Summary: I wake up every morning wishing that this pain would just fade away. The horrific beatings and harsh words wounding my body each second wishing that it will fade away… Can I ever be free from my father's dreadful grasp? InuKag (Story is in authors pov not Kagome's pov)

She cried in sorrow and pain as the metal buckle of the belt slapped against her skin. She stumbled to the floor with her pale skin bruised from top to bottom with little cuts bleeding. "You whore!" yelled her father as he grabbed her by her dark raven locks and threw her against the wall with a groan escaping her luscious pink lips as scarlet blood bleed from it. She fell back to the floor wincing as pain washed all over her body.

Her father started kicking her in her sides as she grunted in pain. "Stupid bitch," he muttered under his breath while he stopped, "I'm done with you! Go take a bath, you smell filthy! And go do your homework and go to bed when you're done!" He walked away from her heading toward the door. The girl sat up hissing as she watched her father leave her room, "I can eat dinner also. I haven't eaten in two days?" He stopped and turned around as he made a harsh evil laugh, "In your dreams slut! You're not eating anything!" He turned around and kept walking down the hallway.

Kagome turned her head and looked down at her lap as tears trickled down her swollen cheek stinging her wounds. She got up from her bedroom floor carefully, wincing and hissing in pain. She limped over to drawer pulling it out grabbing a random towel and closed it. After, she limped out her room and headed toward the bathroom closing and locking the door behind her. She took off her dirty clothes and looked in the mirror. She looked like a hobo that got beaten the shit by strangers. She had two black eyes; she had large purple bruises on her face and body with small wounds on her face, arms, and legs. Her pink lips were bleeding still as it soon trickled down her chin dripping onto her nipple. More tears formed in her dark chocolate brown eyes as it soon trickled down her cheek stinging her small wounds even more. She turned around and hiccupped, "If only you were still alive mom…"

Yes her mother died. She died in a car accident twelve years ago. Kagome's father had been very upset and took his anger on Kagome when she was six years. He had brutally beaten her, tried raping her a lot of times, calling her names and blaming everything on her. She hated it. She just wanted to run away but even if she did he would track her down and beat her twice as much as he would always do. When she was in elementary school the students would always think that she was always hurting herself falling on purpose and stuff then soon turned to assuming that she was psycho by trying to beat herself up and cutting herself into the traces of suicide. Now in high school she's just a plain outsider. A person that was invisible. The only people who noticed her were the teachers of course. Now that she's 18 years she can be free from her father's dreadful grasp when school's done even maybe do suicide so the pain would just fade away…

She sighed as she limped over to the bathtub placing her trembling hand on the facet that read H for hot. She turned it to the side turning it on as water poured into the bathtub like a waterfall. She grabbed the plug and placed it in the bathtub drain from making the water going down the drain. She sat on the edge of the bathtub waiting for the water to reach to a certain level patiently. Once the water was filled to a certain level she turned off the facet. She stepped into the bathtub hissing and moaning in pain as the water touched her small wounds on her legs. She began to sit down in the nice soothing hot steamy water as she grabbed onto the edge of the tub so she grip her on it as the water touched the rest of her wounds.

Kagome hissed and whimpered in pain gripping onto the edge on the tub still with hot tears streaming down her face stinging her cuts and her lip as the salt from the tears trickled over them. Soon, she let go of the edge of the tub as pain soon washed away with the hot water soothing it. She moaned and slid down in the tub with her whole body soaked in hot water up to her neck. She looked at the water as it turned from clear to pinkish.

She grabbed he soap bar and washcloth, soaking the washcloth first before rubbing the soap bar onto the washcloth making it foam with soap. When she was done with soaping her washcloth, she placed the soap bar back on the soap tray and started lathering the washcloth over her dirty pale skin washing over her dirty wounds. When she was done, she rinks the foam off of her then picked up the bottle of shampoo opening it and poured it onto her hand. She started lathering it in her hair. Her hair hadn't been washed in two weeks because of her abusive father. He wouldn't let her take a bath for one whole week. 'Baka otousan. Not letting me take a bath and wash my hair often'

She sighed as she closed her eyes lathering the shampoo in her hair still and massaged her scalp gently. When she was done washing her hair, she washed out the soap and cleansed her hair two more times before putting the conditioner in then washing it out. When she was done, she stood up carefully and stepped out of the bathtub grabbing a towel and wrapped it around herself. She unplugged the bathtub releasing the dirty water that had turned pink, so it can go down the drain. She limped out of the bathroom and headed toward her bedroom stepping inside and closing the door behind her quietly so her father wouldn't know.

The young adult limped over to her hamper and put her dirty clothes in there then struggled to walk over to her wardrobe. She opened it to see only her pajamas, two sets of clothes and her school uniform. She didn't have that much clothes, since her self-centered father would only take her shopping four times a year. Fall, winter, spring, and summer to only get two sets of clothes, undergarments and bras of course, a lot of protection, socks, and a pair of shoes if needed.

Kagome sighed as she reached for her pajamas as her pale hand trembled again. She picked it up and closed it as soon as she limped her way toward her bed placing it on it. She unwrapped her towel around herself revealing her body as she dried her wet body then limped over to her drawer, opening it as she picked up any underwear putting it on after she closed it. She went over to her bed and put her pajamas on. She limped over to her desk and took a seat in her chair and began to do her homework. When she was done, she got up and stumbled to her bed. She crawled into bed covering her pink sheets over her body. 'Tomorrow is going to be the usual; getting my ass beaten by that lunatic and cooking for his stupid ass without even eating the food I made…' She sighed heavily and closed her eyes trying to fall asleep.

When morning came, she the usual; Get out of bed, go take a shower, change into her school uniform, grab her things and go into the kitchen and try to grab something to eat (since her father is asleep still because it is like 7:00am and well he doesn't let her eat…that much also.) then leave through the door. When she arrived at Shikon High, the high school she goes to, she sat at her usual spot: under the sakura blossoms. As she went over to her spot she sat down taking her backpack off her back. She opened it and had taken out a pencil and notebook then opened it to a blank page. She began to write about the pain she had to go through for 12 hard years.

I wake up every morning wishing that this horrible pain would be gone

The horrific beatings and harsh words wounding my body each second

Hoping that it will fade away

I'm like a slave fighting for freedom

Every second

Every minute

Every hour

Every day

Every night

Every year

Wishing that all of this would just be a never-ending nightmare

I cry

I plead

I scream

I yell

I wish

For ALL of this to stop

Nothing ever changes though…

It's like it goes through one ear to another

As if he was deaf

The kicks

The slaps

The yelling

The squeezing

The punching

I always get by my monstrous, greedy father of mine

I'm treated like an innocent animal

Getting killed by a small, harmful, bullet

Thrashing though it's fur

Going into its flesh

As it struck through its heart

Killing it instantly

I wish for myself to die…

But I can't!

I mustn't!

For only a simple reason


By a man who will accept me

Accept my pain

Accept my sorrow

Accept the fact that I am…like this

And if not…

I will keep fighting for my freedom

So what do you guys think of this story so far? Please do tell me. Flamers are welcome for all I care.

A Lost Child From Heaven