A/N: I know, I know

A/N: I know, I know. I'm sorry for the wait, but I really feel that it compromises the quality of the story when I rush. Here is the conclusion to "When There's No Place to Run." I hope you enjoy it!

Disclaimer: By this point, you should already know.

When There's No Place to Run

Part Four: To trust or not to trust? That is the question…

Xavier stared after Pietro in dismay. Pietro! he called mentally. Pietro, stop! Where will you run to? There was no response, not even a feeling that the panicked boy had received the Professor's message. He could not penetrate the miasma of emotions that shrouded Pietro's mind. Angrily he turned to Magneto.

"Magnus! How could you do such a thing? And to your own son?"

"You are too soft," Magneto intoned. "That is why your team will fail. This test has proven my former recruits unworthy. There will be others. I would suggest," he said, looking directly at each of the X-Men, "that you conduct a similar test of your own. Not all of these are strong enough to fight for your cause." With a swirl of cloak, Magneto turned to leave.

Magnus, don't do this, called the Professor. You cannot write off your own son. Is there no humanity left in you at all, old friend?

Magneto turned back as he rose into the air out through the window. "I am not human, Charles. You cannot ask me to possess a quality that does not exist for me. And as for my son –" Magneto pointed a finger straight at Xavier "- you will never mention him again."

It took several beats after Magneto's departure for anyone to get up the courage to speak. Finally Scott turned to the Professor. "Then it's true? Pietro is Magneto's son?"

Professor Xavier looked very old and worn. "Yes, Scott. And yes, Magneto did plan the attack on his followers," he finished, anticipating Scott's next question. He held his head in his hands. The tumultuous emotion Pietro had experienced, coupled with the horrible indifference from Magneto was almost too much to handle.

It was Kurt who asked the question on everyone's mind. "Professor…vhat do ve do now?"

Xavier sighed. "We find Pietro. What else can we do?"

* * *

Pietro would not be easy to find.

The white-haired mutant had run all day. When his strength finally gave out, even he didn't know where he was. Exhausted, Pietro staggered into an alleyway and fell into a troubled sleep.

Sunlight woke him at last. He squinted in the harsh light and moaned softly. Sleeping on the hard ground had not done his aching muscles any good.

Stiffly, Pietro got to his feet and looked around. There was nothing to clue him in as to where he was. The buildings could have been from any big city. He walked out of the alley where he had slept and turned down the street. Maybe he'd be able to find a pay phone with a phone book.

It was strange. He should have felt devastated. But the emotions that had driven him on last night seemed very far away. He just felt numb, and he welcomed that feeling. Anything was better than pain.

Pietro had walked a few blocks when he realized that the route seemed familiar. He stopped and looked around. Of course! How could I not have recognized this? He was standing in front of an old basketball court. A few kids played there, shouting and laughing. Kids he recognized.

"I'm home," he whispered.

* * *

Scott and Logan were waiting when the Professor wheeled out of the room that held Cerebro. He didn't wait for them to ask questions. "He's in New York City. He's very close to the place where he used to live."

"And the others?" Logan growled.

The Professor looked up at him. "I could only get a reading on Fred, and it was very weak. Either the other two aren't conscious, or…" he let his words hang. "Surprisingly, that signal also came from New York City, though I can't imagine how Pietro would know to go there."

"Probably coincidence. The kid used to live around there, so it's only natural he would run to a place where he felt safe. And how better to get the world's attention than to execute three mutants in a place like New York City?"

"Then we haven't much time," said the Professor. "Ready the Blackbird. We have to leave at once."

Logan's nostrils flared, but it was Scott who said, "Professor, are you sure that we should get involved in this? I mean, we've been fighting them all year!"

The Professor gave Scott a look. "Do you want to be responsible for three young peoples' deaths? Maybe they have been our enemies, but they deserve better than that. Also, we want to promote peace between humans and mutants. Allowing others like us to be executed would not be the impression we want to cultivate. We must be careful, of course," he said, halting Scott's protests. "We do not want to hurt anyone in our attempt to rescue them. That would not be beneficial to our cause. But their deaths would bring more hunters out of the woodwork, and cause more mutants to feel that the only way to survive is to fight against humans. We really have no choice but to help them."

* * *

Pietro wandered aimlessly around the neighborhood that had once been his home. It felt so odd. Even though he had only been away for a short time, Bayville already felt more like home than this place. Bayville…the Brotherhood…the attack! How could he have been so stupid? How could he walk around doing nothing when his friends were in danger?

The sudden burst of adrenaline that sprung from that thought nearly caused Pietro to start running again. That was his response to almost every situation – move. Get out of there. Do something – anything! He barely managed to control the impulse. I have no idea where they are. What good would it do to go back to Bayville? There's nothing left there anymore, and for all I know there are still people looking for me. No, he wouldn't go back to Bayville. But if he didn't do that, then what could he do?

The utter hopelessness of the situation struck Pietro then. Here he was, one sophomore with a broken arm, trying to rescue three people when he didn't know where they were. "This is stupid!" he yelled at the sky. "What am I supposed to do?" The sky had no answer. He immediately felt foolish for losing control. He looked back at the sky in despair.

And looked. And blinked twice, not quite believing what he was seeing.

Maybe the sky did hold answers after all.

An electronic billboard stood out against the smoggy sky. Pietro could remember neighbors complaining about it because it displayed messages about highly controversial topics. Right now, the sign held a message about mutants.


Pietro stood still for the fraction of a second needed to discern the location of the executions. He took off down the street, hoping he was not too late.

When Pietro arrived at the site a minute later, a huge crowd had already gathered. Several of them waved anti-mutant signs. Their hateful messages made him feel sick. News reporters and cameras were everywhere. He swallowed and looked for his friends.

They were not hard to find. A huge platform had been erected, which stood in the middle of the crowds of people. He could just make out the three shapes tied up to poles in the front center of the platform.

Rage colored his vision. None of the captives appeared to be moving. He began to push his way through the crowd, trying to shut his ears to the jeers of the people.

He finally reached the platform and looked at his friends' faces. He wished he hadn't – they were beaten and bruised to the point of almost being unrecognizable. But were they alive? As he watched, Todd slowly opened his eyes. Pietro nearly collapsed with relief. Todd's eyes roamed over the crowd until he noticed Pietro. Shock entered his expression, and Pietro quickly motioned for him to stay quiet. Todd nodded, but kept his eyes on his potential rescuer.

However, Pietro was now baffled. How could he possibly get them untied without being noticed? And even if he managed that, how could they get away?

Pietro walked slowly to the side of the platform, feeling Todd's gaze following him. His quick eyes noted a staircase. People walked up and down it constantly. Maybe they wouldn't notice one more boy heading up to the platform.

Pietro marched confidently to the stairs and climbed them. No one challenged him. He felt a sense of victory. No one even noticed him! He made his way over to Todd, who was closest.

Once there he hesitated. Now what? Well, the direct approach had worked so far…Pietro started untying the ropes that held Todd.

"Hey! Hey you, there! What are you doing?" Pietro looked up to see a group of very large, angry men. Busted.

Pietro stammered a response, something to do with untying the prisoners to show them to the crowd close up. The man who appeared to be the leader sneered at him. "I have ordered no such thing. Now get out of here unless you want to be executed next to them."

Pietro's mind whirled. He couldn't leave his friends here, but he couldn't stay either, unless he wanted to be killed. Indecision held him captive for one vital moment.

Apparently he had hesitated too long. The man's expression darkened. "Grab him," he ordered the other men. They started forward, and Pietro wondered if he'd gone crazy. It was suicide to attempt this alone, and he knew it. So why was he still here?

A shadow fell over the platform. Pietro looked up and for just a second wondered if he really had gone crazy.

It was the X-Men's jet. As he gaped at the sight, Nightcrawler teleported out of the jet with Spyke and Rogue. Shadowcat phased through the bottom of the jet while holding on to Jean and Cyclops. Storm and Wolverine burst through the top hatch.

"Looked like you might need some help," called Jean. Pietro just stared at them in utter disbelief. Why in the world would they come to help him? How had they even known he was here? Cerebro. Duh, he thought. He shook off his confusion. It didn't matter why they were here. He'd get answers later.

"You took your time, didn't you?" he yelled back at her.

"Well, if you don't want our help…" Jean shrugged and turned back to the jet.

"I never said I didn't want it," said Pietro quickly. "So come on. Let's blow this Popsicle stand!"

* * *

Lance moaned and struggled to sit up. Pain shot through him, and immediately he felt a hand pushing him back down onto the bed. "Take it easy," a familiar voice said.

Lance opened his eyes and squinted in the sudden light. "Pietro?" he asked. He blinked his eyes rapidly and the blurry figure solidified into Pietro. "What happened?" He looked around him and frowned. "And where are we?"

"You're in the medical center at the Institute," Pietro replied.

"The Institute? We're in here with the X-Freaks?" Lance glared up at Pietro. "Pietro, what the hell is going on?"

"We "X-Freaks" saved your life," came a serene voice from behind them. Both boys turned to see Ororo standing in the doorway. "I'm glad to see you are awake."

Lance looked at her incredulously, then turned to Pietro. "Explain. Now."

"You remember the mutant hunters, right?" At Lance's affirmative nod, Pietro continued. "You, Fred, and Todd were beat pretty badly. They took you to New York City for a public execution. I got away but was hurt. The only place I could think of coming was here, because I couldn't find Mystique or Magneto." Pietro hesitated a moment. So far he had not told any of the members of the Brotherhood about Magneto's betrayal. It still hurt to think about it, and he wasn't sure he was ready to talk about the experience.

While he was still considering, Lance spoke. "All right. So how did I get from being dead meat to being in the X-Fre…the X-Men's hospital room?"

Pietro shook his head to clear it. "They helped me rescue you guys," he answered. "Then they flew you back here for treatment, because we couldn't trust a normal hospital."

"They did?" Lance looked confused. "But why?"

"Dunno," said Pietro. That was a lie. He did know – Xavier wanted to recruit them. He knew, however, that the chances of his friends agreeing to work for peace between mutants and humans were practically nil. They had just seen too much of the bad side of life.

Pietro decided to change the subject. "You had us worried. Fred and Todd recovered enough to get out of bed a few days ago, and they were conscious for the execution rally. You've been out the whole time, and we were starting to think…" he stopped abruptly. "Glad you're okay."

Lance frowned. "How long have I been out?"

"One week since the attack."

"A whole week? No way! And we've been here the whole time?" Pietro nodded. Lance appeared to be deep in thought. Then he shrugged it off and looked back at Pietro. "Can I have something to eat? If it's been a week, then I'm starving."

* * *

The X-Men and the mostly recovered Brotherhood were grouped around the front door. Magneto's mutants were finally leaving the mansion, and everyone else had turned out to see them off. Probably want to make sure we actually leave, Pietro thought. The atmosphere in the mansion had been extremely tense these last few days, as Lance had recovered enough to argue with Scott.

The moment was decidedly awkward. The Brotherhood had wanted to leave without anyone noticing to avoid a scene, but with two telepaths in the house that was impossible. "So," Todd said, breaking the silence. "Guess we're leaving, yo."

"Yeah." With a nod to the Professor, Lance started to walk away.

This was too much for Scott to handle. "We saved your lives, you know. You could at least show a little gratitude!"

"Yeah, well, thanks. I guess. But don't think this changes anything!" Lance said hurriedly. He was not used to thanking anyone, and the concept seemed too strange to grasp fully. Logan gave the Professor an I-told-you look. Xavier sighed.

"I wish you well. Good luck," the Professor said.

Lance, Todd, and Fred looked at him like he had grown horns. "Right," said Todd. Lance turned to leave, and the rest of the Brotherhood fell in behind him.

"A moment, Pietro," the Professor called. Pietro, who had almost reached the door, stopped to look back at him. "I just want to talk to you." He gave the rest of the X-Men a pointed look, and they slowly trickled from the room.

Lance turned, his eyes narrowed suspiciously. Pietro almost laughed at the protectiveness in his face. "Go on," Pietro told him. "I'll catch up in about 2 seconds." Lance was clearly reluctant to leave without Pietro, but he finally did, throwing glances over his shoulder every few steps. Pietro turned to Xavier, a slightly mocking smile on his face. "What did you want to talk to me about?" he asked, feigning ignorance. He knew perfectly well what the Professor wanted to know.

"Why did you not tell them the truth, Pietro?" the Professor asked.

Pietro snorted. "You're the mind-reader. You tell me."

"I do not like to pry into others' thought without their permission," he replied.

"Well, isn't that just peachy. Hasn't stopped you from messing with my head, though, has it?" The Professor chose not to answer him. Instead, he fixed Pietro with the penetrating stare that he was famous for. Pietro shifted uneasily.

"Fine. You want to know why? I'll tell you." He glared at the Professor. Pietro had spent a long time deciding what to tell the other mutants of the Brotherhood, and he was sure now that he had made the right choice. "I didn't tell them the truth because they don't need to know it."

"Doesn't everyone deserve to be told the truth?" Xavier questioned.

"Not if the truth does more harm than good. And you're a fine one to talk about telling the truth. Or did you forget that you didn't even tell your students that their principal was Mystique?"

Xavier inclined his head in acknowledgement. Pietro had scored a point. "That is correct. But I learned from that mistake. I learned that it is better to tell the truth."

Pietro laughed cynically. "It's great to have all your wonderful morals, old man, but I'm more concerned about my family. Or did you not think that far ahead?"

Xavier frowned slightly. The boy was not making any sense. Unless Pietro knew something that the Professor didn't…

Pietro stared at the Professor. "You didn't think of it, did you? And I thought that you were supposed to be so smart." He looked the Professor straight in the eye. "We need Magneto. Don't you get it? We can't stay here in Bayville. The mutant hunters aren't going to be happy that they lost their victims. They'll come looking for us. How long do you think the four of us would last on the run? Lance and Todd probably know a few places we could hide, but with no money we wouldn't last long. Magneto can make us disappear."

"That isn't the only reason, though. I can sense you're hiding something."

Pietro glared at him. "No. That isn't the only reason." He clenched his fists. "Magneto gave Lance and the others the only home they'd ever had. We've learned to trust each other. They're my family now. If they learned the truth about Magneto, that trust would be broken. My family would fall apart." He took a few deep breaths to calm himself. "I'm never letting that happen."

The Professor blinked at the passionate reply. He had not expected this from Pietro. "I understand your sentiments, but what makes you so sure Magneto will take you back? He seemed adamant about the point that you four had failed him."

A bitter grin twisted Pietro's lips. His voice was mocking as he said, "We didn't fail him. We showed persistence and dedication in our struggle to overcome the humans. We refused to let the humans win, therefore showing our loyalty to Magneto's cause. Our escape from the executioners, on live television, will let other potential recruits know that it is possible for mutants to win. If we were to be recaptured, it would be a sign to mutants that they could never triumph over the human race. Magneto would lose his followers." Pietro smiled at the Professor humorlessly. "You see? He has to take us back."

The Professor shook his head, amazed. Pietro had the amazing ability to see clearly from the beginning to the end of a problem. Magneto would be hard pressed indeed to argue with that theory. "You're very convincing, Pietro. I wouldn't like to argue with you on that point."

"Of course you wouldn't. No one can argue with me because they know I'm so much better than they are." Some things never changed.

Pietro turned and began to walk away.

"How will you find Magneto?" the Professor called after him.

Pietro looked over his shoulder at him. "Please. I could find him with my eyes shut. I know where he lives." Then, to forestall any further conversation, he turned on his speed and rejoined his friends.

"What took you so long?" Lance asked.

Pietro shrugged. "Baldy was just trying to convince me to join him. I told him there was no chance."

"Good," said Todd. "He's got a jumped-up opinion of himself anyway, yo." Fred grunted his agreement.

Pietro studied his friends for a moment. None of them had much in the way of people skills, but this was his family. He forced down any last misgivings about not telling them the truth and grinned. "Come on. Let's go find Magneto."

I beg of you to review.