Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha.

Eleven years later...




"Ok Rin, once more!"

"Ahhhhhhhh!", Rin screamed in agony while the midwife cut the umbilical cord.

"It's a beautiful baby girl!" Kagome cooed, handing the newborn to a servant who left to clean her up.

"Kagome, I swear this is the last one." Rin said, wiping the sweat off her brow. This was the fifth and final child of Rin and Sesshomaru.

"You said that the last time." chuckling, ripping off her rubber gloves. "Are you finished?" the miko asked the servant. Getting up, she saw a worried look on her face.

"Yes, but something's strange." showing the strange birthmark on the babe's back.

"What do you mean?" Kagome rushed to her, keeping a calm face in front of Rin.

"Look, my lady." pointing to the dragon on her back, just like Sayuri's.

"How strange. Give the baby to Rin, I will go speak to Sesshomaru. It's probably nothing, she looks healthy."

"Yes, my lady." nodding her head. She then handed the quiet baby to her mother. "Lady Rin, here is your child." smiling at the woman.

"Arigato." she said, barely in a whisper. "She's beautiful." stroking the baby's silver hair and puppy ears. Big brown eyes matching her own looked up at her before grabbing a handful of Rin's hair. Light blue markings were on each cheek, wrist and ankles.

"Sesshomaru, you have a daughter!" Kagome smiled, as she entered the den where the demon lord and his four other children were waiting patiently for the new arrival. All four hanyous stopped conversation and stared up at their aunt from the floor pillows.

"Is Rin alright?" taking his youngest son off his lap. The six year old's dog ears twitched, searching for the sound of his mother's voice. His long light brown hair bounced as he ran to his aunt.

"Auntie Kaggie, is mama alright?" with hazel eyes full of worry.

"Yes Musaki, she's with the child right now. Do you all want to see them?" searching for her other nephews' and nieces' reaction.

"Yes!" the nine year old identical twins Azumi and Aiko said in unison. They both had long, jet black hair, gold eyes, upside-down blue crescent moons on their forehead, and elf ears. Even though they were identical they were complete opposites; Azumi was a girly girl. Unlike Aiko, who was a total tomboy, always following her older brother and his friends, and getting into trouble.

"Well, let's go!" leading the children into the hall. Kenji was the last and oldest child to leave, looking ahead with the same emotionless expression on his face, just like Sesshomaru. The boy looked a lot like his father as a child, with long waist length silver hair. "Sesshomaru, I need to talk to you." stopping the demon lord in his tracks.

"What? You said that everything's fine." he said with the same blank look on his face, but he was really worried.

"Yes, they're both fine, but the baby has a strange birthmark."

"What, that's it?" he almost laughed, key word "almost."

"It's a dragon "almost" tattooed on her back." Sesshomaru did not seem to care as long as his mate and pup were healthy.

"That's odd, maybe Lady Reika would know something about it." leaving the miko to see his wife. All of his children surrounded the bed where Rin and the baby lay. Even with the sweat and bloodshot eyes, she looked beautiful.

"Hey Sessh, do you want to hold your daughter?" smiling up at her mate. Quietly he walked to the bed and took the babe into his arms. One of those smiles crept on his face while looking down at her. Something about her was very familiar, as if he met her before.

'Maybe she's a reincarnation, that would explain the mark.' "She looks like you, Rin." keeping his eyes on his youngest child.

"Her name is Yeiko." turning her attention to her other children. They all sat down on the floor, staring at the baby in Sesshomaru's arms.

"I like that name, mommy." Musaki chirped, running to get a better look at the child.

"This Sesshomaru likes it too." putting the baby in the boy's arms who held her securely as if his life depended on it. "I am going to send for Lady Reika." giving his mate a kiss on the forehead. The message was sent and the lady of the South would be there in three days.

Three days later...

"Lord Sesshomaru, Lady Reika and Lord Kanaye are at the gates!" Jaken yelled, running through the halls of the palace. The western lord and lady were in the dining area, eating with their children. Yeiko was sleeping in the nursery.

"What, Jaken?" never taking his eyes off his plate.

"The Eastern lord and lady have arrived." bowing to the royal family, who seemed to pay the imp no attention.

"Let them enter."

"No need Lord Sesshomaru, your servant left us in the hall." a feminine voice called, entering the dining room with a warm smile. "May I say again, congratulations on the child. When can I see her?"

"Lady Reika, its so good to see you!" Rin leapt from her seat to embrace the hanyou, both ladies were dressed in fine silk kimonos. Reika's was red with a dragon in gold stitching, while Rin's was a soft pink, adorned with colorful flowers. Lord Kanaye and their grandson Hiroyuki stood behind, watching the scene.

"Hai, Lady Rin. I never expected you to have another child after Musaki."

"Yes, things happen, but I'm glad." letting the hanyou go, to lovingly look at her mate who gave a blank look in return, to the untrained eye.

"Where is the child?" curious about the urgent call to come to the west.

"This way." leading the Eastern lady into the nursery.

"Hello everyone, Azumi." the young lord greeted the family, his waist length light green hair covering his silver eyes as he bowed. His grandfather, a full fire demon with blood red eyes and forest green shoulder length hair in a low pony tail.

"Hello, Hiroyuki." Azumi responded shyly, blushing. Both youkai lords raised an eyebrow at the two children.

"Before I forget, Lord Sesshomaru, we have a gift in celebration on the new arrival."

"Arigato, what is it?"

"Please come with me outside." waiting for the family to follow him, leading them outside to the main gates. Outside stood the carriage that the Eastern family came in. Opening the door, Kanaye pulled out a small, cream colored pony about the size of a house cat. "This is Kalama, a very rare fire demon horse. Don't worry, she'll grow to be taller than most men in time." gently handing the pony to Sesshomaru. It's bright red eyes looked around for food. When she saw none, she whined.

"What's wrong with it?" staring at the small creature.

"She's probably hungry, but she likes you. Usually she burns strangers with her mane." pointing to th orange and red hairs going down her back.

"I thought these beasts were supposed to be extinct?" Kenji asked the fire youkai.

"I have the last remaining three, or now should I say, two." smiling at the pony in Sesshomaru's arms.

"This Sesshomaru thanks you for this generous gift." giving a curt nod then handing the creature to Aiko, who was next to him. "Let's go back inside, we are going to be here with our mates... conversing. Knowing his Rin, she and Reika are talking about Yeiko and the pain of child birth. Somehow they will get on the subject of clothes and which person in the court is having an affair with who.

"Well look at her, she's beautiful." Reika looked down lovingly at the babe in the crib Kagome got for Kenji, and was used by all of the other children. Yeiko woke up to her voice, looking at the hanyou with big brown eyes. "She looks perfectly fine, why did you ask for my assistance?" turning to Rin.

"Her back... has Lady Sayuri's tattoo.." picking up the child to show Reika the mark under her kimono. Clear as day, a dragon tattoo/ birthmark was there, just like the former northen lady's.

"Oh, it seems my mother has returned." giving Rin a warm smile. "May I?" reaching out for Yeiko, who oddly enough, was silent after she awoke.

"Sure." handing her the baby. The newborn looked up at Reika and blinked, her eyes switching from lavender, and back to brown.

"Mother, your back... I wonder if father has returned?" gently rocking the child in her arms. Deep down she knew that her father had to be reincarnated. Both never had the happy ending they deserved, maybe in this lifetime they could.

"Are you serious, my daughter is the reincarnation of Sayuri?" a mix of shock, pride and amazement on her fair features.

"Quite. If you want, I could place a concealment spell on the birthmark until she finds her 'Xu'." putting Yeiko back into the crib.

"Please do so... I hope she finds her true love someday." speaking both for her daughter and Lady Sayuri.

"Let's go back. From what I can hear, my mate has already given Yeiko a birthday gift." leaving the nursery, Rin following close behind with the baby in tow.

"What is it?"

"A surprise." smiling back at mother and child.

"Ewww!" Musaki screeched, "It pooped!", alerting the whole palace that Yeiko's gift isn't house broken.

"What did you get for her?" eyeing the hanyou's back. She ignored her and whistled a song through the halls, into the den where everyone else was. The only sounds that filled the halls were Reika's whistle and Yeiko's cooing at all the new scents and sounds that assaulted her ears and nose.



That's it. It was fun, but now it's done. I might post a sequel. Thanx to all my readers and reviews! Check out my other stories... Later.

Luv Bert8813