My first fic in awhile and I decided to do one from Zoids: Genesis, a new anime I started watching. I like it a lot… I love Seijuurou and Ruuji, they're interesting characters. And being the person I am, I had to throw a little shounen-ai into the story. Note the word LITTLE. This is more a drabble with possible insights on Seijuurou's character. So if that offends you, sorry, this ficlet isn't for you. I'm quite aware that there's like none of that in the actual story, however, I'm a fangirl and when I squint I can see it, so that makes it good enough for me.

Disclaimer: Zoids: Genesis is not mine nor will it ever be and I'm just doing this for fun at 3:30 AM in bed while waiting for my insomnia to go away.

The kid had spirit, he had to give him that. Seijuurou looked on as Ruuji frantically did as many push-ups as his small body would allow in as short a time as possible. Part of his "training," he called it. While Seijuurou had said his training was going to be hard and long, he hadn't meant that. Sighing, he looked down at the cool ground beneath him, focusing on each individual speck of dirt, each small blade of grass.

Ruuji was so much like… him. So dedicated to his training, and yet, as Kotona said, they weren't alike. He wanted to be the strongest for power. Ruuji wanted to protect. Needed to protect… his family, his village. They were all counting on him. How could he deny him when that was his reason?

And yet, part of him was still torn. His attitude, his whole out-look on everything was so much like his that it sometimes hurt to be around him. That boy… he'd been so close…

"Seijuurou-san?" Seijuurou jerked his head up, startled by the interruption. He stared at Ruuji, one eyebrow slightly tilting up, asking in his silent way what the intrusion was for. "Aah… I'm sorry, Seijuurou-san, I didn't think that I'd be bothering you, forgive me." Seijuurou watched as Ruuji stepped away, bowing.

"It's fine." He muttered. Ruuji stopped, beaming.

"I've finished with what you said, and did some extra. Was there something else I should do next?" He asked, pushing a strand of his fine brown hair from his eyes. Seijuurou looked at him, carefully watching as the sweat poured from his face, his clothing drenched with it. He was overdoing it, and if he didn't stop, he was going to hurt himself.

"That's fine."

"Eh?" Ruuji stood up straight, head tilted slightly. "But, Seijuurou-san… you said training was-"

"Difficult and long, yes. And that you'd have to make up three days for one missed day. But you've done enough for today. One must always know when to stop, or they'll overexert the body, and then training would be missed for many days."

"Seijuurou-san… that's the most you've talked since you've joined us!" Ruuji said, excitedly. The older man huffed, the slightest of smiles gracing his face, though it was visible to no one. He watched as his young disciple ran off to go cool himself in the river.

He really was… no. He was unique, this one. Completely selfless, never wanting to do anything that would harm others, even if it would harm himself. Seijuurou allowed himself a slightly larger smile. He could really… grow on a person.