The Dark Oblivion

DISCLAIMER: I don't own anything except the PLOT and some names you don't recognize is not mine some but not all.

Summary: What if Voldemort did not disappear when he attacked the Potters on that night but turned into a child. All his memories where forgotten to start a new. When He was found everybody thought that he was a twin of Harry that was hidden? The two where declared as heroes! What do you think will happen? HPLV and later on HPLVDM!

Warnings: Yaoi, Slash, Boys' Love it all means that Boy in Love with another Boy and there is a threesome you know 3 boys loving each other in later chapters

I Have no BETA so Sorry!

This will be Angst Dumbledore, Ron, Hermoine and many more!

Pairings: Harry/Tom/Draco, Sirius/Remus There will be more as I go on the first one is the main pairing.



"Blah" – Talking

/Blah/ - Thinking

"Blah" - Parselmouth

"Blah" – Spell

A/N: hey! I'm back! Sorry if I haven't update for a long time! But here's the new chap! It's my semester brake that's why I'm able to update but it's only for one week but I'll try to update as soon as I can!

NOW BETA!! Thanks a LOT to BalrogGodZanus Since many reviewed that I really need a Beta so I finally got one! HE is doing the beta now in this fic! Its not yet all finished but he will! isn't he great! if the chapter doesn't have this then its not yet betad ok!

Chapter 3: The New Life

We once again join the twins in a large circular room where all available wall space is packed with different kind's weapons of wizarding and muggles ones, In the middle of the room the twins faced each other with their one arm raised. Voices and spells rained in the room colors flashed one after the other. Sweat run down their faces as they attack each other.

"Voco Ignis" cast one of them, with gritted teeth. As soon as that was cast, the caster's right hand glowed fiery red, and three fireballs appeared and shot straight towards the other boy. However, halfway there the other one cast "Aspergo Unda" with a smirk on his face. Ice cold water burst out on the casters glowing blue hands straight to the other boy extinguishing the fireballs in the process. The boy crushed to the wall and fell in the ground as he was hit.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha………………

"Oh Ha Ha Ha very funny," the boy said sarcastically as he slowly stood up dripping wet and as he did he glared fiercely at his brother.

"Yes! Yes! It is very funny," the other boy said teasingly while smirking, and just barely holding in another round of hysterical laughter.

"Oh! Shut up Tom!"

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha……………

It's already been two years since the twins had come to the Dark Manor. The two had clearly changed both physically and mentally since they stayed here. It seemed that Sisi the house elf had put the two in a healthy diet and Cole had given them an unbelievable wardrobe to change to.

The twins had changed greatly over the years, especially their eyes, which had been covered by sadness, loneliness, vulnerability and innocence before, were now cold but at the same time warm, happy, calculating. Their incredibly expressive eyes also held intelligence, wisdom and experience that are not supposed to be seen in a child. The two scrawny boys have now filled up there body and now have the right weight and height for there age. The twins had never looked so much like the other that they could say one was the other and you would not know it until they came clean. The two are now at the same height much in Harry's delight. There dirty and blooded shirts are now replaced by expensive identical looking robes that seemed out of date but still elegant and intimidating. Their identical messy black hair that stood up in every direction now was long and silky, ended at their shoulders, and was often tied in messy ponytails. Their sickly looking skin from previous times had acquired a glow health but was still pale, that having been from staying inside the manor until this very day. Today is their ninth birthday, today there finally going out to see the wizarding world for the first time...



"Sirs, Shivant and Zephyr wants you in the library, and is waiting for you masters," said Pepin as he watched in surprise his masters laughing at each other; well one of them anyway while the other is glaring.

"Is that so Pepin we'll be right there" said Tom in a commanding voice as he composed himself, while Harry cast Arefacio on himself but he still glared furiously at the other.

With a "pop!", the house elf disappeared and the smirk returned in Tom's lips.

"Now… Now… brother stop glaring don't be such a sore loser," Tom said in-between gasps for air, the lack of air being a direct consequence of his hysterical laughter.

"Fuck you," Replied Harry to his twin, glaring ineffectually all the while blushing approximately the color of a tomato.

"Oh! I never thought you had it in you little brother, I mean, such dirty language like that! What ever would…" Tom started out on a long and very sarcastic tirade, but he was cutoff with a "SHUT UP!" out of Harry who was now blushing and the glare had left his face. Harry walked out of the room with his shoulders squared and he left a smirking Tom behind, who followed suit, only with the blushing and a superior air about him.

At the hallway, the two walked in silence their face emotionless and cold. The Hallway looked grand and menacing, kind of grand with walls in black with silver carvings of snakes, and carvings of different creatures appeared on statues near the side entrance doors and green curtains hung at the window.

They stopped at the end of the hallways where almost twenty feet door resides. The door was in deep red and covered with green vines that locked the doorway. (AN: All the doors at the manor looked liked the medieval ones except there are in different colors that classified the room's importance)

As they came closer to the door the vines withdraw which unlock the door and opened. Inside shelves and selves of books adorned every wall the room has 5 floors and each floor where the same all contained book of shelves in the middle of the room a great big crystal chandelier that glowed in a yellowish light that lighten the whole room at the middle of the room was like a small living room. Floor carpeted loveseats, coffee table, end table and lamps decorated it. At the left and right of the small like living room where one dark wooden table and twelve chairs each side has one set.

They entered the room and the door automatically closed behind and vines covered it once again locking the door.

"Ah! It's about time didn't I told you two to come here at eight it's already ten" said by a feminine voice. A figure in the middle of the room stood up where it was sitting at one of the loveseat. Long black curly hair framed its pale soft and pointed face that has pouting kissable red blood lips one of its black perfect eyebrows is raised upward and its red eyes that held gentleness, age and wisdom looked at them questionably. It wore light gray robes that covered its figure but even so it was still beautiful no gorgeous that will leave every man and woman in envy.

"Zephyr!" chorused the two

"We were at the training room since five in the morning," said Harry

"We were only doing what you told us," said Tom

"We were training," chorused the two with a cherubic look that would have fooled anybody who did not know them well.

"I see…." Said Zephyr one eyebrows still raised

"Now Zeph don't be too hard on the masters what they say is true" entered another voice as almost feminine as Zephyrs but deeper. Another figure became visible at the third floor of the room this one has straight long hair that reached its waist framing its pale sweet face perfect red blood lips and startling green eyes that glint mischievously its body covered in white robes that covered his figure the same as Zephyr. His eyes held in them the promise of long nights with endless pleasures of the flesh and soul. One look into their crimson depths and you could drown into a sea of lust, be you man or woman.

"Hey! Shivant," greeted the twins as they turned to look at the humanoid figure of their long-time friend.

"I haven't done anything yet," said Zephyr

"Yet, being the operative term in that statement, you obviously were about to do something," answered Shivant

"Fine," said Zephyr sighing in exasperation.

"Masters! It's so good to see you two well and healthy it's been a month since we saw each other." Shivant greeted them as he walked down towards the boys; he kneeled and kissed their palms.

"Shivant where in the nine hells have you been?" asked Tom.

"And what did you do while you were there?" asked Harry.

"Oh I have been here for the past week no thanks to that lazy snake," answered Shivant.

"And did you find it?" asked Zephyr to his friend.

"Of course" replied Shivant as if he could not have done anything less than perfection.


"What are you guys talking about?" asked Tom and Harry

"This is our surprise for masters," said Shivant as he handed a sheaf of papers to the boys.

As the boys read the pages of a book that had been ripped apart, and then handed to them, no emotions could be seen. That is at least until they raised their eyes to meet those of the two human snakes who were then seated side by side at the loveseat drinking coffee.

"So which one of you will play father and mother to us in this adoption ceremony?" asked Tom with humor in his voice.

"Yeah, I think either one of you could definitely fall into the mother-type personality category," said Harry trying not to giggle.

"Really thank you master" thanked Zephyr smiling sweetly, and he sounded most sincere.

"I guess that means you'll take the mother role?" asked Shivant while rolling his eyes, obviously having gone over this several times before.

"Of course!" he exclaimed indignantly, and then he gave his reasoning. "The beauty which is me would never fit into a father role." The humanized snake said primly, as if insulted at the very thought of taking on the father role.

"Zeph, I am going to assume you know that there is such a word as narcissist," Shivant asked his comrade in the most sarcastic voice he could muster.

"I know isn't it lovely?" Zephyr answered in a saccharine voice, which almost made one physically sick to hear it.

Shivant just sweat dropped and Zephyr just smiled at his compatriot winningly.

"Alright, alright, that is enough of the Shiv and Zeph comedy hour. Now why do we need to be adopted?" asked Tom, trying to steer the conversation back to its original purpose.

"You need it in order to take your inheritance, and furthermore you two have to have identities when all of us enter the wizarding world," said Zephyr

"Inheritance? I thought the Dark manor was our inheritance," asked Tom in a befuddled and quite annoyed voice, for you see he just hated not knowing things.

"It is, but this is only a small part of the Slytherin lines grand inheritance; the master's line is one of the top five richest pureblood lines in the global wizarding world" answered Shivant with a dramatic flair which made him look vaguely idiotic, that is to say, like Gilderoy Lockhart.

"I see, but it doesn't answer the question as to why we must be adopted; and for that matter is it even legal for you two, the ones who are adopting us, to adopt us, given the fact that your snakes with an ability to assume human form." Asked Harry quizzically, for he was truly wondering about the legal ramifications of these acts.

"Well we have to adopt you masters because: one is that you two are under aged wizards; two is that you need a guardian to collect the inheritance; three you two need to have a family in the eyes of the wizarding world or you two will be taken to the orphanage and four you need new names. And as Shiva here said identities for you two will be of the utmost importance, namely because your real identities are considered long dead in the eyes of the magical public," answered Zephyr, crushing all of their questions quickly and efficiently with the reasons he stated.

"I told you never to call me that! Shiva is a female ice goddess name. Do I look like a god damn freaking woman?!?!" snapped Shivant, who was in a towering rage; he absolutely hated it when that abysmal nickname was applied to him.

"Yes you do!" chorused the three others in the room, all the while smirking and thinking about how easy it is to ruffle the proverbial feathers of Shivant.

"SHUT UP! ALL OF YOU SHUT UP NOW!" Screamed Shivant, his crimson eyes so dark in his rage they seemed almost black, and he glared at his companions with all his might. Of course, after being on the receiving end for several years made the glare much less effective, on those it was directed to.

"Anyway don't worry masters about the adoption ceremony. It is actually not legal because this is dark magic; unlike the legal method this one is done by blood and that is a big no-no for the muggle lovers. However, as a plus, no one will know that we have adopted you two masters and no one will know that we are part snakes. That is unless they took our robes off, which will never happened unless our masters or we want to let anyone see our scales. And even if they did manage to capture us, we will never be able to tell for we bite and we are very poisonous," answered Zephyr, still ignoring the heated glare that was directed to his back.

"Part Snakes?" asked Tom once again annoyed at being left out of the loop.

"Yes the reason we are able to take form of a human is because we were once as human as you are now," answered Zephyr.

"What!" exclaimed both Harry and Tom in absolute shock at the statement made by their guardian.

"Enough talk we will explain the rest later, lets start the ceremony. Today is the day our masters will be reborn with a new name, a new family, fortune and knowledge so let us get on with it. We still need to go to Gringotts and Ministry of Magic," said Shivant still glaring at all the others.

Zephyr stood up and walked in to the desk by the lamp and opened it drawer taking out a old but exquisite dagger a silver dagger to be exact its blade shined its handle was in ebony black carved by silver snakes emeralds between snakes and a big red blood diamond at the tip of the handle.

"This is a ceremonial dagger, let us start this ritual then" said Zephyr

End of Chapter 3

AN: Hey guys so what do you think? Is it Good? Anyway thanks to everyone who waited for me and reviewed! I know I'll be slow in updating because of school but I'll still try my best to do this as fast as I can!

I'm not sure when I'm going to update again but please wait for me!

If you guys want to read my work go to my profile I have one more story it's in titled The Ebony and The Ivory The first few chapters is not written that good but it gets better as it go on Promise its true I got many reviews telling me that! It's because it was my first fanfic so you can see the difference but anyway try it!

Review please!! This keeps me going so do REVIEW!!!!

SeZ The Mistress of Darknes... - I'm so glad you liked it!I'll try my best!

violet7amethystOdd? It's supposed to be! That's why this is my very own original plot that no one has ever tried before! It's get tiring to read if its all the same like Vellas , Vampire, Elf, Snape being the daddy of Harry ect. I want to do something different and unique! That's why it's interesting!

SailorHecate – Thanks

wover03 - hehehe! Thanks! So what do you think of this chapter?

NeoriI'm so Happy you like it

Melodysmilesalot– hehe well I think I'll do the shota thing in later chapters! Hehe I know that's why I like starting of as kids in my fic there soooooo cute! I'm still not sure if he will remember everything maybe? Just read to find out!

DestinyEntwinements – 00 you too!

Lady Aki– Thank you so much "hugs". I'm so happy!

Q - You didn't get what I was trying to say. I mean the purebloods used there deaths for the ministry and civilians to hate muggles! More wizards and witches hates miggles more dark wizards! Didn't you get it? More supporters of the Dark to clean the world of muggles!

aknut – Thanks for the offer but the true reason I don't have a beta is that I want to post my chapters as soon as I finished them. But thank you! I'm so glad you liked it!

Dark – Happy!!!!


murdraxNot for a while my dear! Keep reading to know!

kag0m37 – Hey! Thanks a lot my friend! I'm glad you approved on where I used that names you've given me! Thanks!

Krystina Black – I wished you'd like it till the end!

Serpent91 – Thanks! I'll try my best!, thanks for waiting!

darkangledragonlover- hahahaha here I updated at last! My GOD where going to get along so well! I Love Dark Harry fics a LOT! Yes I like HP/LV! Wish you'll review more!

mini pouce06 – Thanks for the luck! Here hoped you'll like it!

BlueEyes White Dragon Sorce...No I'm not abandoning my fics don't worry! I'm glad someone understands what I'm going through I'm not exactly the brightest of the bunch but I;m trying my best

Sigi - Thanks a lot!

haruhikitty1991thanks for waiting and not giving up on me!

Pink-xXx-Kiss – "blush" thanks! Here's the latest chapter!