Worlds Apart

It had been five years. Five long, difficult years since their parents had died. They were on the streets of Paris after their homes had burned down in the Kings fury. Five years since this fury had first been unleashed. Five friends thrown together after their parents had been murdered before their eyes. The eldest, Kai, had been made the unofficial leader of the group. Through thick and thin he was the one who remained calm, he, though at the young age of nineteen, was the leader of the rebels and was therefore the most respected. Respected as he was, the King was after his blood. After all, he did lead the rebels and not only that. He had broken into the palace to sabotage the Kings guard and had sometimes tried to poison the King himself.

The youngest, Max, was the shyest. The groups pet as it were. His parents were not only killed in front of him but the men who had killed them had also left the young one with a cut from his ear to the nape of his neck which, was now healing to form an evil looking scar. He followed Kai like a lost lamb. The group loved him like he was their own brother, not only because he was the youngest, but because he had suffered a great deal of trauma and woke up most nights drenched in sweat screaming.

Rei. He was the feminine guy of the group. Also the third oldest of the main five. He was the loving, motherly figure to the other four however; he was also the one who helped get Kai into the palace. Many a time, he had gone boldly up to the castle gate and distracted the guardsmen. Fools these men were, to admire such a beauty. He was slender and his long raven hair swept its way across his lower back in perfect ringlets. His face was delicate, with a petite nose and soft amber eyes.

Tyson. Tyson was the happy carefree teen, the second oldest to Kai and the most clumsiest. He always did something to cheer everyone else up. It didn't matter if he tripped over his feet into a custard pie; one Kai had just stolen from the rich market. His hair was long and blue, tied in a tight red ponytail. A small fang earring hung from his ear, a goofy grin on his face that made everyone smile when they were near him.

The last one…Daichi. The second youngest and one of the most brutal in the resistance. No mercy was his motto. He had hardened past caring. He was responsible for the death of over fourteen of the king's guard in one raid. Daring, dangerous and as evil as the king himself. Yet…for some unknown reason Kai kept him close. Maybe it was because Daichi had proved himself more than capable, or maybe it was because he was so small he could get into anywhere, which proved him a valuable ally. No one was sure exactly but one thing they were sure about, Kai kept him ever so close. As Rei often joked, Kai kept his friends close and his enemies closer, though no one ever believed that was the case.

It was the dead of night when Kai next left, along with Rei and Daichi. He had entrusted Max with Tyson who though was utterly insane, could sober up and be serious when the time called for it. "Don't worry." Tyson had said while watching over the sleeping, shaking Max. "He'll be ok. You know I'd never let anything happen to him." He smiled fondly while pulling Max into his arms protectively. Kai nodded and watched as Max's previously creased face relaxed into an expression of peace and contentment. Ruffling the smaller boy's hair affectionately he pulled Rei and Daichi into the cover of the shadows created by the street torches.

As they reached the walkway up to the palace Rei started trembling. Although he had done this many a time before he always became nervous. What if they were caught and killed? Who would look after Max and Tyson? They'd be left alone, never knowing unless they came up to the palace and were killed on the spot. Kai nudged Rei sharply but softly, saying silently that he needed to hurry. Rei took a deep breath and strolled up to the gate.

Knock knock

A panel slid open promptly. "What?" Barked the sleepy guardsman. He blinked heavily before realising who it was. Rei flashed a smile as the guard opened the gate with a chuckle. "Hello my lovely. Back so soon?" He said huskily.

Rei simply smiled before asking, "Is it just you tonight or will there be anyone else?"

"Just me." Came the ever-eager reply from the desperate guard.

Rei smiled seductively and wrapped his soft arms around the guard's neck slowly massaging the muscles. "You're so tense." He murmured pulling the fool to a chair inside the gate. "Here. Let me soothe your muscles." He said rubbing his hands over the slimy neck. As the guard pulled Rei's crotch onto his lap Rei pushed the pressure point on the repulsive, sticky neck. Making sure the poor excuse for the king's guard was unconscious he slid his hand to the belt and unfastened it, removing the keys; he opened the forgotten gate and pulled Kai and Daichi inside. Giving them the keys he sat next to the guard, pulling his shirt off, just in case the fool woke early.

Kai and Daichi ran swiftly into the shadows undetected. They slowly crept to the palace entrance and slipped inside, narrowly avoiding being beheaded by the falling gate. "That's going to pose as a problem." Daichi whispered gleefully, earning a glare and a nudge from an agitated Kai.

They carried onwards, occasionally meeting up with armed soldiers who soon became unarmed and unconscious soldiers. "This is annoying." Daichi growled eventually.

"I agree." Muttered Kai after knocking out the sixth soldier. "Strip them of their armour and put it on." He ordered, to this Daichi happily obliged. Once they had put the suffocating armour on they pulled the men into an isolated room and closed the heavy wooden before sliding a strong wooden beam into the lock outside, trapping the poor disgraced warriors into a smelly restricted room.

They found, once they had got the hang of walking in heavy clanking suits, that getting around the castle became a much easier task. Strutting through the castle they were able to get to the King's chambers easily. As Kai had been there a number of times before he found his way easily. Daichi, had he not been close to Kai, would have been lost in an instant. He only knew his way to the armoury.

The King was busy in his chambers writing a letter. He looked up quickly when he heard the creaking of his door. "What?" He snapped. "Can't you see I'm busy?" He asked returning to the letter.

"Yes oh great one" Kai remarked sarcastically brandishing a newly sharpened dagger. Paling significantly the King looked up. "The end of your reign is coming King Tala." Daichi sneered.

"My men were supposed to have been trained to recognise you. Even if you were in disguise." King Tala growled.

Daichi took off his helmet. "Yeah well your men are idiots." He smirked.

Kai cleared his throat interrupting the silent hatred. "You will pay for your crimes against the people King Tala." He said gripping the King's throat and holding the blade to the trembling redheads Adam apple.

Just as he was about to slit the throat of the tyrant soldiers burst into the room, armed with newly developed rifles. "Let him go street filth!" The head of the royal guard demanded.

Kai's eyes narrowed. "If you think I'm going to let your master go when I have him at my mercy you have another think coming Bryan." He said tightening his grip on Tala's throat. "You shoot me…my hand will slip while my heart stops beating. Then you will have treason on your head." He said harshly. Bryan thought for a moment before holding his hand up to stop his men from shooting. He put his weapon down, causing the others to follow suit.

Kai watched them before walking boldly through them, his hands tightly around Tala proving he would kill him if they made a move out of place. Daichi followed him, picking up a rifle of his own and following behind Kai. He made sure no one would sneak up behind Kai. As they reached the entrance Kai barked at them. "Open the gate." On Bryan's nod the guards did as ordered. Kai and Daichi went through, reaching Rei who hurried to grab his shirt and put it on. Tala, who was slowly suffocating found himself enthralled by the raven beauty. Of course, he had heard many stories about this creature from bored guards who bragged about their sex lives. He had always found it strange how none of them actually remember sleeping with this creature. They only mentioned being massaged at the neck before passing into realms of pleasure.

As Rei pulled his tunic over him he opened the very front gates with the keys that Kai tossed to him. He opened the gate and went through, as did Daichi. Kai roughly whispered into Tala's ear, causing the redhead to panic and nod. Kai lifted his arm and dagger away from Tala's neck and swiftly kicked him forward into Bryan's arms before slamming the front gate shut and running as fast as possible back to the others.

Bryan shouted to his men to follow them until Tala growled and straightened himself up. "Leave them alone." His face turned into an evil grimace. "We'll get them back where it hurts." He sneered, limping back to his room. "We'll see who is the fool at the end of this."

Bryan stood in the courtyard at a loss for words. His king had never been like this before. He turned back to his men and ordered them to place extra security around the castle walls.

Far away in the cover of an alehouse Kai, Daichi, Max and Tyson were celebrating uproariously their success. They hadn't managed to kill the king but they had stolen a rifle and more importantly the king's dignity. Rei was in the bathroom scrubbing his hands ferociously, trying to rid himself of the slime from the neck of the guard.

What does Tala mean 'get them where it hurts'? Has it got anything to do with my summary that says "Why is Rei being kept locked away?"

Guess there's only one way to find out. Read the next chapter. Of course I won't update until I get at least 10 reviews. So please please please review!


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