Chapter 3


Lizzie took me home with her that night. "Jerry, I need you." She had told me.

"Are you sure?" I asked her. "I'm rusty, it's been such a long time." I joked with her.

Lizzie smiled widely at me and we walked the same route we had when she told me how Frankie became deaf. I remembered back to that, how I felt. I wanted to kill Frankie's real dad right then. Why would he do that to his boy? To my boy! Biologically he wasn't mine, but in all the ways that mattered he was.

My fingers were gently laced with Lizzie's and we continued to walk to her house. "I love you Lizzie." I told her as we were walking.

"I love you too Jerry." She replied. Frankie ran up and joined us, and we strolled along like one big family.


As we entered my house, I was so excited. I was with Jerry, my Jerry! He loved me! Wow! We had been in love for so long, but I hadn't expected it to ever stick. And now, here we are, my house.

Me mum is asleep and Frankie is exhausted. Jerry hangs his jacket up and continues into the dining room. He makes himself comfortable at the table.

"I'm going to bed." Frankie signs to us.

"Good night." I say and give him a peck on the cheek. He smiles, knowing that I won't be there to tuck him in tonight. And its ok with him, he feels like a grown up now.

"How long before he's asleep?" Jerry asks.

"Oh so you do have plans for tonight." I giggle girlishly and Jerry stands up to come closer to me.

"Maybe." He smiles and wraps his arms around my waist. We kiss again, this time, we let ourselves go. I unbutton his shirt and then his pants. He scoops me up and takes me to my room. Before I know it, all my clothes are off too. I feel his lips covering every inch of me. He enters me gently and we kiss passionately. Has it really been so long since I last had sex? Yes! And it feels so good to be in the arms of the man that I really love.

I do believe I have now exhausted Jerry. He rests his head just under my chin, my legs around his waist. "Tired?" I ask as I stroke the hairs on the back of his head and neck.

"Mhm." Is all I hear. I kiss his head and close my eyes, savoring our time together as if he might just leave me again. I pray he doesn't, I don't think I could handle losing him again..


I woke up still in Lizzie's arms. I watched her sleep for a few minutes and took in her beautiful features. I kissed her neck to wake her up. "Hmm…." She gently stirred and woke up. "Morning love." She kissed me quickly and we both stood. She grabbed her robe and put it on. She then handed me one, which I was most certainly not going to wear.

"Can you get me my clothes?" I asked. I remembered that they were still out in the dining room.

"Sure." She replied. She went and got them for me and I quickly dressed. We started breakfast and everyone in the house started waking up.

"Good morning!" Her mum came down all cheery. She must have heard us last night and knew that Lizzie was finally in love again.

"Morning," Lizzie and I say in unison.

"Breakfast is ready mum." Lizzie tells her.

"Thank ya dear." She sits at the table and dishes up. Frankie comes down soon after and is ready for school. He eats quickly and his grandma takes him to school.

"And now what Lizzie?" I ask.

"Do you even have to ask?" She asks me.

I smile and kiss her deeply again. I have never felt so in love in my entire life. "Will your mum be back any time soon?" I ask.

"She has errands to run." Lizzie replies.

"Good." I smile widely and we take on the living room.


Frankie couldn't help but write to his friends about how his mom and Jerry were "in love" now. "What's in love?" Grace asked.

"It's when two people cant keep their hands or eyes off each other." One of the school boys replied.

Frankie read his lips and nodded. He then wrote That's my mom and Jerry!

"Finally!" Grace smiled at Frankie. "It seems like its about time for her to fall in love."

Frankie nodded and agreement and they continued to play.


Marie stalked the shelves at her store. "Me brother is finally in love." She told Ally.

"Really?" He asked.

"Really." She replied. "He spent the night with Lizzie last night. I only know because I saw them leave together, but I am sure of it, they are in love!"

"Good! It's about time." Ally told her. "For both of them."

"Yes, I agree."