Roy's Reason

By Yellow Mask

Spoilers: Just for Roy's miniskirt plan.

Disclaimer: I don't own FMA.

AN: I was watching FMA one night, and it just hit me...why does Roy want the women in miniskirts? While it could just be that he's a bit of a pervert, I (being who I am), put a semi-Royai spin on it.


No one's ever asked him why he wants to make miniskirts part of the requisite uniform. Everyone just assumes that's how he is – part-time playboy, full-time pervert. But the real reason is far more simple…and far more complex.

He's never seen her legs.

Colonel Roy Mustang has worked with Lieutenant Riza Hawkeye for years, yet he has never seen her legs. The bulky uniforms cover her from wrist to neck to ankle, the only bared skin is her face.

Not that he is complaining. She happens to have a very nice face, and it gives him a reason to look forward to covert missions as they generally have her wearing a black shirt. Then he is treated to the sight of her neck, shoulders and arms.

Once, on just such a mission, he found himself very close to thanking God. He does not believe in God, of course not, so instead he chooses to believe he was extremely lucky. The usually military-issue shirts were unavailable (he never did find out why), and Riza had been forced to don a tank top instead. Roy cannot remember what the objective of that mission had been, but he does remember the sight of Riza's collarbones and the brief, tantalising hint of cleavage. He does not remember if he drooled. If he did, he hopes he was discreet about it.

Roy has seen the bare skin of Riza's face, neck, shoulders, arms, and has glimpsed the swell of her breasts. But he has not seen her legs.

He has seen their shape, their contour, but they have never been bared to his eyes. Not even a glimpse of an ankle. He used to glare at the baggy uniform pants and feel cheated.

Until one day, it occurred to him.

Though 'occurred' gives him a little too much credit. It slipped out. They were in his office, being subjected to Hughes's ranting about his wife and (then) unborn child, when Falman – in a desperate attempt to change the conversation – asked Roy what his first act as Fuhrer would be.

At the time, Roy had tuned Hughes out, and had been thinking about the next stealth mission, along with ways to eliminate Riza's concealing pants. And it had just slipped out.

"I'll make all the women in the military wear miniskirts."

He remembered the laughter, the whoops and catcalls (and the dark look from Riza), but all he had been thinking at the time was that it would surely solve the problem. He'd be able to see Riza's legs in a miniskirt.

Now he does not glare at her pants, the look is one of quiet determination.

'One day, you'll be gone. And I'll finally see what you've been hiding all these years.'

He wonders if her legs will be as perfect as the rest of her.
