me: hello people! It's been a long time since I've started another fic! Hale-chan isn't here right now...(depressed aura) I miss her... anyway! This is my first Naruto fic that is not oneshot! So please be kind! I know the title's kinda obvious but I had no other title to come up with! (clears throat) sorry I talk too much... anyway, without further ado! Here's the first chapter!

Chapter 1: Party Time

"Yeah! Party!" Naruto shouted happily, clutching a drink in his hand. "Great idea throwing a party for us Konohamaru, I don't know how you got Gaara and the others to come but what the heck!" he said smiling brightly at the younger person right next to him. Team 7, 8, 10, Neji's team and the Sand team were all there. Having a great time, everyone was there without theirJounin sensei's to interrupt the fun.

"Yeah, let's all just have a great time," Konohamaru said, smirking in his mind. Naruto noticed the younger boy's sudden silence and wondered what was wrong.

"Hey Konohamaru, is something wrong?" the blonde asked.

"Huh? Oh nothing's wrong Naruto-niisan," the younger boy replied.

"Hmm… aha! I know! All you need to get into the party mood is a nice cold drink of punch!" Naruto said.

"What?" Konohamaru said but then before he knew it the older Genin had dragged him to the punch bowl, where Sasuke was just standing around being his usual self.

"Hey Sasuke, why don't you lighten up a bit!" Naruto suggested enthusiastically.

"Hmp," Sasuke simply said and just moved away from the whiskered blonde. Naruto pouted with his eyes closed.

"Geez what a kill-joy," he said as he poured in a glass of punch for Konohamaru. "Here you go Konohamaru, come on, drink up," Naruto said nudging the younger boy.

"Um… I'd rather not…" Konohamaru said, pushing away the glass.

"Come on, don't be like Sasuke over there," Naruto said.

"Really Naruto-niisan… I shouldn't be drinking those things…" Konohamaru continued to resist.

"Why not? It is your party Konohamaru!" Naruto insisted. Konohamaru sighed and took the cup. "That's it!" the blonde cheered. Konohamaru made a face a dropped the cup, making it look like an accident.

"Oops… stupid me…" he said. Naruto pouted with his eyes closed at him in a frustrated way.

"Hold on I'll get you another cup…" Naruto said turning back to the punch bowl as Konohamaru made a run for it. When he was out of the blonde's sight he got out a black walkie talkie from his pocket.

"Calling White Dove, come in White Dove, this is Eagle speaking, hey White Dove, come in," Konohamaru whispered to the walkie talkie but there was no answer. He peeked out from behind the wall he was hiding behind to find 'White Dove' looking at herself in the mirror. Konohamaru twitched angrily and turned on the walkie talkie again. "HEY MOEGI! I TALKING TO YOU HERE SO PUT THAT DAMN MIRROR DOWN AND TALK TO ME!" Konohamaru shouted, half-moon eyes forming when he saw Moegi fumble around for her walkie talkie and swiftly going to the nearest room near her which was the bathroom.

"White Dove here, sorry about that Eagle," Moegi said. Konohamaru sighed.

"Yeah, yeah, can you contact Humming Bird?" he asked.

"Sure thing," Moegi said and got out another walkie-talkie. "White Dove to Humming Bird, we need a meeting now," she said.

"Moegi… this is the WORST possible time!" Udonwhispered into his walkie talkie.

"Oh come on! Give me a break! Where are you Udon?" Moegi asked.

"Hey I'm bored... how much time do we have left?" she heard another female's voice say, it sounded like Sakura's.

"Udon, what are you doing with Sakura?" Moegi asked.

"Don't get any ideas, we're playing 7-minuets in Heaven," Udon replied,

"So bored..." Sakura's voice rang.

"Uh-oh… don't tell her anything, we'll meet you in the garden," Moegi said and turned off the walkie-talkie.

"Moegi! Hey! Don't leave me here!" Udon hissed to his walkie-talkie so Sakura wouldn't hear.

"Udon, we have 10 more seconds, any last words?" Sakura asked.

"Come on, it's not like I'm dying or something," Udon said.

"And we're done," the pink haired chuunin said as Ino opened the door.

"Had fun you two?" the blonde asked with a cheeky grin.

"Shut up Ino, we only talked and stuff," Sakura said.

"Um… anyways… I need to go…" Udon said.

"But don't you want to see who the next pair is?" Kankuro asked.

"No thanks," Udon said and went out the house to the garden where he met up with Moegi and Konohamaru. "Is it time?" he asked as the other two nodded.

"The missionbegins now," Konohamaru said with a smirk and the two smirked with him. The three made their way to the stage with their own glasses of punch trying to gain the party people's attention. "Ahem, excuse me people," Konohamaru said but they just kept on chatting and chatting and chatting. He twitched angrily again as he prepared to raise his voice, Moegi and Udon covering their ears to prepare for the impact. "HEY I'M TRYING TO MAKE AN ANNOUNCEMENT HERE!" Konohamaru shouted, which obviously gained everyone's attention. Even the group playing 7-minuets in Heaven got out of the closet.

'Such a loud kid…' Sasuke thought.

"Okay, so, let's say we propose a toast! To a uh…" Konohamaru paused to think of something. "Ah! To a great party!" he finally said and drank his cup as so did Moegi and Udon along with the rest of the party-goers. Konohamaru and his gang were drinking plain punch, while the others had something different coming.

The next morning the silver haired Jounin Hatake Kakashi was awakened by a knock on the door. He stirred and slowly got up yawning and stretching; he put on his mask and made his way to the door where the knocking continued. "I'm coming," he said sleepily as he made his way to the door. 'Who could be waking me up at this time?' he thought to himself turning the knob but seeing no one there. "Hmm?" he said looking from side to side but seeing nothing there. He was about to go back in his room when he felt slight tug on his pants. He looked down but when he did he couldn't believe his eyes.

"Touchan, I'm hungry,"

me: and that's it for the first chapter! Sorry it was so lame... but it's still the first chapter! The fun won't start yet! (depressed aura) and I still miss Hale-chan... please read and review people! Be kind please! (happy cat-mouth)