Memo: Sasuke's killed his brother already, Ten-Ten and Neji are dating and Hinata and Naruto are dating. They're all now 15. (except for ten-ten and Neji, who are 16 )

Chapter 1: Asking Sasuke

Sakura Haruno rolled over on her side to look at the alarm clock that was on her bed stand. It read 6:30 AM.

Her friend Ten-Ten had been over yesterday and had told her that in order to train, and to meet her crush, Sasuke, at the training grounds, she had to be up early.

She lay in bed for a few minutes, staring at her white ceiling tiredly. "Well, time to get up," she sighed to herself.

Her hair was all knotted and messy as it hung over her shoulders.

She walked sleepily to the bathroom and turned on the shower. After her shower, she was much more awake.

Then she brushed her short, bubblegum pink hair in front of the mirror, afterwards putting her Konoha headband on around her larger than normal forehead. She smiled at her reflection in the mirror. Then she set off to the training grounds to meet Sasuke.

She only had to look around for a few seconds until she saw the raven-haired boy kicking one of the straw dummies relentlessly.

"Hey Sasuke!" Sakura yelled to him.

He looked up for a few seconds then kept on kicking, giving her a small wave with the back of his hand.

Then he stopped kicking and walked over to her, saying, "Your up early" while raising an eyebrow.

"Well, um, I just thought that I'd, uh, train with you this morning," "If that isn't a problem with you, Sasuke" She added quickly, turning red.

He just shrugged and started throwing weapons at the targets.

The real reason, in which Sakura had come, was to invite Sasuke to her slumber party.

The people already going were Ten Ten and her boyfriend Neji and Naruto and his girlfriend Hinata, so, the last person to invite that was in their group, was Sasuke.

After training at the straw dummies for a while, Sakura had finally built up the courage to ask him if he would come.

She took a deep breath and tapped him on the shoulder. Sasuke turned around to look at her. She looked nervous. He wondered why.

Sakura asked him in a long clutter of words, "Sasuke will you come to my slumber party? Ten Ten, Neji, Hinata and Naruto'll be there. We want you to come, because, well, your part of the group too. So, will you? Please?" Sakura said, taking a long breath of air and letting it out slowly.

Sasuke's face was blank.

Sakura wondered if he'd heard what she had said, or if his answer was no.

She was betting on the second one.

But, he surprised her by saying something she never thought he would say, he said, "sure"

She sighed saying, "thank you Sasuke!" Her emerald green eyes sparkling while she smiled widely at him.

"Let's go to meet Naruto, we told him we'd meet him at the academy, remember?" Sasuke said to her, starting to walk in the other direction.

Sakura followed him to the academy; it was deserted except for a few senseis talking to each other while waiting for their students.

Sasuke started to walk around the right side of the large academy, Sakura a close second behind.

Sure enough, there was Naruto with Hinata. "Why do you think that Hinata's here?" Sakura whispered to Sasuke, who shrugged and kept on walking.

"Hey, Sakura chan, Sasuke teme, over here!" Their friend yelled to them, waving with one hand and holding Hinata's hand in the other.

Sasuke gave a small wave and Sakura said while waving, "Hey Naruto! Hey Hinata!"

Hinata gave a small wave and smiled, saying quietly, "Hello Sakura chan, hello Sasuke kun"

Now, what does Naruto want to tell them? Hmmmmm… wait for the next chapter! Thanks for reading -!