"Addicted To You"

Chapter 1

"Thinking Up Ways to Say Hello"

I sighed as I turned my head to face Cindy. "Hey Cindy...What's up?" Well, that's what I thought in my head. I was always thinking. Thinking of ways to talk to her. Finally talk to her. I sighed again, turning to my other side to face Sheen.

"Hey Sheen...How did you and Libby start going out like this? You know...I mean..You were the geek, she was the popular one...She could have gone out with anyone! But why..How . Did she pick you?" asked Jimmy suddenly.

Sheen looked at him, confused. "I just showed her that I liked her. All she doesn't like about me is that I give her nicknames. But we try to work as a team, you know? We put down 'rules' and we follow them. Well...The rules are mostly for me."

Jimmy nodded. "Oh...Ok..."

Jimmy had changed a lot over the years. (A/N: This is when the gang is all aged at 15) He got rid of his soft-serve ice cream hair, and let it just flow down to his jaw. He stopped wearing his everyday outfit, and alternated between his limited clothing every day. Today, he wore his Fall Out Boy T-Shirt with plain jeans. His jacket was navy blue. Jimmy no longer acted out, being the town's genius that had adventures everyday. He only did crazy things when needed. In fact, he was almost like a hermit. Shacked for days in his lab, inventing things that he threw in a corner when finished.

BRINNNNNNGGGGG! The bell rung, sending all the kids into a frenzy, hurrying to leave the school for the day.

"Hey Jimmy!" It was Libby, waving a flyer in the air while running to him. Jimmy froze at the sound of his name. He turned just in time to see Libby stop, panting.

"It's a party at my house tonight! Please come! Sheen said you were acting very emo all week...So..You know. I don't want you to be like that either." she said in a hurry. It was as if she was afraid he was coming to her party.

Jimmy shrugged. "I'll...I'llask my parents. I don't know. I'll call Sheen and---"

Libby was already gone, presumably left at the words 'ask my parents'.

Jimmysighed again, walking to the Candy Bar for his weekly after school milkshake.

He always sat at the bar, watching all the people walk by, chatting with friends. SLURRRRPPP. He took a long sip of his milkshake.

"Hey Jimmy! What's new?" asked Carl, sitting down next to Jimmy.

Jimmy sighed for the tenth time that hour. "Hmm? Nothing's new. Nothing's EVER new."

Carl nodded, calling to Sam so he could order his daily sundae. "Well...Sheen said you might go to the party at Libby's tonight. Hope you can go."

Jimmy shrugged. "I don't know if I can go. I'll ask my mom or something when I get home."

Carl nodded again, his head bobbing like a turkey's. "Cool. Hey, guess what?" He said this with a certain amout of excitement in his voice.

Jimmy shrugged again. He mumbled something that sounded an awful like 'Who cares?'.

"I got a date to the party!" said Carl excitedly.

Jimmy stared. "Y-You got a date?"

Carl nodded and pointed at a girl at the table near them. "Her name is Tori. She JUST moved her from Michigan. She's actually really funny and nice. You should hang with us at the party!"

"Uh...Sure..Okay..I don't even know if I can go to the party, Carl..." muttered Jimmy.

Carl had already left to be with his date to the party, Tori.

Jimmy sighed for the eleventh time that hour. 'What's with all the people leaving while I'm still talking?'

"Am I that invisible?"

End Chapter

A/N: How'd you guys like it? I decided to start a new story, not because I'm not going to continue my Holiday series, but because I was just plain hit with inspiration. Hehehe, metaphors are fun!

Anywho...Can you guys review please? Especially you, Genius Flyboy, DramaQueen2000, and TVGirl2006!