Hi, I know every one hates me now, and I don't blame them. School ain't easy, and all those who, like me in the beginning of the year, thought that being a litterature student means that you're stupid cos it's where all the losers and idiots and morons and lazy asses go, then think again. That is the only reason why I couldn't update; that, and I was trying real HARD NOT to include anything I learned in Philosophy. This is a comic fiction, parodying Snow White and the Seven Dwarves in every perverted way I can think of, notsome Moral Class.

Sorry again, please forgice me, and happy Halloween!


Chapter VII: Dessert in Many Ways


Garland ushered his cottage-mates out of the cottage eerily in the morning to make sure that they get to work on time; without his guidance who knew what they would do, besides taking two hours more than necessary to get there. In short, our Six Bishies left at 5.30 am, normally taking an hour walk in the morning to get fresh and ready for the Fan Girl Mobbing the moment the store opens, to make sure they DO arrive at 8.30 and not at 12 pm.

Not exactly caring for their well being (well, they ARE nuisances…), he went to make breakfast, a proper meal comparing to Bryan's attempted murder to them all. Thank God they were all a little immune to that mass of poison, and all thanks to (he NEVER thought he'd ever say this…) Tala's own mass production of Toxic Waste every Wednesday. They were forced to eat that shit if they didn't want to say good bye to what would be left of their garden; hey, that piece of land was expensive!!!

Garland quickly made breakfast look presentable and worth of an Emperor, and not long afterwards glanced up to the staircase, where Rei cutely and sleepily stumbled down in an over-large shirt belonging to who knows who, but whoever that was had a horrible taste; fuchsia chequered bright blue shirt with bright yellow little duckies. Every where!!! But on Rei, anything looked cute as a Law, and this was no exception; he looked more like a cute kitten than a colour blind dork.

Rei limped cutely to the table, and sat with Garland's help. The breakfast was no more, because 1) he ate it al up and 2) it was past noon.


" Garland. My name is Garland."

"Uh... Garland -kun, is there anything I can do in the household today?"

"No, it's okay, Rei-sama."

"But I refuse to stay here without paying my due-"

"Rei-sama – it's okay; you have done more in the last two days than we did in three years. Besides, you are not to work that hard; it is not fit for a princess."

"Okay..." came the cute mumble.

"Well,now that you are done with brunch, would you like something sweet? I know (living with humanoid grazing water buffaloes) that it is custom to have a sweeter dish after the meal."

"Ooooh, that would be nice!!"

"I have just collected some honey cakes (1) earlier today and some home made apricot jam. Would you like?"

"Oooh, yes I would!!!"

Reaching for filthy plates, Garland told Rei: "Why don't you go the dojo? The one on the far left, with red paper-walls, okay?"


Rei was sitting on the edge of the balcony, his legs swinging carelessly outside (2); he didn't notice Garland coming in with a tray full of sweeties: a platter full of honey cakes, and a small bowl with some orange-coloured jam. He turned his head slightly when he heard him put the tray down.

"Ah! XD wow, so many sweeties! Yummy!!!"

"Say Rei, would you like me to feed you? Who knows, could be fun!"

Rei had already reached out for his treat, but agreed anyway. He was gonna get his dessert either way, so why whine? Oooh, if he knew… To make it even more convenient, Garland asked Rei to lie down, so that he still had a bar between his legs that still didn't stop swinging. To make it more…'nice', he took a long piece of cloth out of nowhere and covered Rei's eyes.

"What are you doing, Garland-san?"

"Oh, nothing much, just testing your, ah, taste buds!"

"Oh! Okay!"

"Alright now, open up!"


" Bryan!!"

"I know, I know, don't chew on the kitty-formed-chew-toy!"

"If you know, why do you do it?"

"Aw, common! Just one taste of the kitty can drive you mad!!!"

"Who said that you weren't…?"

"HEY! I mean that… that…"


"That he tastes wonderful!!!"

"And how many here have yet to taste him, you ass??!"

"GASP!! Robert, how could you? How uncouth!"

"Shut up, Bryan! And don't mock use my (noble) vocabulary! So far, only you and Brooklyn have had the –pleasure- to taste that morsel, and by God the rest of us HATE you right now!!!"

"Hear hear!!!"

"What is this, Tala, a conspiracy against me? You were always on my side!"

"Not now I ain't! why d'ja think you are at the cashier's?"


"HA! Suffer the pain of giving change to the fan girls!!! HAha!!" And in the far conrner amongst the other kitty-formed-chew-toys was Brooklyn, sitting IN a pile of those toys, chewing on one with slobber dripping from his mouth by the tons. Hey, where did all the charm go?


Right now, we are back to where we left our two horny… creatures, and currently enjoying the beautiful view presented to us, in all the enticing and delicious unanimity of the atmosphere and lust in the air, and no this don't make sense cos I am drabbling.

Rei was still on his back, eyes covered, and moaning like that was all he did all his life. Garland was lying down as well, his head at Rei's tummy. He was planning on having a 69, but right now couldn't remember why there was wind blowing at his ass, regardless of the obvious fact that they were 12 feet above ground, 'lounging' on a balcony.

Garland felt a soft tongue nudging at his fingertips, and immediately stopped his activity on the tanned stomach to sit up again. He turned around to remove the fingers and dip them in the jam. Apricot jam. Yum. He tore a small piece of honey cake with jam-soaked fingers and returned to his duty. Yes, duty. Seven days, seven Bishies, and seven lovely ways of getting in princess' pants!

His duty: he put the piece of cake into Rei's mouth and bent down to the stomach once more; he licked and sucked and nibbled at the skin, enjoying every molecule he got off Rei's body. The taste, the flavour, the aroma, all the same yet oh so different when it came to his honey cake beneath him. Rei began to squirm again, like he did every time Garland continued his interrupted business after taking more jam. This was the fourth time that his seme (number 3) had paused to get more of the sticky stuff he loved so to suck.

Rei clutched at the shirt he was wearing, now crumpled and reaching his sides, and clenched his covered eyes as he felt how his pole (?) (3) was being worshipped. Knees bent tighter around a metal bar, back arching slightly off the floor, Rei was in heaven. Oh how he loved having dessert! And he loved even more when Garland nudged hislegs open, licking down his penis to his balls, the skin in between, behind the balls, and all the way down to his anus. As gross as this might seem, please remember that we are in the presence of two gay boys and and uke who would allow almost anything happen down there. Almost.

Jam not being advisable, Garland slicked the hole with saliva as good as he could in his current position, and lubricated with much satisfaction the place he was about to cal 'home' for the next few hours.



"Kai, what's going on? This is the fourth time you are sneezing all over your dessert!"

"I am alright, Grandfather. It is most embarrassing for a Hiwatari to sneeze over their dessert, and I therefore apologise." And Kai effectuated a noble and elegent bow.

"You are forgiven. Though, you did sneeze elegantly, so it is more than alright." A returned bow, though not as elegant as our lord Kai. (4)


Garland looked up as he felt how Rei lifted himself on his elbows, knees pulled up slightly to remove the erect pole from his mouth. Rei let out a small giggle when he saw the pout, and moved so that his legs were now under his butt; I meant he was now kneeling in front fo Garland, who had a hard time not looking at the pretty leaking peak between Rei's legs and was drooling as freely as Takao ignored manners.

The next few moments were what one would find in any lemon fic or situation Garland jumped Rei, and thrust into his 'home for the next few hours' with ease, and with great embarrassment…


'BORIS!!! Massage my feet!!"

"But you Hillariness…"


"Ugh… okay…" and, with great yet hesitant determination, Boris clothed himself with those suits from the nuclear power plant, put on four extra layers of the world's best rubber-and-anit-bacterial-gloves, a pair of HUGE and immediately-destroying-alien-life-forms-tongs, and walked towards a pair of fungus infested, destroyed, horrifying toes…


…he came immediately. Garland wanted to die. Rei giggled.

"Oh my God, I am sorry… I didn't mean…"

"Hihi it's okay, I was told to be tight and yummy, but that's a good thing right? Or no?"

"Yeah, that is a good thing! I just thought that Brooklyn was kidding… do wonder that Bryan was so dazed!"

"Hihi, so you like dirty-talking?"

"Uh… yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeah who told you?"

"The Idiot wiv red hair."


"Uh huh. He said you are a yoga master and like dirty talking and like esanemm!"

"You mean S&M."

"Uh huh!!!" –cute Rei giggle-

And now, the authoress, being terrible at anything kinky and ain't no good at dirty talking, will just tell you that it was not so soon afterwards that Garland was harder than fresh coconut (5), and had more stamina than antilope in mating season, and Rei was definitely his 'home for the next few hours'. XD

After those 'next few hours', Rei was tired as hell and Garland had never felt so satisfied his entire life.

On the balcony: missionary, doggy, up against the glass wall, up against the glass wall on the other side (inside the room), on the floor, on the carpet next to that floor, on the couch next to that carpet, on the table of the room, against the wall next to that table and couch on one side of the TV, on the other wall next to the TV, and finally in the bedroom, meaning the door, the door in the inside, on the (now unfixable) closet, on the carpeted floor next to the bad, against the side of the bed, and…

…and they finally made in to the bad, and too exhausted to move. They just cuddled and higged and snuggled up together. It was now a few hours to sunset, and Rei decided to help Garland to bake pumpkin pies. HE LOVED PUMPKIN PIES!

…and felt so sad when Garland said 'no desserts yet' when he suggested they could try the fresh pies in the living room downstairs. BUT!!! They were going to celebrate! It was Hollow's Eve, so of course they had to!


Our six other Bishies arrived to their 'quaint' cottage at sundown, dragging by a rope both Bryan and Brooklyn (for obvious reasons), and were taken by the cute decoration in the garden. There were no more pumpkins, but everything was orange anyways (flowers, fruits, cloths, and…wait, is that a cat??!), and as they entered their home they were greeted byt the yummiest scene ever.

Rei was standing in front of them, Garland on his side, holding a HUGE basket full of candy. He was dressed in… nothing. Well, nothing in their dreams, nothing except a VERY short bunny suit, ears and tail and paws and all. Oooh this was gonna be a lovely Hollow's Eve!


Shrillary was taking care of Halloween in the castle properly. I mean, nightmares and whatnot are normal on Halloween, no? then I guess taking care of her toes (Boris is still in the ER) and seeing her in a belly dancer's costume took care of the coming year's Halloween as well, ne?


(1) Those cake like thingies you can get straight from domesticated bees, look like waffles with their hexagon-holes but aren't… this don't make sense, right? Yes, Garland is a passionate bees' keeper, and yes, he likes to make home made jam I think he's cute!

(2) To make sure no one thinks I am gonna kill him, there is a fence on the balcony, with vertical bars; Rei is seated in such a way that he is leaning on his palms backwards, with his feet swinging outside, one of the bars between his (cough) legs.

(3) 'Ey, princess have NO pole, so hwo can I say that our very male and very Uke princess has a pole? XD

(4) Now, why the hell do we have a Kai scene? I just wanted to add it.

(5) I am tired of the wxpression of 'hard as steel', so I tried something new, how is it?


Another thing; I was thinking of Parodying the Myth of Ganymedes, via Weiß Kreuz, pairing" YohjixRan. We are studying the Metamorphoses from Ovid, and OH MY GOD when I get inspired by myths like Ganymedes or Hyakinthos, then I can't let go!

Please accept my apology again... m(- -)m