of bed.

"My clan …" He paused as if he didn't mean to say that.

"Your clan?" She honestly didn't know anything about Izumo's clan. She knew his family name and that evidently, he had a grandmother, but that was all.

"I'm the last one."

"What about your grandmother?" She tilted her head as she pulled on her uniform.

"She married in. My grandfather and my father were blood. My uncle too. I'm the only one left. I don't know a lot, my father and his brother died when I was young, but they used wolves."

She stopped at that and looked at him. "Wolves?"

He nodded, "Evidently." He smiled at her, "It's a lost art now." He shrugged and started packing things into his pack, "I've always liked dogs though." He put his shoes on. She snuck out the window with the dogs and met him behind the hotel. He didn't say anything as they made their way out of town.

It was only a few hours to reach a deserted cabin in the woods. They approached carefully covering their chakra and used binoculars to keep as far away as possible. The target was sighted and the dogs confirmed that only the target was there. Hana stayed and watched as Izumo pulled a scroll out of his pocket and rubbed a blood soaked fingertip across it. A single raven appeared and Izumo tied a message to its leg before sending it off.

"All that is left is waiting." He sat in a tree branch, keeping the cabin under observation. Hana stayed with the dogs at ground level. They didn't want to risk a fire so they lived off ration bars. Hana assumed it would be at least the next day before the ANBU squad could reach them. Come nightfall she didn't bother to ask Izumo if he was tired, he was obviously not moving from his tree branch. She curled up and slept with the three dogs, just waiting. She hated waiting.

The next day passed much the same, it was noon before she decided to climb up the tree and see if Izumo wanted company. She ended up just leaning against his arm as they watched the cabin, his hand touching her hair eventually in the same way it had touch Ichi's fur earlier.

The sun was setting as he suddenly sat up straighter, "They're here." He jumped down to the forest floor. Four ANBU masks were suddenly there as well and Hana jumped down to land next to Izumo. With a few words from Izumo the ANBU were off.

Soon the sounds of battle could be heard and Izumo started to walk towards the cabin. By the time the two got there by walking slowly, the ANBU had a body on the ground and were setting the spells in place to destroy it. Izumo watched for a moment, then turned around, "Come on, they'll beat us back but there is no reason to delay leaving. I want to be as far away from here before we camp as possible,"

They traveled until midnight, trying to get as close to fire country as possible, but they were still hours from the border when they stopped at a cliff face. There was a small cave, more like a depression in the rock wall and the clouds were looking like rain. Pressing themselves as far into the depression as they could, he pulled his blanket out of his pack and pushed it against the back of the 'cave'. "If we huddle we should stay dry and warm."

True enough, it was crowded, and the cave smelt of sweaty dog within seconds, but all five of them fit. Hana was sure most other people would have made some fuss about the dogs being able to handle the light rain, but she was glad she didn't have to argue with him about it. They both shared what food they had with the dogs and eventually they had three snoozing piles of grey fur sleeping over their legs as they leaned against Izumo's blanket.

He had his arms around her since there was really no other way to fit into the small cave. She leaned into him and sighed, "Thank you."

"Hmmm?" He shifted a little bit, "For what?"

"For being nice to my dogs. Most people aren't." She honestly meant it.

"Well, most people are stupid then." He sounded like he meant it.

"Izumo?" She tried to tilt her head to look up at him, "Why did you get so mad after we met the guy for the information?"

He half laughed under his breath, "Because you aren't that type of girl."


"The type that would have sex with him."

She twisted around to look up at him, "That's what he wanted? But I thought he was upset Kotetsu wasn't there?"

He smiled softly at her, "I suppose I should tell you, shouldn't I." He paused for a few moments, "You know how some of the mission kunoichi are sent on involve seduction?" When she nodded, he continued. "Now that's considered all well and good for Kunoichi, a necessary part of the job even, but there are some of us that work for intelligence that take many of the same types of missions. Wreaks hell on any type of relationship, that's probably whet kept Ko and I together as long as we were. We worked together a lot and knew how it was so we didn't let work influence not work."

He sighed and rested his chin on her head, "I understand if you dislike me after finding this out."

"Why would I dislike you for doing your job?"

He made a confused noise, "Umm, because everyone else I've ever dated has dumped me the second they knew."

"Somehow I doubt I'm like many other people you've dated." Suddenly she laughed, "Not that I'm dating you."

"Well yeah." He laughed a little, "That was sounding like we were, wasn't it." He cleared his throat, "Not that that would be bad I mean."

She nodded, "Yeah, I mean if I was more your type and all and the whole rebound thing."

He tried to move to look at her, "What do you mean 'my type'?" Unfortunately, there wasn't enough room without disturbing the dogs so he only was able to half face her.

She blushed, almost as red as the tattoos on her cheeks. Damn it! She was Inuzuka, they don't blush. She took a breath and just blurted it out, "I'm a girl."

He laughed, "I think I noticed that." His voice took on a serious tone, "Maybe that's half my problem with my grandmother, everyone assumes I only like guys?"

She twisted to be facing him, she only disturbed one of the sleeping dogs as she moved her legs, "You don't? I mean you and …"

He shook his head, "I like people for who they are, not what."

She nodded, "I understand. Maybe we can help each other out." When he gave her an inquisitive look, "If you appear to be dating someone, your grandmother will back off, right?" He nodded. "And if I appear to be dating someone, my mother will back off."

His face broke out in a wide smile, "You want to deceive our families." When she dropped her eyes and looked down, he hooked a finger under her chin and lifted her head to look into his eyes, "Hey, if they didn't force us into this position, we wouldn't have to, right? So there is nothing wrong with deceiving them a little bit. The question is, do you think you can do it?"

She nodded, "I don't mind spending time with you, you're a nice guy. Ichi says I need to make more friends, so it would at least give me a chance to get to know you better." She giggled a bit, "Besides, he's grown attached to you."

He smiled, "Then I think it would be a great idea to help each other out. Can you make it believable?"

She looked into his eyes, "Can you?"

His hand turned around so that he was holding her jaw in his palm and leaned forward his lips parting as he approached her. Softly he kissed her, running his slightly chapped lips across hers in the lightest of whispers. When she gasped and opened her mouth slightly, he pressed his lips against hers, his tongue lightly tracing the top of her bottom lip. Her eyes were wide open as he backed his head away from hers, his eyes half-lidded, "Can you?"

She swallowed and leaned into him. Her kiss was not as skilled, but her lip's were warm and he responded by dropping his other hand to her back to hold her. When she ended the kiss with a bit to his lower lip, he laughed.

She leaned into his chest and sighed, "I think we can both manage this."

He made an affirmative noise and started to stroke her hair in that same manner he petted Ichi. He held her against him until she fell asleep.

Come morning, they were on their way again, traveling as fast as they could. It would be a tough day's travel, but if they pushed themselves, they should make it to Konoha by midnight. On the way, they made plans to have dinner the following night. They were exhausted when they got to Konoha and the mission desk was closed. Hana and Izumo walked through the gate together and since his place was on the way to the Inuzuka compound, she was walking home with him as they talked about dinner the following night.

When they reached the door to his apartment building, he turned to her, "Want some tea or something? I know I'm exhausted and it's still a ways to your place."

She nodded and followed him to his first floor apartment followed by three exhausted dogs. He unlocked the door and opened it. Instantly he stopped and went pale. Hana saw enough over his shoulder to realize the apartment had clothes scattered over it and the remains of what was probably a romantic dinner. She definitely could smell what was going on in there, and she was sure Izumo could hear what was going on as well. He closed the door and re-locked it.

He stood there for a few minutes looking at the door. She took his arm and led him away, "It's OK." She tried to think of whom his friends were that he could show up at midnight on their doorstep and she couldn't think of anyone.

"Is there someplace you can stay tonight? I mean we're home early so …" She took a deep breath. Ichi was pressed up against his leg, whining, 'We should take him back with us.' She shushed her dog with a quick bark, 'Lets see what he wants.'

He nodded, "Yeah, Iruka has a spare bedroom. He and Kakashi might still be up."

She shook her head, "Tomorrow is a school day. I'm sure they're asleep. Come with me, you can have a couch."

She walked with him towards the Inuzaku compound, holding his arm as they walked through the almost deserted streets. About twenty minutes later, they reached the gates to the Inuzuka compound and walked through. The dogs lounging around outside only looked up to see the strange scent was accompanied by four known scents and went back to resting. She led him to her families house, and nudged open the unlocked door. No one bothered to lock a door here. "Why don't you grab a shower while I get the dogs settled?" When he just nodded, she shoved him off into the bathroom and went and took care of the dogs.

After getting them fed and watered, she sat down next to Ichi, "You really like him, don't you?"

Ichi yipped, 'He's a nice person. He likes you; he's just really hurt right now.' He lapped at his water, 'I have no idea why you humans make mating so difficult.'

Hana looked up as her mother walked into the room, "You're back early. Why is Ichi talking about humans and mating and why is there someone in the bathroom?"

Hana looked up at her mother, "Umm, I offered Izumo the couch for the night."


"Kamizuka Izumo, chuunin. He was on the mission with me. His roommate was umm … entertaining someone when we got back, early and all, so Ichi said he should stay here for the night."

Tsume raised an eyebrow at that, "Ichi said he should stay here for the night?" She looked at the dog in question as if questioning him.

He made a gruff sound, 'I did not say that.' When Tsume turned to Hana to see what she had to say, he continued, 'I said we should take him back with us, I never said anything about just for the night.'

Tsume turned and looked at the dog and Hana's eyes became wide. Tsume turned and looked at her daughter. "Ichi likes him?"

Hana just nodded.

Tsume frowned, "Guess that means I need to meet the outsider."

As if on cue, a slightly wet Izumo walked out of the bathroom wearing shorts and a T-shirt, "That feels better, roughing it would be so much better with hot running water." He blinked when he saw Hana's mother standing there, "Oh, umm, good evening, Inuzuka-san"

"My daughter invited you to spend the night?"

Izumo didn't look nervous, but then again he was a ninja, "She graciously offered to let me sleep on the couch, assuming Ichi doesn't kick me to the floor again."

Ichi for his part muttered something about it not being his fault the human snored. Suddenly Hana and her mother were laughing and Izumo looked really confused.

Hana felt the need to explain when she saw the confused look on Izumo's face, "Ichi just accused you of snoring."

He blinked, "Like he can talk, my arm was wet in the morning. That dog drools worse than anyone I know."

Ichi backed, 'I do not drool.'

Izumo looked at the dog, "If I didn't know better, I'd say you're denying it. You drool like crazy, don't make me take photos."

Ichi stretched and yawned. 'Too bad dogs don't have opposable thumbs to use a camera with, I am sure Hana's dam would love to have seen what you were doing to her daughter in that cave.'

Hana's eye's went wide and Izumo looked at Hana, his look showing he had no idea what was wrong. Tsume for her part turned to Ichi, "What did he do to my daughter?"

Ichi remained silent and instead of answering, became very intent on scratching behind his ear.

One of Hana's other dogs rolled over onto his back, 'Stop making trouble, they were just kissing and you know it.'

Izumo was looking at Hana almost begging her to tell him what was going on as Tsume turned to look at him. "You kissed my daughter?"

A less brave man when faced by the fierce Inuzuka clan leader would have fled. Izumo managed to stand his ground, how much of it was because she was between him and the exit can't really be said. He went with his only option and nodded, "Yes."

Suddenly Tsume lunged at him and he quickly found himself pinned to the floor. On instinct more than anything else, he tried to wrestle himself out from under her as Hana watched. While he put up a good fight, he found himself trapped on the floor. Struggling wasn't going to help, so he stopped.

As soon as he stopped, Tsume got off him and looked over at Hana, "You need to teach him or he's going to get pounded at the clan meeting."

Hana blinked, "At the clan meeting?"

Tsume walked back off towards the area where the bedrooms were in the house, "You do intend on introducing your boyfriend to the clan, don't you?" Her tone didn't make it sound optional.

Hana and Izumo stood there for a few moments as Tsume left. Finally, Hana pulled herself from her daze and walked over to him, kissing him lightly on the cheek. "I think she likes you."

She turned and walked off to her room before she started laughing at the stunned look on his face. This was going to be an interesting charade, but she was thinking of it as less and less of a charade. When she curled up into bed with her three dogs, Ichi licked her face, 'I think you should keep him around.'

She smiled at her dog, "I think you're right. Goodnight."

As she fell asleep she heard Ichi muttering, 'Poor human doesn't know what he got himself into.'

The end

----- Notes -------

It had to be written, I think they're cute together. I might at some point continue it but I like how it is.