Disclaimer: I do not own anything.

Hermione sat at the window sill asking herself why she was in Romania of all places. The book now I remember. She smiled and looked at the book next to her.


Hermione was sitting in the public library in the small muggle town of Greenville. Brushing her fingers over the books, she noticed one that somehow stuck out to her. The title was Dragon Tamers and she had to pick it up.

She had been obsessed with dragons since she entered Hogwarts. She always loved them but never knew if they were real. When she finished her first day of classes she knew, after all, she asked Hagrid, the games keeper if they were. He went into an interesting conversation and explanation about the types of dragons. She was enthralled at everything he said and soon submerged herself into books about dragons. After she was finished with school, she got a degree in dragon study. She just never got around to going to Romania and studying the dragons in person.

Hermione grabbed the book off the dusty shelf and sat down at one of the library's work tables. She opened the book and found that the pages were fragile. Reading until the speaker from the front desk called that the library would close in five minutes, she marked her page with a bookmark that she found near by and checked it out. The woman at the check out counter gave her a suspicious look.

"Are you sure that you want to check this blank book out?" the woman said, Hermione noticed that she was wearing a name tag that said Lindsay. She was dressed in a plain red sweater and black pants. The woman had dirty blonde hair and was slightly taller than herself, or so it looked. Hermione wasn't wearing heels and she wasn't sure if the woman was wearing heels or not. She couldn't see because her feet were hidden behind the counter.

"Yes," Hermione said wondering to herself why this woman would say that the book was blank when she was reading it no more than five minutes ago. Lindsay shrugged and ran the back of the book through the scanner. It made a small beeping sound and Lindsay's eyebrows went into her hairline.

"Miss, it says whoever is borrowing this book has to buy it,"

"What? Let me see the screen," Lindsay turned the screen so the Hermione could read it. Hermione furrowed her brow. It said in bold letters, This book is to be bought not borrowed. Hermione sighed and turned the screen back to the woman. Well, I guess I'm buying this book. Hermione thought to herself, even though she knew that half the books she rented she bought after she was done reading them.

"Alright, how much does the book cost?" Lindsay turned the book over to the back and tried to find how much it was. She looked on the inside covers and found nothing. Lindsay sighed and ran a hand through her hair.

"It doesn't say," Lindsay gave the book back to Hermione.

"How much do you think it cost?" Hermione said as she gripped the book in her hand and ran her fingers over the front cover.

"Not more than seven or eight pounds," Lindsay smiled at Hermione as she saw Hermione's face light up with excitement.

"Are you sure that you don't want more than eight pounds?" Lindsay nodded. Hermione frantically searched through her purse trying to find the eight pounds she needed. She pulled out her black wallet with a dragon on the front side and pulled out the money she needed.

"Here you are," Lindsay smiled gently at Hermione and accepted the money. She turned her back and started to walk out of the library. Faintly she heard the woman calling to her.

"Goodbye Miss and have a nice day," Hermione didn't hear it very clearly and walked back to her car. She drove home back to a small house near the Borrow. After the war during the summer of her sixth year, her parents were killed and Molly insisted that she live near them. Thankfully, the 'light' side won and the Dark Lord was gone forever. Now, Harry was even more famous, he just loved that. Hermione drove into her driveway and parked the car. She walked into her house and turned on the light. Even though she was a witch she still liked to so a few things the muggle way. She plopped down on the couch and conjured a cup of tea. Pulling the book she continued to read. Hermione read through the book and finished it but she kept reading the last sentences over again that were scribbled into the back cover.

You have finished reading Dragon Tamers. Since you are reading this, you have the ability over dragons. To most people, this is only a blank book but to those who posses this ability to tame dragons. You must go to Romania or any other country that has a Dragon Tamer camp and use your ability to help others. Be careful and use this gift wisely.


Hermione was defiantly confused on who this 'M' was and why was she blessed with this gift. She sighed and sat at the window. It was dusk and she had to get everything ready for her job to Romania that she was obviously taking. She prepared everything and the person on the other line sounded excited for her to come. She was going to live near the camp and would study and tame the dragons. They offered her a job at the camp and she took it without hesitation. The only thing left to do was to tell the Weasleys, Harry, and the rest of the Order. She sighed and set off for the Burrow, tonight they would be having their annual Friday night dinner. That meant everyone was going to be there.

She stepped into the house that was filled with chaos at the moment. Hermione was there about five seconds when she was enveloped in a hug from Ron Weasley, one for her best friends.

"Hi Ron, how are you?" she smiled and hugged him back. He quickly let her go and smiled down at her. He was, after all, about 6'6 and she was only 5'4.

"Good and you?"

"Fine, I'm gonna say hello to everyone else okay?" He nodded and left her alone. She walked around and said hello to everyone there. Lupin, Tonks, Moody, Dumbledore, McGonagall, and Sirius were there. As dinner was taking place, Hermione stood up and cleared her throat. Everyone looked up at her.

"Well, I have some important news to tell you all," suddenly Ron burst out.

"I'll kill him for whatever he did to you," everyone turned to Ron.

"Ronald what are you talking about?"

"You're pregnant right?"

"Ronald where did you get that idea? I am most certainly am not pregnant. Now if you're done with this outburst, I would like to continue," Ron's face was bright red and he shrunk into his chair as low as possible. She took a big breath to cool her nerves.

"I'm going to live somewhere else," Molly looked at her with a shocked look.

"Where are you going dear?" Molly asked still shocked.

"Um Romania," Hermione waited for the comment that would come.

"What, why are you going to Romania Hermione?" Molly said. Hermione dreaded this question.

"Well, I'm going to study and tame dragons," it was the truth after all. The rest of the night was basically people telling her to be safe and trying to persuade her not to go. Hermione soon got tired of people constantly asking her about why she was leaving so she said her goodbyes and went home. She packed her things and the next day, she left with a teary goodbye from the Weasleys, Sirius, Remus, Tonks, and Harry. Harry made her promise him something.

"Be safe Hermione just promise me that you'll be safe," Harry said and kissed her forehead goodbye. She walked to the portkey and was off to Romania.

End Flashback

Hermione glanced out the window. It was getting dark outside and she had her first day of work tomorrow. She picked up her book and walked to her bedroom. Soon, she fell into a restless sleep, just thinking of what was going to happen the next day.