
Disclaimer: Gakuen Alice doesn't belong to me. It is owned by the great mangaka Higuchi Tachibana.

A/N: I had this nagging feeling that I wasn't able to end it properly. So.. I thought of writing an epilogue. Short and sweet ;)

Nikko tossed and turned in her bed. She tried with all her might to fall asleep but it was no use. She tried counting sheep, she tried counting backwards, she tried reciting the multiplication table in her head, but still, it was no use.

Argh! This is just plain ridiculous, she thought, annoyed. Please, let sleep come to me, she prayed silently.

Finally, she got up and walked towards her kitchen. She brought out a carton of milk from the refrigerator and put some in a mug. She added some honey and popped it into the microwave.

Milk would do the trick, she thought with satisfaction.

She walked to back to her bedroom, and stared out the window, while sipping her milk. After 30 minutes, she still didn't feel a bit sleepy.

She groaned inwardly. I have to wake up early tomorrow 'cause I haven't finished all my homework. Blame it on all the excitement this afternoon, she grumbled to herself, while really smiling.

Nikko stared out the window, lost in thought. She saw a figure shuffling towards the ginko trees.

She blinked and rubbed her eyes. I must be seeing things. She squinted at the figure and saw the familiar flash of a gold earring. Natsume! What's he..?

She stared for a moment longer and decided to come down and talk to him for a bit. She shivered in her thin nightgown as the wind stung her when she stepped outside.

"Natsume?", her voice sounded high and thin.

He looked up, twirling a blade of grass in his fingers. "Hey.."

They were both quiet for a few moments.

Finally. he said, "What's up?"

Nikko shook her head and smiled. "Not much since we last talked a few days ago. So, how are you and Mikan?"

He gave her a small smile. "We're doing fine. How about you and.. Ruka?", he said the last word with a bit of difficulty.

She replied quietly, "We're alright."

They were again silent for a few seconds.

"Listen.. Natsume?"


"I'm sorry.. So sorry.."

"Hmmm? For what?", he said, looking at her quizzically.

"Oh, give me a break, Natsume", she shot him a look.

He gave her a look for a moment and sighed. "It's okay, Nikko. I just didn't expect it to be.. my best friend. But it's cool with me."

She closed her eyes and sighed. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you. To tell you the truth, I didn't know how I was gonna tell you. It was just too.. awkward.. It wasn't my intention to keep it from you at all."

He nodded and said softly, "It's okay, Nikko. I do understand, you know. I'm not that cold a person."

She grinned widely and replied, "I know. That's why I fell in love with you before, right?"

He didn't smile but his eyes did. "I guess.."

"Ne, Natsume?"


"We'll always be friends, right? Forever?", she looked at him hopefully.

He gave her a small nod and graced her with another small smile. "I haven't forgotten our pact, you know."

They sat silently under the ginko tree, which was their own special place. Nikko reached over and squeezed Natsume's hand. He returned the gesture and said to her gently, "I hope you'll be very happy with Ruka. I know he'll treat you well. I know him better than anybody."

Nikko, who wasn't able to utter a word, just nodded. "I wish you luck with Mikan, too." She gave him a sad smile. "I love you and I'll always do, Natsume..." And with that, she gave him a hug which felt like goodbye to their past and a welcome to a platonic friendship.

"Hey.. Natsume?"


"I wish you'd be always like this to everybody. I mean, this nice. It suits you, you know?"

He turned pink and mumbled something.

Nikko just smiled. She stood up and said, "Goodnight, Natsume. Sweet dreams".

"You, too, Nikko.. You, too.."


A/N: Watch out for my next fic! Solely NatsumexMikan this time, I promise. I hope you'll all like it. I'm currently working on chapter 1. Romance/Humor

I won't say anymore details. I want it to be a surprise!

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