Just Plain Unnecessary

"Umm, Sanji?"

The blonde looked in the direction of his captain's voice, hair still brushed to cover both sides of his face. "Hai, Luffy?"

"I'm over here." A rubber hand settled on his shoulder from the opposite side. Ooops. Sanji turned in the correct direction.

"What is it?"

"Do you, umm, know what is wrong with Zoro?" The hesitant voice asked.

"Wrong?" His mouth curled indifferently, but inside he was cackling with glee. "I don't notice anything out of the ordinary-"

A high-pitched giggle, quite unlike the swordsman, rang across the deck.

"Perhaps that is simply a side of him that we don't often get the pleasure of seeing."

Luffy choked. "I'd rather not see this side of him at all."


"He's, uh, running around naked."

Pride or no pride, the blonde just had to see this. Pushing the hair from the right side of his face, he glanced around before settling on the swordsman's unclothed form, currently leaning against the rail and sniggering at something in the water.

"Shit," the cook mumbled before falling back in spasms of laughter. "Holy fucking shit!" He couldn't help it; it looked as though his revenge had worked all too well. Sanji brushed the tears from his face with the back of his hand before glancing at his captain. "I told... the stupid marimo-head… not to drink… that booze…" He managed between cackles.

"Saaaaaanji, what did you do to him!"

The blonde grinned. "Nothing permanent. Just a couple hours of him acting like more of an ass than he already is."

"Sanji." Luffy's tone came warningly.

Leaning back, the cook continued to watch Zoro with barely restrained glee. "Just something I put together to relax. Harmless enough in small doses, but drink enough of it…" He waved a hand vaguely. "You end up feeling like you're sort of floating, and it makes everything really, really funny." He paused. "And apparently you act completely crazy as well."

"Oi, Sanji." The blonde yelped as a naked swordsman suddenly flopped into his lap. "How're you doing?"


Another giggle. "You're so funny." Zoro threw his arms around the Sanji's shoulders and snuggled close. "You know, I don't ever tell you this, but you are so warm and comfy, ya know?"

The cook felt his face flush scarlet.

Luffy's quiet laughter reached Sanji's ear, and he whipped his head in the rubberman's direction. "Don't you even-"

"Looks like he's your problem now, Sanji. Take care of him for me, ne?" Luffy cackled and rocketed away to the opposite end of the ship and his special seat, leaving Sanji trapped under the swordsman's weight.

"Oi, shitty-swordsman, get your heavy ass off of me." The blonde pushed at the nude man, to no avail.

"Aww, be nice." The swordsman threw a playful punch at the cook's chest, laughing softly. "I didn't know you could be so fucking hysterical."

"You're the one higher than a damn kite…"

Yet another giggle. "I am not high. High would be me in the crow's nest, baka."

Sanji smacked his forehead with a palm. This was going so very wrong…

A deep yawn drew the cook's attention back to the swordsman currently using him as a lounge chair. "I'm so relaxed," he mumbled, nuzzling Sanji's neck with his nose. "I think I'll take a nap."

"Fuck no, asshole…"

But loud snores signaled the futility of his words. Belatedly, he wondered at the intelligence of drugging the swordsman. It was going to be a long night…