A/N- Okay, so I read somewhere that David Boreanaz had Alektorophobia, and I don't know if that's true or not, my my insomniac, sleep-deprived mind went with that train of thought, and here is the outcome. Please don't hate me. Next time I promise to ingest copious amounts of caffine before writing.

Disclaimer- I do not own Bones. If I did, it would be a lot easier to kidnap David B.


Booth sauntered into the Jeffersonian lab, looking around for his favorite squints, eager to get to the bottom of their latest case, where several bodies had been found by children at a petting zoo, while on a class trip. He spotted Bones crouched over one of the bodies, discussing the bones with Zack, the other two squints loitering nearby.

"Hey Bones, find anyth-"

He stopped mid-sentence when he heard it. A noise behind him that made his blood turn to ice in his veins, and his heart begin to pound harder and more persistently, beating loudly in his ears. He turned slowly to face his foe, praying that it wasn't what he thought it was, that it was a mistake, that his exhausted mind was playing horrible tricks on him. As his eyes landed on the sight before him, it made the chilling noise once again.


In a split second, he had vaulted over one of the lab tables, and made a mad dash for Bones's office, slamming the door once he was safely entombed on the inside.

The squints stared after him, wide-eyed. Finally, after several moment of stunned silence, Bones walked determinedly over to her door, attempting to pull it open, only to find it locked. She pounded on it.

"Booth, open the door!"

"No!" came the muffled reply from within.

"Booth, open the damn door!"

"No!" he cried again. "Not until that thing is gone! I won't leave this office. I'll live in here if I have to, but I am not coming out until it's gone!"

"Booth!" She tried again, "Stop being such a coward. You've been through the army, helped to capture serial murderers, and gotten blown up by my refrigerator. And this scares you?"

"Yes," he replied petulantly, as the squints attempted to contain their giggles.

"Booth!" she cried, exasperated. "It's just a damn chicken!"

A/N- Okay, so there you have it. Please let me know what you think. Even if you think it sucks,I still appreciate reviews.