Title: A Christmas Incident
Author: Annie-morphs
Rating: K/PG
Genre(s): General/Romance
Summary: Holly, Root, Mulch, Foaly, and Trouble spend their Christmas week with Artemis Fowl and the Butler siblings. Who knows what will come from intertwining the People with Mud Men during the holiday?
Warning(s): There may be OCC ahead. So if you can't stand that, you may want to avoid reading this.
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters in this story. I only own the plot of this story. Okay, now since all that's out of the way, let's get started on the story, which I hope you'll enjoy.
Notes:This is my very first fanfiction so please be kind when you tell me what you think and how to improve. This was just an idea I got randomly and thought that it would be kind of nice to post. I hope you like it.

Chapter Summary: Trouble, Root, Foaly, Mulch, and the Butlers have a little plan for Artemis and Holly. And it's going to be a great and embarrassing surprise for those two…

A Christmas Incident
Chapter One: Mistletoe Mishap

Fowl Manor

Trouble, Root, Foaly, Mulch, and the Butler siblings were all gathered in the living room. It was finally the first day of their Christmas week at the Fowl Manor and they were all very anxious to proceed with their plan. They, along with Holly, had received permission to stay at Fowl Manor for Christmas this year. And the fun was already beginning.

"Foaly, are we ready?" Root asked.

Foaly double-checked to see if he had his iris cam equipped. "Yup!"

Root nodded toward the Butler siblings. "Go get them now."

Juliet grinned with delight. "You got it, Commander. Off to get our victims!"

Artemis's Study

Artemis was typing away on his keyboard when there was a knock at the door. Artemis closed the lid on his laptop and turned around in his swivel chair.

"Come in," Artemis called to the knocker.

Butler entered. Artemis gave him a curious look.

Butler spoke up, "Master Artemis, will you follow me, please? Your presence is needed in the living room."

Artemis rose a questioning eyebrow. He wondered why he was needed in the living room. Nonetheless, he rose from his chair and allowed his butler to escort him out.

Guest Room

The younger Butler sibling halted just outside the room Holly was in. The blond took a deep breath, trying to relax her grinning mouth. She wouldn't want to spoil the surprise, now, would she? Once she was calm, Juliet slowly glided into the room to find Holly on the guest bed, lying on her belly with a book in her hands. Feeling Juliet's presence, Holly glanced up.

"Oh. Hi, Juliet. What brings you here?" Holly asked.

Juliet feigned innocence. "Oh, nothing..."

Apparently, Juliet wasn't succeeding at all for Holly looked completely unconvinced.

"What are you up to?" Holly demanded.

Juliet faked a dramatic sigh. "Fine, fine, fine. Come with me and you'll find out."

Juliet walked out of the room, patiently waiting for Holly to follow. Holly got up, puzzled and suspicious, leaving her book flipped open on the bed. Juliet traveled down the hallway to the living room. She couldn't control the grin exploding on her face. Luckily, Holly couldn't see the maniac look on the Mud Maid's face or she would have gotten even more suspicious.

Man, this is going to be so much fun, Juliet thought.

Fowl's Living Room

Holly, Artemis, and the Butler siblings arrived at the room at the same time, bringing Holly deeper into suspicion and Artemis into caution. Leaving his master, Butler went to stand with the other occupants of the room. Juliet pushed a reluctant Holly towards Artemis while Trouble pushed a resisting Artemis toward Holly. Juliet and Trouble then hurried back to their friends.

Holly and Artemis were left standing awkwardly in the center of the room. It didn't take a genius to figure out that the spotlight was on them.

"What's happening?" Holly demanded.

The others only grinned and didn't answer. For a few seconds, the room was silent with a few smiling and grinning faces.

Holly caught on first. It was Christmas week. She slowly looked up, afraid of what she'll see. When she saw what she saw, she paled visibly. She asked, already knowing the answer, "Please tell me that's not what I think it is."

Trouble grinned wickedly. "Oh, it certainly is."

Artemis began wondering what they were discussing so he risked a glance up. As soon as he did, he blushed bright red and was too embarrassed to say anything at all. His face was as red as the berries that hung above. His words were caught in his throat, not willing to escape even though he wanted them to. It can't be acceptable for a genius to be seen this way!

"That's right, Mud Boy. It's a mistletoe," Foaly taunted. "And you know, as well as I do, what will happen next."

Holly clenched her fists and growled. "Don't push it, Pony-Boy. I am so going to kill you guys! Whose idea was this, anyway?"

All fingers pointed accusingly at Juliet, who beamed proudly.

Holly's jaw dropped. "Juliet? How could you?"

Juliet reasoned defensively, "Hey, it's Christmas, right? Somebody's got to have some fun around here. We can't just leave you sitting around, wearing your eyes out on a book now, can we? And Artemis! He's just on that boring old laptop of his all the time. So, why not?"

Holly groaned and murmured, "Reading a book does not wear my eyes out. It's actually very entertaining and a great way to pass the time. You should try it sometime."

"Whatever." Juliet waved a dismissive arm to Holly. The captain frowned.

Even old Root was enjoying himself at the moment. "Go on, Captain Short. You have my permission to do your thing."

Holly wasn't in the mood to respect her authorities. "You mean shove my fist into your faces?" She cracked her knuckles to get the point across. The observers saw this and answered by backing away.

Holly let out a long, fuming sigh and muttered, "Let's just get this over with, Mud Boy."

She closed one eye, keeping the other open to watch Artemis's reaction. The closer she got, the redder Artemis turned. When her lips finally landed on his cheek for just a second, Artemis exploded into a shade redder than the berries. That is, if that's possible.

Holly flushed and faced the gang. "Happy now?"

"Not really..." Mulch replied vaguely.

"What do you mean, 'not really'?" Holly demanded.

"Well, we'll only be satisfied if Arty there does it back to you." Mulch flashed a molar-filled grin.

"Why you...!" Holly threw him a deadly glare, then spun back to face the still-blushing genius. "Get this over with," she hissed.

Trouble thought of something and smiled mischievously. "Oh, and if you want us to stop bothering you, you'll have to do it on the lips."

"WHAT?!" Holly outraged.

"You heard me." Captain Kelp said, already feeling satisfied. Juliet gave him a low high-five behind their backs.

"Ugh!" Holly groaned. Through clenched teeth, she growled, "Just. Get. This. Over. With."

Holly and Artemis hesitated before they leaned in closer and quickly pecked each other on the lips. As soon as that was over, the two unfortunate beings fled from the room, one still red from embarrassment and the other red from anger.

The only people left in the room were six snickering maniacs.

Operations Booth,
Police Plaza

The next morning, Foaly whistled happily as he strolled over to his computer. He had already watched yesterday's recording over twenty times. This part of the plan was even more devious than the first. And it was being put into action right now.

He waited impatiently for the video to load onto his computer then he began typing and clicking. Before he knew it, everybody in the building was watching the event that had happened just so recently in the manor.

The occupants of the building laughed, 'aww'ed, and cooed at the video footage.

Holly's eyes bulged in horror when she saw what Foaly had done. As she eyed the repeating broadcast of Fowl and herself leaning closer and connecting at the lips, every ounce of her horror grew greater. He didn't. He couldn't! Oh, he is so going to get it!

Holly marched off towards Foaly's Booth, enduring the horrible ridicule on the way. By the time she was at the Booth's doorway, her face was as red as Root's was known to become. Maybe a little redder...

Author's Note: I've decided to sort of rewrite the first chapter since this part was done like...1 or 2 years before. I'm not sure if anything really improved/changed but it's still the general idea of the former one. Hope you liked it, and please review and tell me what you think! Constructive criticism is also welcomed!