Alright everyone. This is a wrap-up note to establish a few things about this story.

First, the revamp I had started on this story is finally finished. I've been on-and-off doing it for years now, it feels like. I know I started the revamp back in college and I've been out of college for at least three years now. I only wrote and updated chapters when I felt like it, so there were huge periods of times where I wouldn't revise a chapter. I know that there was a period of at least a year gap between chapter revamps. This story was the first major chapter story I wrote that I ever really completed or felt proud of. But when I went back for kicks and giggles and re-read some of what I wrote, I nearly barfed at how bad it was.

Second, the revamp revised and redid a lot of things. The plot of Ocarina of Time mainly stays the same, but I changed a few things to accommodate the new characters I put in. And the plot changes drastically at a few points in the story in the new revamped version in comparison to my old version, if only to rewrite things to make more sense.

Third, I had a billion announcement chapters originally tagged at the end of this story and removed most of them because most of them were whining and nothing substantial.

Fourth, now that the revamp is done, the only thing I might do in the future is gloss over and fix some glaring grammatical mistakes or tweak a couple lines of dialogue here and there. Nothing drastic will change and I'm done with revamping this story. And I'll do that, again, in my own good time. It's nothing to be concerned about. I've only noticed some grammatical issues in chapters I rushed out and only found them when I went back to consult a chapter for the sake of continuity when writing other chapters. I'll fix 'em when I fix 'em.

Fifth, I'm basically done with fanfiction now. I love the website and I'll always visit it to get my shipping fix, but I don't think I'll be writing or continuing anything else. I'm not promising anything. There's still a chance I might get a spark to write a one-shot or something or maybe do a gloss over and edit some old chapters of another story, but I've got no other plans to write anything else.

With that, enjoy the story. Fanfiction really kills views when it never updates that a chapter has been replaced or something. I wasn't looking for views. I doubt this story will garner any interest at all. I'm only throwing out the announcement that this story is officially revamped and can be read comfortably without feeling like a fifteen-year-old wrote it when she thought she was good at writing.

So, thanks.