Days went by and still no word. How long would she wait before he came to see her? "In time kunoichi, in time…" Those words followed her, echoed in her head and haunted her sleep. While everyone was so desperate to find Sasuke, she was simply thinking of her nukenin lover. She wasn't of age to consent, but her body ripened and matured over the past years. Sakura gazed out the window, pining over him. In her own mind, he was Sasuke times one thousand. If only she….


A kunai with a note attached to it made its way on her table. Sakura darted to the window and saw an Akatsuki cloak but this figure inside was much taller than Itachi. A puzzled look replaced the eager one that was there a few seconds ago. Quickly running towards the note, she read the details to it.

2:00 a.m at the Hokage monument, the note entailed.

Sakura grasped the note and prepare for the meeting

Nightfall came and Sakura was anxious. She was mulling over her thoughts. She fell in love with the enemy; a dangerous criminal. She thought about how Sasuke defected, even though she begged him not to. She still felt something for him, but he was truly driven to kill Itachi. Her body tensed. He's here.

And he was; but not alone. Another figure had accompanied the elite shinobi. His faces a hue ot steel blue and grey. His teeth looked filed, similar to a shark. And…gills? His beady eyes gave him the look of something more menacing than any under-the-bed creature. Without a moment's notice, the two were directly in front of the pink-haired ninja.

Her voice quivered "Itachi…who….is this?" She looked at him one more. He bared his razor like teeth with a cheesy grin. Itachi looked over, looking as droll as ever. "Sakura, this is Kisame, a…friend of mine." Kisame extended his hand to shake hers "Nice to meet you. So Itachi, she's the one right?"

The one? Sakura inquired in her own head. "Nice to meet you Mr. Kisame." she said with a nervous laugh. His hands were cold. What manner of being was he? "Its nice to see you again, Itachi." She smiled at her raven-haired lover. He had nice long hair, not like Sasuke. She always thought Sasuke like long hair, but she never knew what Sasuke like, if he even liked anything at all.

"What did you come here for Itachi-san?" she questioned, "I've missed you so. I didn't think you would come so quickly, but then…I thought you wouldn't come at all." Kisame interjected "Listen here girly, Itachi makes good on his word. He even dragged me along for this special occasion." Sakura's stomach twisted. Itachi held up his hand, halting Kisame. "Sakura, Kisame will be your bodyguard. He will be watching you at all time, to make sure nothing happens to you."

"What? No way! I don't want to be spied on. I'm sure one of the ANBU squad will realize he's around anyway." The mere thought of this fish man watching her shower was enough to make her skin crawl. She'd rather have Naruto watch her thank this overgrown fish tank miscreant. "HAHA! She's got spunk Itachi! I didn't know you were into these kinds, then again, you were always the quiet type." The rogue ninja took a step towards Sakura, grasping her hands. "Sakura, nothing of harm must come to you. I can't afford to lose you. Your important to me…" He pulled her close and whispered in her "You hold something precious to me." Without a moment's hesitation he embraced her. Sakura felt weightless. Her heart skipped a beat when her frail body was being clutched by him. "Kisame…lets move." Kisame grinned, "You got it boss."

Gone. Sakura was left alone, still feeling the embrace. Why do leave me like this, always wanting more? Sakura thought.