Out : Meh, last chapter.

Chapter 8

Recap : Kouji and Takuya were walking when Takuya tripped and cried out in pain. The others heard the yell and followed it, finding remnants of Takuya and Kouji's things as they go. Kouji inspects Takuya, amazed at how injured he is, before starting down the path once more, carrying Takuya. As he begins to faint, Kouji says he loves Takuya, soon after, Kouichi and the others find them.


Blue eyes blinked open and he looked wildly around. This wasn't the forest, and he wasn't leaning against a tree. Their friends weren't coming and Takuya wasn't in his arms. He sat up abruptly, a gasp escaping someone beside him.

He looked around, realizing that he was in a hospital and then looked at the frightened woman next to him.

"Hi..." he greeted dully as his head started to pound, blood rushing from it as he had moved too quickly.

The nurse turned and rushed from the room. A doctor came in and inspected him, told Kouji to stay in bed, and left. He glared at the door until Kouichi came in.

"Hey Kouji." he greeted softly as the door closed.

"Hey." Kouji waved and leaned against the wall behind his bed. "How long have I been out?"

"Hmm...4 days?" Kouichi gave a mock shrug. "You had a really bad fever." he said worriedly. "Mom was so worried, so were dad and his wife. Zoe's mom won't let her go camping again without parental supervision until she moves out." he smiled. "J.P. and Tommy are fine. Tommy's cut on his ankle was bandaged and he's fine now."

"And Takuya?" Kouji asked, feeling sick again just thinking about the other boy's injuries. Kouichi's face fell.

"He broke his leg. The doctor said it had only recently broken, so he must've been ignoring the pain until it just...cracked." Kouichi explained, looking anywhere but at Kouji. "He was so hurt Kouji...Zoe started crying when she saw him."

"Kouichi." Kouji said sternly.

"He's bandaged all over and still unconscious. They...don't know when he'll wake up." Kouichi was so soft, if the room hadn't been silent you wouldn't have heard him. "I'm so sorry!" he suddenly bowed really low. "I'm the one that got us so lost! It's all my fault! If you hate me, I won't blame you..." tears dripped slowly from his eyes.

"Kouichi." Kouji said sternly, then his voice began a bit more...chipper. "Let's ignore the doctor. I want you to sneak me to Takuya's room."

Kouichi looked at his brother in surprise.

"I want...I want to see him..." Kouji whispered, his voice sad.


Kouichi stood by the door as Kouji, feeling absolutely fine, walked over to Takuya's bedside. Kouichi hadn't been lying when he'd said that Takuya was bandaged heavily...

"Takuya?" he called softly. Kouji didn't hear the door shut as Kouichi left. "Takuya please answer me."

No sound except the whir and beep of hospital machines was his answer.


Kouichi sighed sadly as he leaned against Takuya's door. He wasn't letting anyone in. He heard someone clear their throat and looked up at the angry face of Kouji's doctor.

"Um...hello Doctor J..." he greeted sheepishly.

"Your brother wouldn't happen to be in there, would he?" Dr. J asked seriously.

"Yes he would." the Dr. went to try and get in. "But you can't go in. He's with a very special person...This is their time now. I won't let you interrupt." Dr. J seemed surprised by this opposition. "I'm sorry Dr. J. Kouji is feeling fine, he's all better. But the most important person in his entire life isn't. You won't get past me."

Dr. J. Blinked stupidly at him.

"Kouji will return to his room if he feels like it, Dr. J. Sorry for the inconvenience." Kouichi bowed slightly, still protecting the door from the doctor. Dr. J turned and walked away, looking ruffled.


"Takuya. Remember the digital world? This all began with that avalanche. Well, it probably started off before that, maybe when I saved you from Duskmon or when we were at that floating toyland...Or before any of that...But it really got started in that snowy cave."

Kouji was sitting in a chair next to Takuya's bed. His elbows were on his knees and he had his chin in his hands. He seemed deep in thought.

"That's when we found we liked each other. But after that, it seemed like nothing had changed. I remember crying myself to sleep after a day when we fought so bad you seemed to hate me. I was always worried you had forgotten that day..."

There was still no answer. But Kouji felt weight lifting from him with every word.

"Then the world was safe and everyone was happy. We were the best of friends...But I wanted more." Kouji whispered, almost as if ashamed. "We got stuck in that elevator, and I really thought we were going to die...That I would never get to kiss you again or...or anything else." tears were actually coming from his eyes again.

"I hate myself!" he growled out. "I'm such a coward, and lately I've been crying so much! I couldn't even say I love you until you were unconscious and in pain...It's horrible."

"I suppose now isn't the best time to say I love you...huh?" a soft voice cracked from the direction of Takuya. Kouji's head snapped up, but Takuya was still asleep.

"Yea...yea I suppose not." he laughed once, then twice, then found himself laughing so hard it hurt his head.

Takuya smiled in his sleep.


A week later found Takuya on crutches but alive. Kouji was completely healthy and everyone else was happy that Takuya was out of the hospital.

They were going to meet up as soon as Takuya was able to walk by himself. But for now, it was just Takuya and Kouji.

Takuya said he had heard Kouji talking when he was unconscious, but neither of them knew how that happened. At the moment, Kouji and Takuya were sitting on Takuya's couch, watching a movie. The parentals had gone for dinner and Shinya had a sleep over school trip. Kouji had agreed to stay and watch over Takuya...like a hawk.

Kouji gasped slightly and silently when he felt Takuya take hold of his hand and intertwine their fingers. He turned to look at the brunette, only to see a simple smile on his face. Kouji smiled and held Takuya's hand too.

Kouji was blushing as he leaned over and kissed Takuya on the cheek, which made Takuya gasp cutely. Kouji's plan worked as Takuya turned his head and Kouji captured his lips in a sweet kiss.

They parted and Takuya smiled brightly before kissing Kouji again. When they broke off, Takuya laid his forehead to Kouji's.

"You know...We don't get to do this often." he whispered, eyes closed. "In fact...we hardly ever even hold hands."

"Yea...Sad, isn't it?" Kouji laughed softly and Takuya could feel each shudder.

Takuya kissed Kouji's forehead.

"I'm almost thanking that old bridge." he laughed, and Kouji saw an angel. He suddenly couldn't help himself.

Takuya gasped when he was pushed down on the couch. Kouji kissed him deeply, needily. Takuya moaned into the kiss and it just egged the twin on further. He pushed his hands up under Takuya's shirt and pressed closer to the one he loved.

"Ah!" Takuya hissed in pain, making Kouji freeze and back off. "Sorry..."

Takuya sat up and tended to his leg. Kouji took a few deep breaths to calm himself. He chanced a glance at Takuya and saw the cast that still resided over his right leg.

"No...I'm..." he took a deep breath. "I'm the one whose sorry." he pulled his knees up to his chest.

"Kouji?" Takuya asked, looking at him in concern and confusion.

"I...I just suddenly jumped you...And you still injured even! It's all my fault..." Kouji hid his face, his ponytail fell to his left, hiding whatever face wasn't hidden from Takuya.

"Well, actually. I'm injured cause I fought the current." Takuya mused aloud. Kouji looked over at him from between strands of hair. "If I hadn't tried to be the hero and save you, I'd be perfectly fine right now I bet." Takuya shrugged with an ironic, laughing smile.

Kouji leaned over and kissed Takuya on the cheek lightly. Said brunette turned to him.

"But I'm glad you tried to save me. It means you love me..." Kouji whispered. It seemed a sudden thought had hit him. "Wanna go see a movie next week?"

"Uh..." Takuya took a minute to organize his thoughts and get back to what had been said. "Sure. I think I'll be able to walk by then."

Kouji smiled and turned the tv off.

"Great. Time for bed!" he smirked when Takuya pouted.

"What are you? My mother?" he scoffed.

Takuya gasped when he was lifted into the air by Kouji.

"For tonight...yea, I am." he laughed and began down the hallway. "And your boyfriend."

Takuya let out a laughing gasp as Kouji tickled him.

Fin! That's the end, there isn't anymore.