Hey all you people! I hope you enjoy this freshly new chapter! And after you are done remember to review.




Rough Out, Softer In Chapter 5

"Ughhh….I am so full" Said Naruto lightly patting his big stomach "That was the best lunch that I've had today".

"Whatever, big boy" Ino said poking his stomach.

"Hey, I'm not big! My stomach is just filled with ramen!" Naruto smiles, "And if you treat my stomach bad Its going to EAT YOU!" , Then Naruto's stomach growled and sucked Ino's hand inside its wobbly substance

"AH! Its sucking my blood! Sasuke Help me, darling!" Ino said struggling against Naruto's stomach firm grip.

"Say sorry to my stomach and IT might let go" Naruto says crossing his arms.

The others just watching the scene happening trying not to get devoured my Naruto's stomach.

"ok, ok, I'm sorry Naruto's stomach, please let me go!" Ino said almost crying.


"What did you say Naruto?" Ino said.

"His name is Gary" Naruto smiles.

"You name THAT THING?" Sakura said from across the table.

"Whatever! I'm really sorry GARY!" Ino said. And Naruto's stomach let go of her. "Thank heavens!" She hugs her hand "I thought I lost you forever!"

Naruto pets Gary "Good job boy"

Everyboy just stared at Naruto with widen eyes… OO

"Anyway, Let's get out of here and go to the North field (it's a park . )" Said Sakura.

"Oh yes! Lets go and see all the pretty lil birds!" Said Sasuke…

"ooo-kkk….." Temari said all weird out by Sasukes response.

"And I'll bring Gary with me too!" Said Naruto. "Great…"muttered Sakura.

"Let's go, Sakura." Gaara said wrapping an arm around her and leaving (sakura blushing). Everyone starts to leave except Ino…Who is trying to get some gum from under the table….O.o

The waitress comes… "Here's the bill miss" Hands it to Ino.

"WHAT! Oh I get it! They all left so I'd have to pay for them! THOSE SONS OF A BIT…!" Ino then runs anyway really fast and lock herself in her room…

I hope you all Enjoy this! And you better! No I'm kidding hate it love it but leave a comment (review button) . see you guys/ladies later!