What Makes a Da?


I sit and think about what makes a father more often than not. Is it simply that you had sex with a woman and she had your baby? Or is it a lot more than that?

I like to think that it is more than that. I remember back to Frankie, and I cant stop thinking about how I was a da then…About how I was his da. I would never hurt him, always protect him, and I would do anything for him, even now.

Right now, I am on a fishing boat in Loch Ness, and I am trying to escape thoughts of Frankie and Lizzie. Oh God Lizzie! I love her so much. I haven't felt that way in ages…Since Anabelle. Anabelle and I were over a long time ago though.

The story there in case your wondering is a simple one. We were high school sweethearts and she broke my heart for my best friend Simon. Honestly, it took me years and years to get over her. It took me looking at Frankie and Lizzie to get over her.


"What in the world?" I heard a knock on the door and then I looked outside and I saw her, a little girl that had big brown eyes and straight brown hair. She didn't look much older than six.

I let her in of course. Then, she handed me a note.

Dear Ally,

I tried as hard as I could to keep this mess from you, but I guess it eventually caught up. Remember back to that one summer, the summer that we were together? Well, Ally, we had a daughter. I saw you with someone else shortly after me and I thought you didn't want her, so I tried to make a life that was just her and me. However, I am terminally ill now and I cant take care of her anymore. I need you to do it, and I want her to grow up with both a mother and a father. Please take good care of her. Her name is Grace. Thank you Ally.


"Ally!" I shouted.

He came running. "What? What?" He looked around, panicked, thinking something really terrible had happened.

"Read this please." I handed him the note. He did and then stared at the little girl.

"Grace?" He asked her.

She nodded and slowly walked up to him. Her voice was small, but it was very sweet. "Are you my da?" She asked him.

"Yes." Ally was in tears.

"Why didn't you find me?" She asked innocently.

"I didn't know about you." Ally replied.

Grace nodded and the two embraced. I began to cry as well, God it was emotional. But I knew deep down that Ally was gonna make a great da.