The only thought moving through my head was that my babies were coming. Then the first contraction hit me and I gritted my teeth to fight the pain. My Riddick was not sitting idle. He had already lifted me and carried me to my bed.

"Shenoba," I managed to gasp. "She is… the…. Healing woman."

The pain was like a bright flashing light, blinding me. All I wanted to do was cry and push this pain from my body. I did not let the pain defeat me. At the end I knew I would be blessed. Riddick stayed near me, not leaving… I was so scared he would leave me. Just holding my hand, and curling me into his embrace, my back to his front


"Toal," his voice was rough, "We need a woman from the village, the name is Shenoba. Tell Vaako and Venya it's time."

Toal must have answered because Riddick let out an affirmative grunt.

"Hold onto me, Eve. Just hold onto me and let me take your pain from you."

"My Riddick," I wept. "This must be a dream… but how can I feel pain in this heavenly dream…"

He buried his face in my neck, disregarding the sweat that now covered my body. "I'm sorry," he whispered after placing gentle kisses along the line of my jaw. "I'm here. I promise you, Eve, I'm never leaving you again. You are mine…. My destiny… my comfort… you are what balances me. Breathing without you there… it's like knifes cutting through me." His body shuddered slightly against me.

I have never heard Riddick speak like this. He has given me soft words before, has said that he loves me many times … at least he had loved me. So many fill my head, and at this moment, I do not have time for them. Our babies, the souls that have grown right under my heart… we would see them soon.

Shenoba must have run as soon as she was informed of the birth, because she came running into my dwelling; sweat glistening on her forehead, panting slightly.

"So, I understand our babies have chosen this fine day to enter our world," she said lightly, and with a huge smile. "I should have known they would choose the day I was going out to forage." Now she laughed.

She had left a basket here, filled with the lotions and concoctions she used to help women birthing their young. Shenoba went to it, picking it up and carrying it over to us.

"And who is this gentleman, Evaine?" she asked after inspecting the hold Riddick had on me.

"I am her husband," he said softly.

"The father of the babes?" I could hear the tone of surprise in her voice. I had told all that I was widowed.

"Yes," I spoke softly. Her father had been the only person I'd told the truth about Riddick. "I am sorry I lied to you, Shen." Tears leaked from my eyes, and they weren't all due to the pain from the contractions. I don't know where this emotional woman came from. The past few months I have been steady, calm. Now look at me; bawling, and sobbing, and being weak. "I thought I had truly lost him."

Shenoba was rubbing a lotion over my belly, and it soothed some of the pain away. She looked hard at Riddick. "And now? Are you here to stay with Evaine? Are you here to care for them all?" her head slightly tilted towards my belly.

I could feel him tense. He did not like someone questioning him. But instead of growling, or intimidating, he gripped my hand tighter and spoke, "They are mine; all three of them. I was led away from them, but as soon as I knew, I corrected my path. Even if Eve won't forgive me, I will be here for my children."

She smiled at him now, satisfaction sliding over her face smoothly. "Good. Now let's meet your little ones."