Hi! I'm Aiky...half the troublesometwins...well anyway I had this strange obsession to do a fanfic...obviously SasuNaru but I wanted to base it on the sorta Orchastra(sp?) I know it's another AU but I felt like doing it this way. It will probably be confusing because Sasuke adds his own thoughts in...so tell me what you think of them and stuff. anyway here you go!


New Term




What the fuck is that!



Hold on.


Ahh it's my phone...wait a minute IT'S MY ALARM! CRAP!

A hand quickly pulled the phone back under the covers before they flew up.

"Shit! I'm going to be so late!"

True the Uchiha family looked to be organised and tidy for everything and anything. apart from the youngest of the family ,Sasuke. The rest of his family know nothing of him. He was an outlaw to their affairs.

Quickly he grabbed a clean pair of boxers and black jeans before leaving to go to his bathroom. Discarding the rest of his clothes, He quickly jumped into a shower and out as fast as that.Quickly towling off and throwing his boxers and jeans on. Looking around for his top he scowled.

"I did bring a top didn't I?" He looked around again to make sure he was correct before leaving his bathroom and into his room.


Sousa kanashimi wo yasashi sa ni

Jibun raisisha wo chikara ni

Mayoi nagara demo ii aruki dashite

Mou ikkai...

Why does my phone always go off...He wondered before rummaging through his covers and finally finding it. flipping it over her then spoke.


"Oh you're so nice Sasuke! Thanks I'll just not call again!"

"What's the matter Sai? I'm kinda in the middle of getting ready..."

" Oh well don't let me stop you!"

"No seriously what is it?"

" I was just calling to make sure you were up dressed and got you trumpet and a new folder ready for today! Oh and I'm outside your house!"

"Ahh! Totally forgot! Trumpet! Right I'll be right there"

"Can you not just let me i-"

Ahh where did I leave that Gig bag? Oh there it is. Right. Pants. check. Boxers. Check. Jumper check. Crap! T-shirt.

Quickly the raven teen pulled open his wardrobe and pulled out anything before shutting it quick.

A bright blue T-shirt. You have to be kidding me...Oh well! New year New look!

Running his hand through his hair he took a quick look in the mirror and the left. Running down the stairs and opening the door. There sitting on his step was Sai. The two looked very alike. apart from the fact that Sasuke was smaller. Sai stood up and brushed the invisible dust off his rousers before grabbing his Case.

"Took you long enough!" He said before walking away from the front door of the Uchiha estate. Sasuke stood there dumb founded before running up to catch him.

"Sorry I slept through my alarms..." He smiled sheepishly

"Yeah well you could have at least opened the door. It is cold sitting on my ass waiting for you!"

"Oh you be quiet!" He called lightly punching him.

"See I shouldn't be getting abuse off of the top trumpet! No matter how good that squeaky thing is it's still nothing compaired to my Viola!" He said lifting his black case in the air for the world to see.

Yes Sasuke and Sai were both in the Konoha Orchestra. Both top of their section. Sasuke had been playing trumpet since primary and Sai had been playing his viola since then aswell. It was quite strange how they met. Their instruments completely different from one another yet they got along like two peas in a pod.

"So I heard the Wood wind are bringing a new student in. Wonder who he'll be?" Sai asked.

"No not really...Just know Woodwind are infront of me so I'll prob see him before you" Sasuke shrugged. He could care less for the wood wind. they were the competetors in the band. Though the brass always won.

"Well if he's nice I want him!" Sai called.

"You can have him!" Sasuke called stepping further away from him. Sai was a very open person and when it came to his sexualtiy he was no different. He had been confirmed gay when sasuke met him their first meeting was bcause Sai tried to feel up his big brother. In the violins area. Sasuke made sure that never happened again.

"Oh yeah, Forgot you're not gay right?" Sai teased.

"No I'm not gay! Straight as a ruler!"

"You do know you can get bendy ones now right?" Sasuke frushtatingly groaned before walking faster.

"I'm not talking to you now." He confirmed.

"I'll see you at break Mr. Sourpuss!" Sai called waving Sasuke off as he walked quickly into school.

'By himself...' A loud high pitched squel erupted before Sasuke quickly ran out of the school gates again.

"Forgot! Sai help!" Sasuke called.

"Ok will do!" Just as the fangirls ran out to see their beloved Sasuke they all dropped their instrument cases in shock

"You're so dead..." Sasuke murmered as Sai swung his body rond.

"I know I can't believe I'm pretending to kiss a straight guy." He murmured into Sasukes lips.

"Bastard." He called. before Sai pulled him closer.

"Close your eyes and act." And that worked. most of the girls had already left and all that was left where the top clarinets and a few chellos. The boys had been doing this for a while.

"Air...We need to get air." Sasuke called.

"Oh yeah..." Sai giggled before pretending to com out of their kiss. Both boys panting. their bodies close theri foreheads touching.

"Morning." Sai called over to the girls.

"Uh...hi..." A pink haired girl called before she picked up her dropped clarinet case and walked back into school. Running to various groups of people.

"Crap..."Sasuke said as he walked into the school.

"You can say that again...News spreads fast..." Sai called beside him...

"Yeah Oh well...New year...New look"

Like it?I hope people comment on it...I'll post next chapter up as soon as!

bye bye

.Aiky. the troublesometwins