The Truth Always come out… Chapter one

Summary: Reno 'borrows' a load of truth serum from Hojo's lab. What does he do with it, why put it into the Shinra building's water supply of course.

Disclaimer: Do I have to…? I don't own any of final fantasy vii, even though I wish and pray, square-soft won't part with it sniff

Another day on the Turk floor of the Shinra building…

Reno was bored, not your usual 'yawn and sleep' bored but the 'OMFG I wanna cause some havoc' bored. Tseng had landed him with the dreaded paperwork delivery duty, making him deliver useless pieces of paper all over the building. 'Well it does have one upside' Reno said into his head as Tseng handed him around a couple thousand pages of work. 'What's that?' his inner voice replied, 'Secretaries.' He said back to his inner voice.

"Hojo's office, no detours," Tseng said reading the scheming red-head like an open book, Reno looked disappointed,

"But whyyyy," he whined hoping to irritate his boss to the fullest.

Tseng sighed before looking up at the sulking Turk.

"Because the others are off on a well deserved break also needing therapy may I add because of you and your idiotic pranks, speaking of which they should be arriving back in around two hours," the wutaiian Turk said calmly, then shoving another folder on to the already tall pile of documents.

"And I repeat no detours." He added before shooing the moping Turk from his office.

Reno stalked from the office and headed toward the elevator, cursing his boss into the life stream and hopefully if there was a hell, hell. (AN: It's probably best not to say any of this under this fiction rating, so use your imagination people!) He reached the elevator, having a little difficulty calling it for the large pile of paper obstructed his view. So with a growl he decided to boot the doors of the lift because of the fact that it wouldn't work.

In the end he had to do something drastic, totally out of character for him… wait, although the lift came soon after for Reno it was too long, within that time he was scheming however things were grim, no inspiration came.

Sighing, he made his way into Hojo's lab/office, whatever you would want to call it for it was some kind of mix, there was a desk, computer, bookcases but the walls were covered in cages and machinery and to Reno's disappointment, no secretary.

"Heeeelllllloooo anyone home…no… well I'll just leave these here and go look round," he said with on of the 'uh-oh he's scheming, RUN AWAY!' smirks.

So he started poking through cupboards and filing cabinets, knowing that somewhere, something in this office would assist him in getting Tseng back.

A huge grin found its way to Reno's face, he picked up the large bottle.

"Yoink" he said smirking, it read 'MAX-STRENGTH TRUTH SERUM, directions: 2-3 drops necessary for the victim to spill their guts to any question,' in Hojo's messy scrawl. Carefully he slid the bottle into his Turk blazer, he would really have to thank the mad scientist for leaving things lying around.

Leaving both the office and the paperwork behind he made his way back to his office, he needed to call in a favour that involved the Shinra building's private reservoir.