That Girl

Disclaimer: Don't own That 70's Show or That Girl.

Season 8 and future, AU, different pairings, and original characters. Please read and review.

September 1982, University of Wisconsin, classes haven't begun yet, moving day.

April: Donna, I'm so excited about finally moving out of the dorms and into our own apartment.

Donna all excited: I know, look at all the room we have!

We need to get some furniture.

My dad and friends are bringing some up, I hope you don't mind.

No, I've known you two years and you hardly ever talk about high school, didn't know you even had high school friends.

Yeah, I had…um…some great times in high school just some things I'd like to forget.

It must be about a guy.

(As soon as April starts talking about a guy, Donna's mind immediately flashes back to memories of her and Eric. She still wonders how things would have turned out if Red hadn't had a heart attack)

Look this is kinda weird to talk about since I'm dating your brother.

Ok, what's up with that? It's hard to call it dating if you two didn't even see each other over the summer.

Well, I spent my summer split between my mom's place in California and my dad's in Florida. It's hard to get together. I can't wait to see him.

So, you two are still going out?

Why, did he say something about breaking up?

NO. Look I know I'm his sister but, you two don't seem right for each other, no spark, no chemistry.

(Donna wants to change the subject) Hey, all this talk about guys is there someone new in April's life.


Oh my god, you met someone. Who is he?

You don't know him; he just started here summer term. He's from one of the branch campuses.

How long have you two been going out, what's he like?

We've just started, he's the nicest guy in the world, I met him at the library, and he works there.

The library? When did you start going there?

This summer was sooo boring, I was stuck here with a bunch of nerds, then I met him. He is just so….(her face blushes and she smiles)

(Looks at her disgustedly) You've slept with him already?

How did you know?

The way you're gushing over him, like a schoolgirl.

So, it was summer, it's all hot and sweaty, we don't wear a lot of clothes and we had to find something fun to….and anyway he's good,..real good. Who ever taught him, should get a gold star.

You're such a slut!

I'm a slut, I've only been with 3 guys, you're the slut, how many 10-15?

Look, it wasn't that many; I was going thru a tough time.

Hey, did that have something to do with that high school guy, it can't be about Randy.

No, Randy was never……I really don't like talking about it…alright let's change the subject, when do I get to meet Prince Charming?

He said he'd try and come over and help us move, so maybe this afternoon.

(They hear a honk outside and see a U-Haul moving truck out their window)

Look it's my dad, Hyde and Jackie.

(Donna and April go outside and she introduces everyone, next thing Donna notices is they brought an extra car, the Vista Cruiser. Her face goes white; she stops in her tracks and just stares at it.)

Jackie hits Hyde: I told you not to bring it.

Look, Jackie how was I to know she still has feelings for him?

Steven, you don't get over true love that easy.

It's been almost 2 years.

(Donna slowly walks up to the car and with her index finger traces back and forth across the hood of the car, just looking at it)

April to Jackie: What the matter?

J: This used to be her boyfriend's car.

A: They must've been pretty close.

J: They were in love for a long time ago.

A: I thought I knew her, she never told me about him, fact is, and she hardly ever talks about her past at all.

J: She's just trying to forget about it. (Jackie walks up to Donna and pulls her into a hug) Let's get this stuff unloaded. You OK?

D: Yeah, just remembering.

(Summer 1980. Donna stares and starts remembering the last time her and Eric were together by the front of the car. He had just come back from Africa. She was dating Randy at the time. The whole old gang, except her greeted Eric in his house. After a half hour or so, he came outside.)

Eric yells back into the house as he walks out the sliding door: I just need to go outside and get some air. (under his breath) God, why is everyone so worried about me, I just need to be alone for a minute. (Notices Donna sitting on the hood of the car, just like old times. He speaks to her very apprehensively) Hey.

Hey yourself.

(points next to her) You mind?

(she shakes her head) No, it's your car.

So, how are you doing….you look good.

Thanks, so do you.

(They sit in a moment of silence, not looking at each other. Donna is the first to speak.) Look, Eric, we've been friends forever.

I know, but…but this feels so weird… different. I feel like I don't even know what to say to you.

How about why?

Why….why….it just feels like there were so many reasons. We…I felt like ever since the wedding fiasco, WE were never the same….like you didn't trust me…like we were going nowhere.

OK, but so what. We still loved each other. Why did you go?

I had to…to get out of here. Out of Point Place.

I felt the same; I would have gone with you.

No…this was something I needed to do by myself, finally figure out who I am.

Yeah and leave me here all alone. Did you even think about me?

Of course I did. You meant the world to me.


You still do…now matter what happens in life, Donna, I will always love you.

(sarcastically) Oh, that makes me feel so much better, so special. (now getting mad) Well, did you find yourself…who are you? Who are we?

(barely able to say it) Yeah, I found myself, but I think I lost us.

(yelling) NO KIDDING!

Listen, it's not like you were sitting here all alone, you had Randy.

Don't bring him into this.

Why, every conversation we had, all you talked about how great he was, how funny he was, how he was here and I wasn't.

He was just being nice. Don't put our breakup on me….was there another girl.

Not at first, but…

(She slapped him across the face) You cheated on me?

No, nothing happened until after we broke up, at first we were just friends.

Did you sleep with her?

That's none of your business. Did you sleep with Randy?

I won't answer that.

You're such a hypocrite. How long did it take, a week. I know you went out with him as soon as we broke up. So don't give me shit about another girl.

I wouldn't have gone out with him if we didn't break up.

Right, but you were already spending time alone with him before we broke up?

Yeah, so what…..Hyde and Jackie were pissed off at each other…Kelso was gone and Fez is weird, what was I supposed to do. I'm not THAT GIRL.

What do you mean THAT GIRL.

You know, THAT GIRL, that sits at home and waits for her man.

I never wanted or asked you to be THAT GIRL. In fact, that's exactly why I did what I did, I didn't want you sitting home alone, I thought I was doing you a favor.

Well, you did cause Randy's a great guy, so thanks.

(Really disappointed and sarcastic) You're welcome. (She gets up and leaves) Donna, does this mean….

Yeah, dill hole, we thru….for good.

Back to September 1982

Hyde never one to let a joke get by, points to the rear of the car: Listen, I figured back here would have been your favorite memories.

Hyde's joke snaps Donna out of her trance and always quick on her feet: I like to think about those times when I'm ALONE with candles, wine and locked in my room. (She laughs as Hyde and Jackie both give a face and say EEWWW)

Her dad pulls her into a hug: Come on pumpkin, you have Zack now; his sister is right over there, wondering what's going on.

Donna walks toward April: I'm sorry, I forgot.

April quietly to Donna: It's OK, maybe we can sit down and talk about it after everyone leaves, but… this why you always put a wall up around you….you never let Zack in.

(Donna didn't answer; she turned and walked into their apartment.)