A/N: Yes. I am alive. Woo!

Wake Me Up

Disclaimer: I don't own 'em. Just my own plot, charries, and stuff like that.

Gods above me, please help me. It was like living with a total stranger now. He could hardly ever look at me. Nonetheless, I always tried to make him feel welcomed. But yet...Llednar was purposely ignoring. The cold shoulder. The silent treatment. Whatever you may call it, it hurt. A lot. Maybe I felt betrayed? Angry? Depressed? Mostly just worried. Masho, being the brilliant timer, had proposed, and I hadn't even answered him yet. Did that make me a bad person? It felt that way. And all I could do was think and think about what I should be doing. I should have confessed. And just let it out. That was all I needed to do, unless I wanted to make Masho feel like he was in the dumps.

I watched him enter the room, his body language telling me to back off and whatnot. It was like watching an angry cobra slither in and just warn you to stay away from its nest. As he poured himself a glass of tea, I couldn't help but hide pitifully behind the couch, feeling smaller than anything. I could pratically see the steam out of his ears, and yet, I did nothing. I was weak, alone, and desperate for help. I couldn't even sleep in my room thanks to the thin wall that seperated us. Hell in my home. That's what I started to call it. Yet I acted as if nothing were wrong. Each day I would wake up, make breakfast, then do my duties. Then after that, I would just come in, make dinner and sleep.

Llednar took his mug, walking silently to his room, almost sulking. Without thinking, and a whole lot of courage, I stood, my hand grasping his forearm. My head was drooped low, on the verge of disappearing basically. Yet I had to do it. If any courage was left, I had to use it.

"Llednar, please eat dinner with me again," I said pitifully, my voice coming out in a squeak. Instead of getting some kind of kind reaction, he stared at me coldly, then walked into his room and slammed the door. I once again, felt pitiful and lonely.


Gods, why was I so stupid? Should I have rejected her like that? What other alternative did I have anymore? I felt like I was trapped in a world of pain and confusion, losing all senses and spending my days moping and sulking around. Was that what I wanted? Or...did I want something else from this house?

I couldn't bring myself to look at her fully anymore. I always sat on my bed, eating, sleeping, or just staring out window. I always reflected, saying how I knew I had gotten too comfy here. Yet I couldn't bring myself to leave. It was almost as if I was tied to this home, refusing its warmth. But the cold side of me, the old side, told me to leave, that more pain would come, and as my first reaction to pain would be: destroy it. Thats why I kept myself in my room. I had never felt myself feel this way, especially to another human. I knew I would go crazy, do something stupid and reckless. I had to save her, and myself, at all costs. So I stayed in my room, only coming out when necessary.

Pfft, her getting married. I guess I really had gotten my hopes up. But to that...drooling dog? It was like watching some kind of stupid play work out, waiting for some knight to save her. And that knight couldn't be me. I had no charm, no wisdom, nor did I have the wit and alluring prescence knights had. I had strength and my confusion. And thats how I kept it that way for a week. My feelings had gotten so soft for her, the good side, the new side, telling me to go to her. Every moment I was haunted with past memories, cold, hard, reckless memories, and I felt I was going to do something wrong if I kept thinking like that. I guess I really am crazy...


He came out, surprisingly, and I assumed he was coming for food, as I had just made dinner. Instead though, I watched him walk towards me, a apologetic stare coming from him. He looked like..he was going to regret something. Or do something wrong. But as he came close to me, I felt strong warm arms wrap around my waist, a head burying deep within my neck. And without thinking twice, I too had my arms wrapped around him, tears coming down ever so slowly.

"I'm so sorry...I truly am an idiot...I didn't mean to get mad," he pleaded softly, but yet he wasn't crying. In fact, I was sort of anticipating that he wouldn't.

"I-It's alright. It's not your fault, you're not crazy..Oh just stop being negative!" and that was all I could choke out before I started sobbing once more in his chest. His arms wrapped tighter, and I too, felt myself holding on tight. It was as if we felt we would both disappear if we both weren't there to support each other.

My fingers had interlocked with his hair, carressing slowly as he started to breathe deeply. God did I truly feel alright then. Without thinking I looked at both my hands that were behind his back, slid the ring off of my finger, and place it slowly on the table. He watched this, his head now up, and he almost seemed worried.

"Are...are you sure?" he asked nervously. I nodded once, and once again, hugged him around his waist.

A/N: Geeeez. I'm a lame brain, I knowww. D