"Light dies in the darkness of the great abyss, so what may I ask happens to a soul born of light when thrown into the darkness the moment it's born? Does it just disappear, or does it keep going cradled in the darkness. Learning nothing of anything but, the darkness it self, and when faced to live in the world around it what does it do? Some think the forbidden child Hiei jaganish is proof of what happens. Killing, thieving, surrounded by death every moment, but he is not proof of anything but that a life with out love, a life with out hope, leads to self hatred and pity even if that person themselves do not realizes this. No he is not proof at all, all he is, is fire and ice born into a world that loathes him. There was another, born years before his time. In the place known as the Rim of Heaven, a holy place were the sacred angels lived and worked their healing magic. This child was born in sin between a light angel and a dragon of darkness from the abyss. They threw this child into the darkness around their guarded palace. In sense, the child fell from grace with out a name or an idea of its crime. The darkness took over cradling the child, teaching nothing of the light. By the time this child could walk, it killed not knowing it was wrong or that there was more then just death for it. It was a game for the child killing, taking the life of another. As time pasted the child earned the name of Mistress Mayhem and was after more then two hundred years of fear she caused, she was captured by the king of spirit world himself. She was locked deep with in spirit world isolated from every one and every thing. Her powers striped from her and her jagan eye sealed. Every one has forgotten about her and the sin into which she was born and the place called the Rim of Heaven. Now only three know of her and what's she's done, the king, his son, and the leader of the river Styx or called by those she knows the grim reaper, being far from grim. Now there is only Hiei the second forbidden child and the people he works with by force. He himself was captured by Yusike prince Koenmas spirit detective only a few years ago. I must leave you here but the story is far from over, I've got one more question for you what if these two meet and had to work with each other?"

He stared out the window unable to sleep for what seemed like the millionth night in a row. Maybe it was that they needed to find a fifth member or the dreams that would wake him in the middle of the nigh. Whatever it was, it annoyed him to the heavens. The others thought he was seeing a girl, even the fox. Damn them all he thought bitterly as he peered into the darkness that lay before him though the window. Now the dreams were what really kept him up, but he tried to push them out of his mind. "A girl, with raven black hair and deep blood red eyes stares at him almost hidden in the sea of black behind her. There is some sort of seal on her fore head and looks thin and pale. In some way he feels safe under her watch but there is an uneasiness there to, as if she somehow can see right though him into his core. The girl hang therein silencein the sea of black." it had been years since the dreams started, at this time the girl was real to him. This was another thing that annoyed him. She to his knowledge had no name and calling her onna didn't seem right. So about a year ago he named her Serenity for the feeling he got when she came to him.

The sun had risen when Hiei came out of his musings and the sounds of day broke the peaceful silence. Just another damn day muttered Hiei to himself as he got up from his perch. Winter was fast approaching in spirit world and that meant that the winter ball and the preceding fighting tournament were also coming up. That's why they needed to find a fifth fighter, Genki who was Yusike's trainer had fought in years past but considering her age, for a human, Koenma choose not to have her fight this year. Therefore, the team, Yusike, Kuwabara, Kurama, and Hiei had to pick a new fighter. It seemed that for the first time Hiei had beat Kurama to the kitchen, but that could have also been because Kurama had winter finales to study for. Hiei besides the perky Boton didn't have to go to "the hell on earth" as the bakas put it so kindly almost every day. Kurama though seemed to like going to school, for what reason it completely by past Hiei. Grabbing a cup of coffee he had just enough time to sit down at the window over looking the dense forest that lay behind the house before a very tired Kurama walked in. The red head slumped down into a chair facing Hiei and nearly fell asleep there. "Its uncommon it see you so tired fox" at his friends abrupt words Kurama sat upright having not seen Hiei sitting there. "Just like seeing you here this early" machined Kurama regaining his composer, not seeing the smirkish frown given by his comrade. Knowing what Kurama meant in his comment Hiei finished his coffee and was on his way out the door when Koenma appeared in his way. "Hiei, Kurama please get Yusike and Kuwabara and come to my office, I may have found a solution to finding your fifth fighter." with that he left, leaving the two boys behind. "I'll get the others, the faster we find another fighter the better." a few seconds later yells came from upstairs signaling to Kurama that the two bed heads had a very rude awaking.