Yes, sorry it took me so long to update. I deleted my old story and so I have to make the plot up again as I go along…hehe whoops.

Disclaimer: I do not own the Teen Titans.

"Who-who are you?" I stammered, looking into the mask of my attacker.

"My name does not concern you. However, I have something that might." Said a deep voice behind a pale gold mask. He had a costume similar to that of Slade's, however, this one was pale gold and green.

"No! Get away from me! You work with Slade, don't you?" I yelled, feeling the hatred boil over at the thing that was keeping my Robin from coming out from his room, from having any time to spend with the team, for having any time for me…

I shook my head and looked up just in time to see a fist heading straight for my face. Well that hurt. I realized my thoughts had paralyzed me momentarily, and the moment I spent thinking cost me my defense. Shakily, I stood up and tried to speak, but felt a sharp prick on the side of my neck. Reaching down, I pulled out an injection needle, and looked up at the masked boy who was coming ever closer.

"Yes, I injected you with a substance that takes away your powers." He laughed at my shocked face. Not wanting to believe him, I tried to fly, but felt a sickening pain and fell to my knees. He laughed yet again and shoved his knee into my stomach. Crying out in pain, I tried yet again to fly, but the pain was too intense. I collapsed and lay in a ball of pain on the floor.

Seizing the opportunity, he lifted me up by the throat and shoved me against the wall. Pinning me down with his hands on my wrists, he slammed his head hard onto mine in a vicious headbutt, the back of my head hitting the wall.

"Please…what do you want?" I asked.

"To warn you. The Robin you hold dear is deceiving you, and I can't stand seeing such a beautiful alien like yourself become the victim of love." He said, watching my face carefully for emotion. He needn't have; my face remained blank as I stared straight ahead.

"If you truly care about me, why do you hurt me so?" I asked, still looking ahead. He slapped me.

"Because I knew that if I wanted you to listen and remember, I have to inflict pain so that the two memories will stay intertwined. When you think of the pain I have caused you, you will also be forced to remember what I am saying, and the more you think about it, the more likely you will be to believe it.

"I will never believe-" Again I was silenced. This time, however, I wasn't slapped. I was kissed.

"LEAVE HER ALONE!" shouted a voice I knew so well. I broke away and screamed his name. Again I was slapped, but this time it didn't end there. I cried out in pain as I was hit, punched, scratched, and kicked. I felt my vision blur as the attack finally stopped, but the pain was still very much there.

Before my conciousness left me altogether, I said his name one last time…

"Robin….my Robin….."

And with that, I slipped into a world of darkness, escaping my pain for a short time as I was left a bloody heap in a dark alleyway, not knowing what I did to deserve it.

REVIEW PLEASE…I know it was short but review anyway please!