
Disclaimer: This is the last time I'm gonna say this, I don't own Gravitation.

-Sorry for the late update! I was in a vacation! But, here it is!

Before we move on to the story, I would like to thank my reviewers, mainly:

DemonicDragon666 - who was my very first reviewer! And of course, all my other reviewers! There were lots so I didn't have time to name all of them!

So, I would just like to tell you that this is the last chapter of my very first fanfiction! You guys supported me all the way so I am just so grateful for everything! Here's the last chapter!


"Yukiii! Why did you leave so suddenly you bas-" he was silenced with a gunshot. On the spot, Shuichi was shot with a gun at the back from the other side of the street.

"No…" Yuki said as he caught Shuichi to his arms.

"Shu-" Hiro said while he was running towards Shuichi. But something caught his attention. It was a figure of a girl he knew well. She was running out the door from where the gunshot came from.

Ayaka? Hiro asked as he followed her with his eyes. He then decided to run after her. "Ayaka-chan!" Ayaka didn't stop. Hiro ran faster. After running around the streets, he managed to catch up. He held her arms tightly and pulled her furiously.

"Why did you do that!" Hiro asked very angry. As Ayaka turned her head towards Hiro, he suddenly loosened the grip. She was crying. Her face was full of tears. Silence overtook the two. When Hiro remembered what happened, he took his cell phone and dialed 911. He was still griping Ayaka's hands so she could not escape.


"911, what's your problem?"

"Excuse me but there's a man down at 56 Main Street, Tokyo."

"Ok, we will contact the nearest hospital at that area."


"Sure, goodbye." And the line went dead. He turned his attention to Ayaka who kept quiet.

"Come with me and I'll show you what you did!" Hiro demanded as he pulled Ayaka towards the apartment room.

The scene they saw was out of the ordinary. Yuki was there, crying! His hands were drench in blood while he sobbed holding his lover's seemingly lifeless body. Shuichi kept his eyes closed and has blood everywhere. The scene made Hiro clench his fist in anger. He was angry at Ayaka for doing that. For hurting his best friend.

"Why did you do that!" Hiro asked as he tightened his grip.

"Why are you angry?"Ayaka said as she tried to get free from Hiro's tight grip.

"Are you still jealous of Shuichi? Why did you have to do that? Aren't you happy with me?" Hiro asked as he lowered his head.

"I am not jealous of him and I am happy with you. But… but anger just overtook me one day and I… I…"

"Then why did you do that to Shuichi! If you're angry with me, why didn't you kill me instead! How dare you shoot Shuichi you… You BITCH!" Yuki cried in frustration. Ayaka started to cry again. After thinking about it, Ayaka regretted everything she did. Then, the ambulance arrived and took Shuichi. This time, Yuki didn't go inside the ambulance. Fear overtook him that disabled him to bring himself to go inside the ambulance. All the three of them could do was hope for was the best.

Yuki went inside him apartment and left the two outside. He decided to follow the ambulance after three hours. Nothing could calm him down now. Shuichi wasn't twitching even a bit while he held him. He then fell asleep because of the shock.


Yuki grumpily picked the phone up beside the table.


"Is this Yuki Eiri?"

"Yes. What do you want?"

"Well, this is the hospital where Shindou Shuichi is."

"How is he then?" Yuki replied rapidly.

"Well… I'm sorry to say this but Shindou-san is dead..."


The phone rang beside the table that woke Yuki up from his sleep. It was just another nightmare…


Yuki decided to answer the phone. He looked at the clock only to find out that he was asleep for five whole hours.


"Yuki?" Yuki was overjoyed.


"Yuki! It is you!"

"Are you Ok now?"

"Yeah! Well, I still can't sit up. My whole body hurts. I kinda freaked out when I found out I'm in the hospital, without you. So the kind nurse here allowed me to call you!"

"Ok! I'll be there. Wait for me, Ok?"


"Bye." And the line went dead. That Shuichi is a weird kid. How can he be able to wake up after all that? He took his keys and went out of the apartment.

Outside, he saw the couple still staring at each other. Weirdos…

"Get in the car you love birds." Yuki demanded. It was weird that Yuki was kind, even to Ayaka after what she had done. Hiro was dumbfounded with Yuki's actions towards them. "Why?"

"You'll know pretty soon."


"Come in." Shuichi insisted.

"Hello brat." Yuki said as he opened the door. After a split second, Shuichi came flying towards Yuki. He didn't have time to dodge him so he just caught Shuichi. "Aren't you suppose to be in bed? I thought you could barely move?"

"But Yukiii!"

"Ok, Ok…" Yuki said as he carried Shuichi bridal style. He took him to bed and tucked him in. Shuichi then noticed Ayaka and Hiro. "Hey guys! Come in!" Shuichi said while waving to them.

"You have just been shot several hours ago and now you act like nothing happened." Yuki said with a sigh.

Everything then became quiet. But someone suddenly barged in.

"Onii-chan!" a girl said as she ran towards the room. She was in a rush after hearing the news.

"M-maiko?" Shuichi asked very startled.

"Are you ok?" Maiko asked as she neared the bed. She then noticed Yuki and her eyes turned to hearts. Yuki just stared at her and silence overtook the room. But then…

"Shuichi." Shuichi's mother came in with fruits and flowers.


"Why are you so startled, onii-chan? Of course the hospital will contact us if anything happens to you." Maiko explained as she turned her attention to her brother.

"Umm… yeah, I guess."

"Oh yeah! I heard a that you were shot with a gun? Who did that to you?" silence once again overtook them.

"I…I did…" Ayaka explained. She was very brave to say that in front of the Shindou family. I guess the guilt was too much for her. Everyone was shocked especially Shuichi. Why did she do that?

"I… I am so sorry Shindou-san. It's just that…" there was a pregnant pause. And then she ran out the hopital. Hiro was able to catch him and they talked. Ayaka requested him to turn her to the police. He agreed and the wrath of the blackmailer ended there.

Shuichi forgave Ayaka from the moment Hiro explained the reasons. He understood her well so it was easy to forgive her. He asked everyone in the room to forget everything that happened and so they did.


"Yuki!" Shuichi cried out loud in search for his lover. He was out of the hospital three weeks later. He recovers faster than any normal people do. After he was able to find Yuki, he was in utter shock. Yuki was reading the letter Shuichi found in the laundry months ago.

"Here." Yuki said as he reached the letter to Shuichi.

"Umm… Ok…" he took the paper and scanned it thoroughly. He lowered his head and started to cry.

"What's wrong with you?" Yuki asked as he took Shuichi to his arms.

"You… suffered all alone with this letter… and I wasn't there… to… to…" he then broke to tears.

"You really are an idiot, aren't you?"

"Wah! Yuki! How come you're so mean to the person who loves you the most? What is it that you hate from me?"


"What the fuck? You bast-" Shuichi was silenced with a kiss from Yuki. It was a passionate one. Shuichi broke it and stared at his lover.

"That is why I love everything about you..." Yuki then led him to bed.

"Shall we?"


Yay! So, what do you think? Nice ending? Huh? Do you think it sucks? Well, I do for once! It's the end of this fanfic and I hope you like it! Oh yeah,I don't know what happens when you call 911 so I don't expect it be accurate.

I'll be writing a Saiyuki fic next. Though I still don't know what my plot is. :)

This fanfic made Ayaka look bad… teehee… well, I don't hate her. But, she's the most likely character who would do such… so there, review please!

