Does anyone actually READ the stuff at the top of the page? Cuz I don't. Just wondering if I was wasting my time. Sorry that this is such a short chapter. I have major writer's block. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own Full Metal Alchemist...but someday I WILL! Oh! But I DO own Nyomi and Morry!

"So, Ed, where are you two heading?"

Ed looked at the black haired girl with a blank expression on his face. He hadn't thought of that.

"Well, we were gonna stop at Central for a day or two. We heard that Mustang just got back from Ishbal and..."


Ed stepped back, caught completely off guard by the remark. Nyomi looked devastated for a moment, but her face quickly turned to one of anger. She spun around to face Morry.

"Great! Now we have to turn around and leave."


Nyomi gasped. She hadn't meant to say that out loud. Now she was raising suspicion in Al.

" reason. I've just...uh...never really liked Mustang, that's all."

"You and me both. I mean, I think Al likes him, but I can't STAND that bastard!"

Now it was Morry's turn to pry.


Ed blinked. He had almost blown his cover. He smiled.

"Ok, truce. We'll stay out of your business, you stay out of ours.

Nyomi grinned.

"Deal...But we really can't stay here. We'll just have to keep moving AROUND the city. Come on, Morry."

"Wait! Why do you have to go alone? Our business in Central isn't THAT important. We'll go with you."

"Brother, I don't think that's such a good..."

"It's settled!"

"Are you sure? I mean, you don't even know where we're going. How can you trust us?"

Ed shrugged and walked ahead.

"I don't know, I just do."

Nyomi was shocked. They were complete strangers and he just automatically trusted them! Why? Nobody's that nice...right?

They kept walking until morning, at which time they were directly beside Central City. They stopped for breakfast, Nyomi cooking as usual. Al stared quizzically at her, then turned to Morry.

"Morry, why don't you ever cook? Nyomi must get tired of it."

Morry sighed.

"Yet, tis fate that doest cause thy suffering and bind thy with limits."


"I'm a lousy cook...But hey! My good looks make up for it."


Morry glared at Nyomi.

"You got somethin' to say?"

She snickered.

"No, nothing at all."

"What, you think you're prettier then me? HA! Now THAT'S a laugh. Watch. Ed? Is Nyomi prettier then me?"

He responded without even looking up from his food.


Morry's jaw dropped and Nyomi blushed lightly.

"What about you Al? You think I'm pretty, right?"

Al went stock still.

"Um...well...sure...I mean yes...but...she...yes..absolutely."

"HA! In your face Nyomi!"

"Whatever, just eat and get some rest. Tomorrow we're headed for...well, I don't know where, but we have to get away from here."

She said it quietly enough so that only Morry heard. She nodded in agreement. After everyone had had their fill, they decided to camp for the night. To the Elric brother's confusion, Nyomi had them alternate watch times. Al voluntered.

"I'll go first. I don't need to sleep anyway."

"Thanks, Al."

Ed rolled out a sleeping bag for himself on one side of the fire, while Morry and Nyomi stayed on the opposing side. When she was sure Ed was asleep, and Al was far enough away that he couldn't hear them, Nyomi turned to Morry.

"We gotta ditch these guys."

"Why? Al's really nice and I think you and Ed are so..."

"Shut up for a minute!"

Morry stopped talking and stared at her companion.

"Believe it or not, I...kinda, don't want to either, but we don't have a choice. If we stay, we're just endangering them."

Morry hung her head. Nyomi took it as a sign of understanding.

"So tomorrow then? We lose them tomorrow night."