First off, this is my second attempt at a story. I've had many ideas of a kingdom hearts 3, so I thought I should make a story. The beginning might be a little slow, but I hope to get it better. And eventually I will put something with the knights in the secret ending. At the beginning of this, it is ment to be the letter Mickey sends Sora, Riku, and Kairi at the end of KH2. The rating is for later chapters.

Disclaimer: I'm gonna say this ONLY once, I don't own ANYTHING! If I did, Kingdom Hearts 3 would already be made. Okay, I will tell about characters I made up. Man, I hate disclaimers.

Sora, Riku, Kairi,

With the worlds at peace, we wonder, will we see all of our friends again? All of the people you've met have had an effect in your life. Good or bad, dark or light. Keep those experiences in your heart. If you keep those memories of your friends close to your heart and never forget them, than those friends will always be with you, and in turn, you will always be with them.

Most importantly, keep each other close. The three of you have a connection like no other. Together, your hearts are more powerful than any weapon on any world. One day, if darkness consumes the worlds or if the walls of the worlds break down, you may get separated from each other. Also, always remember, don't let the dark tempt you, and don't let the light fool you. Dark isn't always bad while light isn't always good.

We may never see each other again, but we will always be together in our hearts.


"Something's never change, do they?"

Three teenagers were sitting on a tree on a small island. It was overlooking a sunset over an orange sea. The person on the far right had spiky brown hair that went in every direction. He wore a bright red t-shirt, loose jeans with a black belt around his waist, and black shoes that looked a little big for his feet. Around his neck was a silver chain with a little silver crown attached, and on his hands were black fingerless gloves. He was the one who just talked. His name was Sora.

"I know. It's so amazing. We've always looked at the sunset this way since we were, what…5? Now, 13 years later, we look at it the same way." The girl next Sora said. She had red hair down to a little past her shoulders and had bangs a little over her eyes. She wore a purple tank top with a matching short purple skirt. On each arm she wore two bracelets and on her neck was a black choker and a chain with some beautiful rock on it. Her name was Kairi.

"It is amazing, isn't it?" The last teen said followed by a sigh. He had silver hair down to the middle of his back and his eyes were barely visible under his bangs. He wore a sleeveless blue shirt with an unzipped white vest over it, long, baggy dark jeans, and a wristband on his right arm. His name was Riku.

"I've been wondering for a while," Kairi started, "in a few weeks, when we graduate and go to really live life, do you think we will keep watching the sunset like this?"

"No doubt. We've been together through everything. Things will change, but we will always stay together." Sora said.

"Yeah, against Xehanort, Xemnas, coning back to school after that…" Riku counted off.

"Man, going back to school was worse than everything." Sora said.

"He, he, I know," Kairi laughed, "Riku was put in our grade and you were put in classes with 'special help'."

"Tell me about it. Being with you guys in school was like hell," Riku laughed, "just kiddin."

The three sat in peaceful silence again staring at the sun. It had been 3 years since Riku and Sora had returned to Destiny Islands and they had lived life like normal teenagers. Every free night they had, they came back to the island they always used to play at when they were younger. Now, the sun was almost set and darkness almost covering the sky. Suddenly Sora jumped off the tree.

"Sorry, gotta go. I forgot that mom wanted me back before sunset. Man, she's gonna kill me…" He said while starting to run towards his boat.

"Maybe we should start heading home, too." Riku said to Kairi.

"Okay, let's go." Kairi said as she and Riku walked towards their boats. They said their goodbyes and left.

The room was dark. In it was five people, almost completely hidden by the darkness. There was a light in the middle of the room, however, that showed their outlines. Three of the people were grouped on one side while the other two were on the other side, separated.

"How much longer must this take?" A feminine voice said. She was separate from the group of three.

"Our brother isn't here…" Said one of the men in the group of three. From his outline you could tell he had longer hair than the rest of them.

"…and won't be for a long time." Said another of the three. He was the biggest of the three, taller and, you could tell, stronger. He had a deep voice.

"You know as well as I do, Sorceress, that we can't do this without him." The man in the middle of the other two said. He seemed to be the leader of the three.

"I know that it will be extremely hard to get him. He is a strong person with a strong heart, and from what I've heard he's a…" The man who hadn't spoke yet said.

"That's why I have help. Ha ha ha…" the woman started, "it's amazing what a simple lie kan do. My 'help' has already started getting our member and destroying our enemies…"

"Yes," the leader of the group of three said, "the seven princesses and the keyblade masters."

"All in time," the woman said in a dark voice, "this kan and will happen in time."

So how was it? Please, if you read it, review it.