Chapter 1

Summary: Inuyasha makes a bet with Miroku that he could get any wanted he wanted to sleep with him. What he didn't count on was that he'd have to get the worst women of them all.

Twenty-one year old Kagome Higurashi giggled as she and the tall man stumbled in the hallway towards his apartment. As they walked into the apartment the man pushed Kagome against the wall grinding into her while kissing and nipping at her neck. Kagome pushed the man slightly his intoxicated state causing him to stumble back clumsily. The man looked at her slightly dazed, "Maro-kun you know we shouldn't do that here." The man called Maro frowned at her slightly Kagome looked at him through half-lidded eyes smirking seductively, "So let's go to the bedroom." Kagome grabbed her purse waiting for Maro to lead the way. Maro grinned taking her hand and leading her to his bedroom.

When they reached the bedroom Kagome put her purse on the night table beside the bed and pushed him roughly onto the bed. Maro smirked, feeling extremely lucky to snatch a chance with this girl.

Kagome smirked as she saw that his bed head was iron with bars going from side to side. Kagome crawled over to him straddling him then kissing him roughly on the lips when he tried to touch her she simply pinned them above his head with her hands. Kagome reached over to her purse pulling out a pair of handcuffs. Maro smirked at her, "So you like to play, huh?"

Kagome smiled that all knowing smile for those who knew her knew nothing good ever came from that smile, well…nothing good for you. "I guess you could say that." Kagome took both of Maro's hands and handcuffed him to the bed head. Kagome smiled as she kissed and nipped his neck and chest her hands caressed his well toned stomach.

Maro groaned in pleasure, "Now…now", Maro thrust into Kagome to show what he wanted.

Kagome smiled teasingly, "Now…" Kagome said densely. Maro nodded licking his lips. Kagome sighed tiredly, "Nah, I think I'm gonna head home it's been fun Maro-kun. I'll see you later." Kagome grinned as she got up fixing her short black dress. She took out a camera aimed it at Maro, "Say cheese" the camera flashed in the man's face. Kagome smiled as she put the camera in her purse and picked the purse up off the table. Maro looked at her incredulously not believing the words she had just said.

"Y-y-you, you can't be serious." Kagome smiled walking over to the bedroom door. "Your serious bitch, get back here. Suki, Suki come back."

'Rule number one never tell them your real name.' Kagome smiled as she slammed the apartment door shut. She loved doing things like that. She sighed shaking her head she never slept with these guys only played around with them. She would have to call a cab to get to the mansion she shared with her two best friends she was still slightly drunk. Buy hey after getting drunk at least twice a week every week you learn to conduct yourself quite nicely although everyone that has a conversation with you can see your not in your right state.

Moans could be heard throughout the room as twenty-three year old Inuyasha Takahashi collapsed on top of a blond woman out of exhaustion. Inuyasha rolled over and laid flat on his bed with a satisfied smile on his face. The blond laid motionless for a little while before getting up and collecting all her clothes so she could leave. When she was dressed she leaned over to kiss Inuyasha on the lips but he turned his head allowing her to catch his cheek instead of his lips. The girl couldn't help but frown at this, "Call me, Inu." She said as she put a paper containing her number on the night table before exiting. Inuyasha sighed as he touched his lips.
Inuyasha sat in the booth with his best friend Miroku. "So Inuyasha what did you do after last night's party?" Inuyasha looked at Miroku before smirking cockily. Miroku rolled his eyes, "I get it. It wasn't the blond was it?"

"Yeah what's it to ya?"

"Nothing just curious, you know Yash, you change women more than you change underwear."

"I can't help it that every woman that comes in contact with me wants a piece of me, Miroku." Inuyasha grinned cockily.

"Yeah right not every woman is gonna jump in your pants yash."

"Oh yeah I can get any woman to I want to sleep with me with me."

"Wanna bet."

"Fine you're on."

"Loser has to go to club Shikon on Saturday night, since that's usually the busiest night, dressed as a woman. And pays the winner five hundred bucks." Inuyasha chuckled. "Oh one other thing I get to pick the woman, you've got one week." Inuyasha stopped laughing and looked at Miroku, who was now laughing evilly getting some freaked out looks from the customers and employees. Inuyasha kicked Miroku under the table, "What was that for?" Inuyasha didn't have time to answer because at that precise moment three girls walked into the diner. Inuyasha couldn't help but stare. One woman was petite had long black hair with brown highlights; she wore a white, knee-length, halter top, sundress with red cherries all over it. Her shoes were a pair of red pointed toe slingbacks. The woman beside her was taller by a couple inches she had jet black hair with blue highlights; she wore a pair of tight long denim pants, spike heel black leather boots that were slightly covered by the pants and a light blue tight V-neck camisole with a fitted leather jacket that reached mid-thigh over it. The woman beside her was the same height with long straight dark brown hair; she wore a fitted pink t-shirt dark denim pants and a pair of white runners. Miroku saw his friend no longer paying attention to him and turned to see what his friend was staring at. What he saw were three of the most beautiful women he had ever laid eyes on taking a seat in the booth behind him. He turned back to Inuyasha and raised one eyebrow at him.

Inuyasha looked at Miroku, "I think I just spotted new prey." Miroku shook his head at his friend's behavior, "I think I'll go talk to them." However before Inuyasha could even start to slide out of the booth a loud bang came from the front door. Everyone in the diner turned their heads to the source of the noise. All came face to face with a seething man who seemed to be staring at one particular girl in the booth behind Miroku. The man walked to the booth slowly looking as if he was ready to kill. Kagome looked at the man with wide eyes as he looked at her. She took off her jacket and stood slowly in front of the booth. Everyone in the diner watched the two with keen interest. The man stopped in front of Kagome. Everyone held their breath with anticipation not knowing what will happen next. Kagome though seemed confident smiling giddily. Kagome was the first to speak.

"Hey Maro-kun how are you?" She said in a bubbly voice. Maro's eyebrow twitched in annoyance. Inuyasha, Miroku and the two girls Kagome had walked in with watched the man's every movement. They were shocked when the man started to cackle like a madman.

"How am I, you ask." Maro said through his teeth. "You leave me handcuffed to the bed and you have the nerve to ask me how I am. Hmm…well let's see after you left me handcuffed to the bed I had to stay like that all night until my roommate got home this morning. Then it took him an hour to pick the fucking lock on the handcuffs. Oh but before I forget he took fucking pictures of me handcuffed to the bed and laughed at my ass for at least two hours. Do you know how embarrassing that…" Maro was cut off by the girl in the pink t-shirt that had entered with Kagome.

"Hey I don't appreciate you coming in here and shouting at my friend, jackass."

"This little bitch is your friend?"

"Look I know what she did was wrong but…"

"No, no buts, your friend is evil you hear. She's the devil incarnate. She nuts you hear me nuts. Beware men around the world beware of the one called Suki." Kagome couldn't take it anymore she burst out laughing at the man's words. Kagome turned to her friend that spoke up for her.

"Thanks Sango but I've got this."

Inuyasha and Miroku looked at the scene before them thoroughly amused with what was going on. Miroku looked at Maro as an idea came to him. 'If this girl can torture a guy that much just think of all the pain she'd put Inuyasha through.' Miroku grinned when he thought of all the torture Inuyasha would suffer. He turned to Inuyasha hey even if Inuyasha magically got this girl he would still go through immense suffering so either way he got something. "I've chosen the girl." Miroku said with a grin. Inuyasha looked at him already knowing what was coming, "I pick that girl right there that caused the guy to go crazy. Inuyasha scowled at his friend.

"Are you nuts, that girl seems slightly psycho to me." Miroku's grin widened if possible.

"Precisely the point my friend."

Kagome turned Maro, "Look Maro-kun don't you think your over reacting. I may be a bitch but I'm not evil and I am certainly not the devil incarnate. I should know she works at my Dad's company that I run and goes by the name of Kikyo Watanabe." Both Sango and the girl beside her in the sundress giggled at Kagome's joke. "Look Maro-kun how about I make it up to you. A date you and me my treat Friday night?" Maro looked at her as if she were crazy.

"A date with you, not a chance in hell. Woman your nut crazy if you think I'll go anywhere with you. I'll be lucky if I can ever look at another woman the same again after the crap you put me through last night. The woman in the white sundress that had came in with Kagome chose this time to speak up.

"Look calm down what happened last night wasn't that bad she has done a lot worst trust me. What happen to you was nothing compared to some of the things she's done to guys. So just forget about it."

"How can I forget something like that?"

Kagome smiled at him, "You will in due time." Maro looked as if he was about to breakdown. He calmly walked out the door with a dazed look on his face. As soon as Maro was out of sight Kagome took her seat across from her friends and the people in the diner went back to what they were doing. All three girls looked at each other and burst out laughing, "Oi Rin, Sango that was too funny."

Rin spoke having found her voice. "That was hysterical."

Sango finally spoke up, "So that's what happened to Bankotsu's handcuffs. Oh he's gonna be pissed when he finds out."

Kagome looked at her when she said that, "Yeah but he's probably gonna laugh his ass of when we tell him."

Rin giggled a little, "Your right he will."

Sango looked at Kagome suspiciously, "So that's where you were last night."

Kagome smiled at her, "Yeah I wanted to tell you went I got the picture back from the store."

Rin looked at Kagome incredulously, "You took pictures? Oh Kami Kagome. I can't believe you." Kagome smirked at Rin sheepishly.

Inuyasha and Miroku looked at each other incredulously at the name 'Kagome'. Inuyasha mouthed the word 'Kagome' to Miroku who just shrugged slightly. "Hey Miroku, do you think it's the same Kagome that everyone keeps talking about?"

"Maybe, it would explain why that guy that came in here looked like he was going to have a nervous breakdown."

"Yeah, from what I heard the girls supposed to be totally nuts or something and acts like she's on a constant high."

"I heard that she's the main reason why a lot of guys or afraid of women."

"Me too, I also heard that she likes to mess with guys minds you know screw them all make them go crazy."

"Well if it's her then you've got a lot of work to do. Because my sources tell me that she doesn't sleep with these men only torture them. Good luck."

"You don't have any fucking sources perv."

"Yes I do, how would you know anyway?"

"I just do. Now shut up I'm going in for the kill." Inuyasha stood and walked to the booth behind Miroku. All three girls watched as he approached and took the empty seat right next to Kagome.

Kagome watched as a tall handsome silver haired man with dog ears and hazel eyes wearing a tight black t-shirt, light blue jeans and a pair of white runners sat beside her. She stared at the man intently as if trying to anticipate his next move. She finally spoke up seeing as how he just sat there not saying anything. "Who are you?" she asked slightly confused. The man looked at her as if he had just noticed her sitting there. 'Great a crazy one. Rule number two never mess with the crazy people they always seem to be the ones that give you the most trouble to freak out.'

"Who, me?" Kagome gave a slight nod before the man continued, "Names Inuyasha, Inuyasha Takahashi." Inuyasha stuck his hand out and looked at her expectantly. Kagome smiled meekly and shook his hand. "How about you what's your name?" Kagome didn't answer she looked at her friends who looked just as bewildered as she. "You know it's rude to ignore someone when they ask you a question." Kagome smirked at Inuyasha cockily.

"Well it's also rude to sit down at someone else's table uninvited." Inuyasha looked at her questioningly. He raised both eyebrows.

"You're right that is rude. I hate it when people do that, don't you?" Kagome looked at him expecting him to get leave but he didn't he just stared right back at her. "Anyways…what's your name?" Kagome scowled at the man beside her.

"It's Kagome Higurashi as in psycho bitch Kagome feared by all men around." Kagome said trying to scare Inuyasha off. Kagome scowled even more when Inuyasha didn't run after hearing whom she was. Both Sango and Rin giggled at Kagome's evident frustration but shut up as soon as Kagome shot a glare their way. Inuyasha studied Kagome's face. He stared into her eyes they were the lightest blue he had ever seen on anyone. She had a creamy white complexion and ruby red lips her face was framed by jet black hair that almost dark blue itself. Her bangs seemed to be a little too long for her. Inuyasha looked at how her pouted red lips twisted into a scowl and couldn't help but smirk.

"You know your face is going to get stuck like." Kagome glared at him.

"Who the fuck cares?"

"You've got quite a mouth on you don't you?"

Kagome stood and grabbing her jacket. She looked at Inuyasha expectantly, "Do you mind?" Inuyasha got the message and stood.

"No of course not, by all means."

Kagome walked out of the booth "Come on guys this place is too crowded" she said glaring pointedly at Inuyasha who looked back at her casually. Both girls came out of the booth smirking at Inuyasha. Sango spoke to him first then Rin.

"You don't stand a chance."

"Good luck you're gonna need it to snag Kaggy." Inuyasha went back to his original seat across from Miroku when the girls were out of sight. Miroku was trying to keep from laughing and was failing miserably. Inuyasha sighed.

"That went well."

Miroku chuckled, "Yeah right you didn't even get number."

"No but I got a last name and a first name that is all I need my friend." Inuyasha took out his cell phone and dialed a number. "Yeah Myouga get me everything you can on a Higurashi, Kagome. And I mean everything I want favorite food, where she works, favorite flower right down to if she prefers coke over pepsi or pepsi over coke. I want pictures too. You hear me hand it to my secretary tomorrow." Inuyasha hung up the phone and smirked cockily at his friend who shook his head at him.