I'm so sick. I have the flu. I hat being sick because I have a weak immune system and often get sicker than others so I suffering but, hey, I'm writing. This is dedicated to my hometown homegirl Hikari no Tenshi and WoM for letting everyone know that Valerie's no "fat chick".

Thank you

"Why did you tell them I was the informer?" Valerie paced the small bedroom and glared at Danny. The boys were asleep on the sofas in the large room. They had all decided it would be best if they all started out tomorrow.

"What was I suppose to tell them?" Danny whispered as he sat on the bed. He gently placed his head in his hands, hardly believing the events of the day.

"Oh, I don't know, how about the truth?" Valerie raised an eyebrow at him.

"Ok, let's just tell them how Tucker is forced to semi-rape his best friend night after night just so we can have a glimmer of a chance at saving her." His whispers were harsh.


"No, seriously, lets just walk right in there and tell them that he's been doing it for, what? Two years now? Nope, three."

"Danny, please-

"No, Valerie lets just go and tell them how no matter what they do, no matter how hard they fight, they couldn't save their best friend from becoming the favorite costume of a bitch of a ghost." His voice begins to break. "Yea let's tell them that!"

"Oh, Danny Baby, I'm so sorry." She ran to him and wrapped her arms around him. Danny's psyche had not been as stable as time went by and hope became thin. "I didn't mean to-, I-, Oh Danny." She kissed him gently, stroking his hair. "We're going to save her Danny. It will work. I promise. You were right."

Danny felt the want to pull away, he had come to hate empathy but he loved her to much to show it. He gently stroked her back and steadied himself. After some time he spoke. "I'm ok Valerie, I'm ok."

Valerie looked up into his eyes and could only nod. A soft cough was heard and Valerie quickly sat up and wiped the tears from her face. She took a deep breath and sighed.

"Come in."

Danni phased through the door. "Hi."

"Hey there little soldier." Valerie smiled as she spoke the name that always seemed to bug the heck out of the cloned halfa.

Danny smirked at the obvious cringe but frowned as he saw the look she gave him. "What's the news?"

"She's getting stronger Danny. Tuck said she held on for two days this time. We'll have our shot at her addressing of the people."

Valerie raised an eyebrow. "Yea, but that's in two days."

Danny nodded but thought of the extra help that fell into his lap. "We'll be ready."

Woo Hoo! Finished! Enjoy and Comment!!!