
I own none of the characters in this fan fiction. I do however own the bit from the book at the start of this chapter. I also own the account to publish this on the internet! The power! Anyways, enjoy and please read and review. This is dedicated to all my friends! You know who you are! tishu, hellsingandinuyasharock and katsuro.



When things don't go our way,

All we can do,

Is to change them as much as we can,

For better or worse.

I closed the book slowly, the last line ringing in my mind. I smiled slightly as I thought it over, wondering if it was true and we could in fact change our futures.

There was a knock at the door and I tried to clear my thoughts before I went to answer it. I walked out of my bedroom and into the plain white room where I spent most of my time.

There was a desk in the corner with a chair pushed under it at an almost-but-not-quite-straight angle. A dull red couch covered the other wall, it looked as old as it was.

I took the door handle in my hand and turned it smoothly. It made a soft click and the door was free of its hold. On the other side there was a tall man, who I knew within a second of seeing him.

His hair was light blonde and was kept relatively short. His skin was pale, making his scar on his forehead stand out. The long white coat he wore drifted around his ankles like a gown. A sneer was fixated on his face, making it seem mocking.

I glared at him and went to close the door, but I had let my grip loosen and his boot had found its way onto my carpet and was now blocking the door. Now that option was gone I turned and walked towards my bedroom, content to let him stay in the living room so long as he was well away from me.

"Hey, chicken." Seifer's mocking voice rang in my ears as he followed me in. It made me want to turn and break his teeth.

"I'm not a chicken." I hissed, my gloved hands tightening into fists. I wanted him to go, to just leave me alone.

The man laughed cruelly and I shuddered. "Sure, what ever chicken-wuss." I heard him flop down on the sofa. Not gently, but like he was trying to break it in one movement and make it seem like an accident.

I was really tempted to hurt him, or give him a piece of my mind. Instead I walked to my bedroom and slammed the door shut in one swift movement. I lent against the door just in case that idiot decided he wanted in.

I listened carefully at the door, waiting to hear his footsteps approaching. I heard nothing. Curious as I was I wasn't about to go out there and have to face him. It wasn't that I was scared, oh no, I just didn't want to get into trouble for kicking his ass.

I waited there, just stood still, for around ten minutes. I was getting agitated now, waiting around wasn't my thing. He had probably left now anyways. Why would he wait this long otherwise? He had probably sneaked out to see how long I stayed in here without realising.

Well screw him! I needed out of this stupid room now. It's way too small to stay in for hours.

I burst out of the box room and looked around. Seifer was gone. Just as I thought. I sighed and turned around, now I felt tired, I wish I could make up my mind.

I didn't bother to close the door and flopped down on my bed. I wasn't feeling too good anyway. My eyes closed slowly and I let sleep take me.



I slumped down on the sofa next to Rinoa. A frown was forming on my face and I tried not to let her see my stress. Her arms took me around my waist, but I didn't try and return the hug.

My mind kept wandering back to this morning. I had been sitting with Rinoa in the cafeteria when Seifer had come waltzing in like he owned the place. Next thing I know he sits down next to me and his hands are crawling like insects all over my body.

I shook my head at the memory and put my arm around the girls thin shoulders. I wasn't going to let Seifer ruin my day.

"Squall? Are you ok?" Rinoa smiled up at me, "Is there something bothering you?"

I shook my head once more, showing that nothing was. My eyes then drifted to the coffee machine in the corner of my room. I untangled myself from the blue clothed girl and headed over to it. Coffee always made me feel better.

"I'm going out later, ok sweetie?" Rinoa asked me, well more like told me. "I'll be back late so don't wait up for me."

Always the same thing every night. What was so good about going out and then coming back just to wake up feeling like you have the flu? I didn't see the point.

"Okay." I muttered back at her. Hey, if the worst came to the worst I could hang out with one of my other friends. It wasn't like she was the only one I could have fun with.

I returned to the squishy blue couch and sat down carefully, trying not to spill the burning hot liquid. This was apparently a cute thing to do because Rinoa lent over and took my lips in hers before I could even try the black stuff I had made. I didn't mind though, I could always warm it up later.

My tongue was taken into her mouth and then my hands started to rub up and down her arms, well not just her arms. I ignored the coffee as it fell to the floor and spilled out into an almost blood-like pool.



My eyes snapped open and I sat up sharply. I could hear, no sense, something close to me. I could hear the deep heavy breathing of what ever it was. I looked around, trying to see in the almost pitch darkness. Damn, I couldn't see a thing.

I heard, what sounded like, a foot land near by and I turned, my fists raised. Nothing. Maybe it was my imagination then.

I sighed and got out from the blanket which hand now entwined itself around me. I opened the door to my room and walked out dressed in nothing more than a pair of boxers.

The room was dark and empty looking. Rooms always seemed bigger in the dark. Suddenly a shadowy hands landed on the blonde fighters shoulder.

My eyes opened wide in fear and surprise. Then I screamed before even thinking, "SEIFER! HELP ME!" I wriggled out of the strong grip, tears forming in my eyes.

"Zell... it's ok." A familiar voice spoke softly, "It's me. It's Seifer." The figure held out it's hands, "I'm sorry for scaring you."

I froze then began to laugh softly. I was laughing from shock and relief, maybe embarrassment about called out the mans name. But I didn't care, not one bit.

As I fell into his arms I wondered why he was still here and why he was being so kind to me. Then my eyes closed and the shaking in my body slowed down to nothing.





"I'm going out now, you ok by yourself sweetie?"


"See you soon!"


The door shut gently, the lock sliding into place automatically. I was sprawled out on the couch, a rare smiled plastered on my face.

I had cleaned up the coffee a little while before and now had a towel placed on the damp carpet. It was dark out and even the moon was missing, covered by a blanket of cloud. I heard the screams and laughs of the students outside, getting ready for a night of fun and relaxation.

I sighed and reached for the phone. If Zell was in I could go and hang around with him, I kind of felt lonely tonight.

The phone rang, but no one picked up. I tried again and there was still no answer. That was really unlike Zell. Normally he would have told me if he was going out and he never let the phone ring and ring like that, he said it disturbed the programs he watched.

No, it would be unplugged or he would have picked up. I wasn't normally one to worry, but there was a nagging feeling in my stomach.

Without thinking it through I grabbed my coat and headed out the door, slamming in closed. I strode down the corridor as fast as I could, I wanted to see what Zell was doing.

I stopped outside his room door. The lights were off, but I could hear breathing. Harsh and loud in the main room. I froze when I heard the voice, that voice which muttered "Zell."


Oh my! I seemed to have finished this chapter XD

I hope you enjoyed it. If you did R&R then I will type up the next one!

PS I take ages updating so don't bug me about it :)