I don't own W.I.T.C.H no matter how hard I wish I did.

I don't know about Will's dad much so I made his character up please don't sue!

Chapter one

Jonathan Vandom was alone sitting at his desk in his office thinking about what had been going on in the last year. First his sixteen year old daughter appeared at his door at three a cloak in the morning, tears streaming down her face. She was soaking from the pouring rain.

Sighing he placed down the book on ancient ruins which he was trying to read for his next lecture. He stood up picking up the monitor for his grandson. Grandson the thought made him smile even though he wasn't pleased Will had run away from her problems, even if her problem was a four month old bundle of trouble. He walked into the kitchen to get something to eat since he couldn't concentrate.

He picked up a slice of pie and sat at the kitchen side placing the white monitor. To listen to hear any sounds, Will was asleep and he had told her he would see to him. He thought back to when she had come to him, she leapt into his arms crying about what a big mistake she had made. It had taken her a little while for her to explain everything including what the guardians of the veil were, he was shocked when he found out what his little girl had been up to and when he found out about her mother not knowing he was disappointed in her.

But the biggest thing was that she was pregnant with one of her best friend's boyfriend's child. A cry was heard from the monitor and he went upstairs to his room which was next to Will's room, inside was basic a changing table chest of drawers and of course a small white crib, inside was a screaming bundle of cloth waving about. Jonathan walked up to his grandson's crib and picked him up he instantly settled down his large green eyes looking up at the middle aged man.

In the next room Will could hear her son crying her father had offered to let her sleep tonight but she still couldn't sleep well, she rolled out of bed and walked to the window over looking the city. She looked a mess her sweat pants were so loose they looked like they would fall down at anytime her skin looked sickly and she had rings under her eyes. She thought about her son in the next room and her hasty retreat from Heatherfield, she couldn't face her mother or Cornelia after what she had done.

It was a time when Matt was forgetting things like their dates and things like that, Caleb wasn't having the easiest time with the earth guardian and they had sought comfort in each other. But what happened because of it was never meant to be, she wasn't suppose to be a teenage mother or be so ashamed that she left the heart with Hay Lin with a small note saying she was sorry but she had to leave. She left a similar note to her mother. Then she left town and went on the road to find her father she knew he would take her in since he had told her so in a few letters he sent.

Her father she smiled he was with her every doctors appointment and scan when she was pregnant, when it came time to give birth he was in the waiting room since she had kicked him out. When Liam was born he loved and doted on him every moment of the day but it took her a little while to get used to being a mom and when he opened his eyes it was Caleb looking back at her, it was hard to raise a child who looks so much like the father you want to forget. But he did look a bit like her same nose.

"Poor kid." She muttered to herself as the stars glittered in the sky above her. She smiled softly at the sky bidding good night to the friends she left and went back towards her bed not knowing what was heading her way.

I know really super short but it was just an intro to the story and I want to know if I should continue it.