Kai Angel : Konnichiwa!

Ray : This is a miracle...

Kai Angel : Why have you said that? ¬¬

Ray : The readers were impatient of what will happen to the relationship between Kai and me! ¬¬

Kai Angel : Sorry...

Ray : You´re wellcome

Kai Angel : I was apologizing to the readers n.n

Ray : ¬¬

Gratitudes : To all my readers and reviewers! Thanks lot! Arigato! Eskerrik asko!

4. New beginings

Ray was in his room at the Kinomiya´s dojo. He was looking for something to carry to the hospital, so that he could do something while looking after Kai. He had been told that his lover would abandon the hospital in a few days, so he was really happy.

Searching in his wardrobe, he found a game called " The McGregors phantom" and decided to take it and play with Kai if he was in mood to do that.

Ray put a jacket on and went out taking his way to the hospital.

When he arrived to the room in which Kai was supposed to be, he found it empty. Ray looked around searching for someone, but as he didn´t found anyone, he went to the information desk.

- Sorry, I was looking for a friend who was in the Intensive Care department in the room 612 and he was not there... Could you please tell me where is he, madam?

The nurse looked at him with a dark expression.

- He is death, honey. Kai Hiwatari died tonight.

- What? But he was more or less fine...

- There was a death silence until the nurse giggled, receiving a cofussed glare from the boy.

- I was joking jajaja... Sorry, he was let go out two hours ago.

- Where is he?

- He said he was going to the graveyard.

- Ok. Thanks a lot madam!

Ray run to the exit of the hospital in direction of the graveyard, hoping he would find Kai in time.

He entered through the gate of the graveyard. He didn´t hate visiting this places full of death people, but he didn´t love it also. So he decided to search Kai.

After walking in circles around the graveyard, Ray found a grave that said:

Two lights that

went out


Hikari & Piotr

1954 - 1992

When you´re searching for something

there is no way that indicates

how to find it.

You must do it on your way. Kai Hiwatari

- Beautiful, isn´t it? - asked a voice, that Ray recognized as Kai´s.

- Kai! I´ve been searching you.

- I know – said Kai, walking to Ray

- Are you ok? You look exhausted!

- Well, I´m tired...

Ray huged him, making Kai to blush as a tomato.

- Kai, calm down! - said Ray laughing

- I´m calmed – said looking to the other side, blushing more

Ray looked his lover smiling.

- Shall we go for a walk?

- Well... If you want... perhaps...

A strange noise tensed them and both looked to the nearest tree, where the noise came from. Kai growled.

- Tyson Granger, come down now before I threw the tree down.

There was a silence until Kai decided to approach to the tree.

- I... I´m coming

- Good, so do it fast please, I was having a private conversation with Kon. Just go.

Kai waited until Tyson was further enough to not to see them. He cleared his throat.

- Where were we?

- You were answering me.

- Oh, yes...

- So?

- Only if you want too

- Of course I want. Come on.

Ray grabbed a hand of his lover and started to run, carrying with him a smiling Kai.

- I thought we were going for a walk...

Ray laughed. It was becoming dark an he wants to show something to Kai.

- Here we are.

They have landed in the beach.

- What are we doing here, Ray?

- Look at the sky.

Kai did it and found a very beautiful sight. The sun was in the horizon. The sky had a pink colour. Kai went forward completely stunned with the sight.

- This is the sign of a new beggining - said Ray

Kai looked at him with confussion. Ray smiled because he was seeing the real Kai now.

- You know? You look well with an evening or a dawn scenery.

- I know it – said Kai smiling truelly

- That must be a true smile, eh?

- Yes. It´s a real smile

- Ok! - said Ray, clapping-. Now we are going to have fun.

Kai looked at his lover sadly.

- But, Ray? I don´t know how to have fun.

Ray placed his hands on Kai´s shoulders.

- This is why I said that it was a new beggining.

Ray smiled and grabbed a Kai´s hand guiding him to the water. Kai, let Ray carry him there. And for first time in fourteen years, he smiled.


Kai Angel : Well, I finish this fic at least n.n

Ray : Explain me why you have delayed the last chapter.

Kai Angel : Not to you of course, but to my readers yes.

Ray : ¬¬

Kai Angel : Do you want a fight glare? I remind you that you lose the last fight.

Ray : u.u

Kai Angel : As I was saying, sorry for being too late, but I have been in exams and doing works and being in other places so I never had enough time to update. Sorry again and thank you !

Kai : ...

Kai Angel : What happens to you?

Kai : My glare?

Kai Angel : Why?

Kai : Tyson Granger

Kai Angel : Ok, take it

Kai : Thanks

Kai Angel : Ja ne!